Touring the Let’s Eat app
Let’s take a quick tour of the app that you will build. The Let’s Eat app is a restaurant app that allows users to explore a list of restaurants categorized by cuisine or view a map showing all restaurants in a particular area. You’ll see all the screens used in the app and its overall flow in the next sections.
You can see a video version of this app tour at this link:
Using the Explore screen
When the app is launched, you will see the Explore screen:

Figure 10.6: Explore screen
Let’s study the different parts of this screen.
A UITabBar
instance (tab bar) at the bottom of the screen displays Explore and Map buttons. The Explore button is selected, and you see a collection view displaying a list of cuisines in collection view cells. A UICollectionReusableView
instance (section header) containing a LOCATION button is at the top of the screen...