Understanding the multi-SPA architecture
The multi-SPA architecture pattern is one of the most common patterns for building large-scale applications. As the name suggests, in this pattern, we have a collection of SPAs that together form a large application. In this pattern, each SPA behaves as its own independent feature or module that can be directly accessed via a URL namespaced and mapped to the app. These SPAs also share a very thin layer of shared components and global state to ensure coherency and consistency between the apps.

Figure 4.1 – The multi-SPA architecture
As you can see in Figure 4.1, we have four SPAs: a catalog, which will hold pages such as product listings, product details, search, and so on; a checkout SPA containing pages such as shopping cart, payments, and so on; the MyAccounts SPA; and the Seller/Admin SPA. You will also notice that this pattern allows us to easily add additional SPAs as the application grows.
Each of...