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How-To Tutorials - Full-Stack Web Development

52 Articles
Vijin Boricha
10 Apr 2018
9 min read
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Applying Spring Security using JSON Web Token (JWT)

Vijin Boricha
10 Apr 2018
9 min read
Today, we will learn about spring security and how it can be applied in various forms using powerful libraries like JSON Web Token (JWT). Spring Security is a powerful authentication and authorization framework, which will help us provide a secure application. By using Spring Security, we can keep all of our REST APIs secured and accessible only by authenticated and authorized calls. Authentication and authorization Let's look at an example to explain this. Assume you have a library with many books. Authentication will provide a key to enter the library; however, authorization will give you permission to take a book. Without a key, you can't even enter the library. Even though you have a key to the library, you will be allowed to take only a few books. JSON Web Token (JWT) Spring Security can be applied in many forms, including XML configurations using powerful libraries such as Jason Web Token. As most companies use JWT in their security, we will focus more on JWT-based security than simple Spring Security, which can be configured in XML. JWT tokens are URL-safe and web browser-compatible especially for Single Sign-On (SSO) contexts. JWT has three parts: Header Payload Signature The header part decides which algorithm should be used to generate the token. While authenticating, the client has to save the JWT, which is returned by the server. Unlike traditional session creation approaches, this process doesn't need to store any cookies on the client side. JWT authentication is stateless as the client state is never saved on a server. JWT dependency To use JWT in our application, we may need to use the Maven dependency. The following dependency should be added in the pom.xml file. You can get the Maven dependency from: We have used version 2.3.0 of the Maven dependency in our application: <dependency> <groupId>javax.xml.bind</groupId> <artifactId>jaxb-api</artifactId> <version>2.3.0</version> </dependency> Note: As Java 9 doesn't include DataTypeConverter in their bundle, we need to add the preceding configuration to work with DataTypeConverter. We will cover DataTypeConverter in the following section. Creating a Jason Web Token To create a token, we have added an abstract method called createToken in our SecurityService interface. This interface will tell the implementing class that it has to create a complete method for createToken. In the createToken method, we will use only the subject and expiry time as these two options are important when creating a token. At first, we will create an abstract method in the SecurityService interface. The concrete class (whoever implements the SecurityService interface) has to implement the method in their class: public interface SecurityService { String createToken(String subject, long ttlMillis); // other methods } In the preceding code, we defined the method for token creation in the interface. SecurityServiceImpl is the concrete class that implements the abstract method of the SecurityService interface by applying the business logic. The following code will explain how JWT will be created by using the subject and expiry time: private static final String secretKey= "4C8kum4LxyKWYLM78sKdXrzbBjDCFyfX"; @Override public String createToken(String subject, long ttlMillis) { if (ttlMillis <= 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Expiry time must be greater than Zero :["+ttlMillis+"] "); } // The JWT signature algorithm we will be using to sign the token SignatureAlgorithm signatureAlgorithm = SignatureAlgorithm.HS256; byte[] apiKeySecretBytes = DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(secretKey); Key signingKey = new SecretKeySpec(apiKeySecretBytes, signatureAlgorithm.getJcaName()); JwtBuilder builder = Jwts.builder() .setSubject(subject) .signWith(signatureAlgorithm, signingKey); long nowMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); builder.setExpiration(new Date(nowMillis + ttlMillis)); return builder.compact(); } The preceding code creates the token for the subject. Here, we have hardcoded the secret key "4C8kum4LxyKWYLM78sKdXrzbBjDCFyfX " to simplify the token creation process. If needed, we can keep the secret key inside the properties file to avoid hard code in the Java code. At first, we verify whether the time is greater than zero. If not, we throw the exception right away. We are using the SHA-256 algorithm as it is used in most applications. Note: Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) is a cryptographic hash function. The cryptographic hash is in the text form of a data file. The SHA-256 algorithm generates an almost-unique, fixed-size 256-bit hash. SHA-256 is one of the more reliable hash functions. We have hardcoded the secret key in this class. We can also store the key in the file. However to simplify the process, we have hardcoded it: private static final String secretKey= "4C8kum4LxyKWYLM78sKdXrzbBjDCFyfX"; We are converting the string key to a byte array and then passing it to a Java class, SecretKeySpec, to get a signingKey. This key will be used in the token builder. Also, while creating a signing key, we use JCA, the name of our signature algorithm. Note: Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) was introduced by Java to support modern cryptography techniques. We use the JwtBuilder class to create the token and set the expiration time for it. The following code defines the token creation and expiry time setting option: JwtBuilder builder = Jwts.builder() .setSubject(subject) .signWith(signatureAlgorithm, signingKey); long nowMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); builder.setExpiration(new Date(nowMillis + ttlMillis)); We will have to pass time in milliseconds while calling this method as the setExpiration takes only milliseconds. Finally, we have to call the createToken method in our HomeController. Before calling the method, we will have to autowire the SecurityService as follows: @Autowired SecurityService securityService; The createToken call is coded as follows. We take the subject as the parameter. To simplify the process, we have hardcoded the expiry time as 2 * 1000 * 60 (two minutes). @Autowired SecurityService securityService; @ResponseBody @RequestMapping("/security/generate/token") public Map<String, Object> generateToken(@RequestParam(value="subject") String subject){ String token = securityService.createToken(subject, (2 * 1000 * 60)); Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<>(); map.put("result", token); return map; } Generating a token We can test the token by calling the API in a browser or any REST client. By calling this API, we can create a token. This token will be used for user authentication-like purposes. Sample API for creating a token is as follows: http://localhost:8080/security/generate/token?subject=one Here we have used one as a subject. We can see the token in the following result. This is how the token will be generated for all the subjects we pass to the API: { result: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJvbmUiLCJleHAiOjE1MDk5MzY2ODF9.GknKcywiIG4- R2bRmBOsjomujP0MxZqdawrB8TO3P4" } Note: JWT is a string that has three parts, each separated by a dot (.). Each section is base-64 encoded. The first section is the header, which gives a clue about the algorithm used to sign the JWT. The second section is the body, and the final section is the signature. Getting a subject from a Jason Web Token So far, we have created a JWT token. Here, we are going to decode the token and get the subject from it. In a future section, we will talk about how to decode and get the subject from the token. As usual, we have to define the method to get the subject. We will define the getSubject method in SecurityService. Here, we will create an abstract method called getSubject in the SecurityService interface. Later, we will implement this method in our concrete class: String getSubject(String token); In our concrete class, we will implement the getSubject method and add our code in the SecurityServiceImpl class. We can use the following code to get the subject from the token: @Override public String getSubject(String token) { Claims claims = Jwts.parser() .setSigningKey(DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(secretKey)) .parseClaimsJws(token).getBody(); return claims.getSubject(); } In the preceding method, we use the Jwts.parser to get the claims. We set a signing key by converting the secret key to binary and then passing it to a parser. Once we get the Claims, we can simply get the subject by calling getSubject. Finally, we can call the method in our controller and pass the generated token to get the subject. You can check the following code, where the controller is calling the getSubject method and returning the subject in the file: @ResponseBody @RequestMapping("/security/get/subject") public Map<String, Object> getSubject(@RequestParam(value="token") String token){ String subject = securityService.getSubject(token); Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<>(); map.put("result", subject); return map; } Getting a subject from a token Previously, we created the code to get the token. Here we will test the method we created previously by calling the get subject API. By calling the REST API, we will get the subject that we passed earlier. Sample API: http://localhost:8080/security/get/subject?token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzd WIiOiJvbmUiLCJleHAiOjE1MDk5MzY2ODF9.GknKcywiI-G4- R2bRmBOsjomujP0MxZqdawrB8TO3P4 Since we used one as the subject when creating the token by calling the generateToken method, we will get "one" in the getSubject method: { result: "one" } Note: Usually, we attach the token in the headers; however, to avoid complexity, we have provided the result. Also, we have passed the token as a parameter to get the subject. You may not need to do it the same way in a real application. This is only for demo purposes. This article is an excerpt from the book Building RESTful Web Services with Spring 5 - Second Edition, written by Raja CSP Raman. This book involves techniques to deal with security in Spring and shows how to implement unit test and integration test strategies. You may also like How to develop RESTful web services in Spring, another tutorial from this book. Check out other posts on Spring Security: Spring Security 3: Tips and Tricks Opening up to OpenID with Spring Security Migration to Spring Security 3  
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Vijin Boricha
10 Apr 2018
3 min read
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Testing RESTful Web Services with Postman

Vijin Boricha
10 Apr 2018
3 min read
In today's tutorial, we are going to leverage Postman framework to successfully test RESTful Web Services. We will also discuss a simple JUnit test case, which is calling the getAllUsers method in userService. We can check the following code: @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @SpringBootTest public class UserTests { @Autowired UserService userSevice; @Test public void testAllUsers(){ List<User> users = userSevice.getAllUsers(); assertEquals(3, users.size()); } } In the preceding code, we have called getAllUsers and verified the total count. Let's test the single-user method in another test case: // other methods @Test public void testSingleUser(){ User user = userSevice.getUser(100); assertTrue(user.getUsername().contains("David")); } In the preceding code snippets, we just tested our service layer and verified the business logic. However, we can directly test the controller by using mocking methods. Postman First, we shall start with a simple API for getting all the users: http://localhost:8080/user The earlier method will get all the users. The Postman screenshot for getting all the users is as follows: In the preceding screenshot, we can see that we get all the users that we added before. We have used the GET method to call this API. Adding a user – Postman Let's try to use the POST method in user to add a new user: http://localhost:8080/user Add the user, as shown in the following screenshot: In the preceding result, we can see the JSON output: { "result" : "added" } Generating a JWT – Postman Let's try generating the token (JWT) by calling the generate token API in Postman using the following code: http://localhost:8080/security/generate/token We can clearly see that we use subject in the Body to generate the token. Once we call the API, we will get the token. We can check the token in the following screenshot: Getting the subject from the token By using the existing token that we created before, we will get the subject by calling the get subject API: http://localhost:8080/security/get/subject The result will be as shown in the following screenshot: In the preceding API call, we sent the token in the API to get the subject. We can see the subject in the resulting JSON. You read an excerpt from Building RESTful Web Services with Spring 5 - Second Edition written by Raja CSP Raman.  From this book, you will learn to build resilient software in Java with the help of the Spring 5.0 framework. Check out the other tutorials from this book: How to develop RESTful web services in Spring Applying Spring Security using JSON Web Token (JWT) More Spring 5 tutorials: Introduction to Spring Framework Preparing the Spring Web Development Environment  
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Gebin George
28 Mar 2018
9 min read
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How to build and deploy Microservices using Payara Micro

Gebin George
28 Mar 2018
9 min read
Payara Micro offers a new way to run Java EE or microservice applications. It is based on the Web profile of Glassfish and bundles few additional APIs. The distribution is designed keeping modern containerized environment in mind. Payara Micro is available to download as a standalone executable JAR, as well as a Docker image. It's an open source MicroProfile compatible runtime. Today, we will learn to use payara micro to build and deploy microservices. Here’s a list of APIs that are supported in Payara Micro: Servlets, JSTL, EL, and JSPs WebSockets JSF JAX-RS Chapter 4 [ 91 ] EJB lite JTA JPA Bean Validation CDI Interceptors JBatch Concurrency JCache We will be exploring how to build our services using Payara Micro in the next section. Building services with Payara Micro Let's start building parts of our Issue Management System (IMS), which is going to be a one-stop-destination for collaboration among teams. As the name implies, this system will be used for managing issues that are raised as tickets and get assigned to users for resolution. To begin the project, we will identify our microservice candidates based on the business model of IMS. Here, let's define three functional services, which will be hosted in their own independent Git repositories: ims-micro-users ims-micro-tasks ims-micro-notify You might wonder, why these three and why separate repositories? We could create much more fine-grained services and perhaps it wouldn't be wrong to do so. The answer lies in understanding the following points: Isolating what varies: We need to be able to independently develop and deploy each unit. Changes to one business capability or domain shouldn't require changes in other services more often than desired. Organisation or Team structure: If you define teams by business capability, then they can work independent of others and release features with greater agility. The tasks team should be able to evolve independent of the teams that are handling users or notifications. The functional boundaries should allow independent version and release cycle management. Transactional boundaries for consistency: Distributed transactions are not easy, thus creating services for related features that are too fine grained, and lead to more complexity than desired. You would need to become familiar with concepts like eventual consistency, but these are not easy to achieve in practice. Source repository per service: Setting up a single repository that hosts all the services is ideal when it's the same team that works on these services and the project is relatively small. But we are building our fictional IMS, which is a large complex system with many moving parts. Separate teams would get tightly coupled by sharing a repository. Moreover, versioning and tagging of releases will be yet another problem to solve. The projects are created as standard Java EE projects, which are Skinny WARs, that will be deployed using the Payara Micro server. Payara Micro allows us to delay the decision of using a Fat JAR or Skinny WAR. This gives us flexibility in picking the deployment choice at a later stage. As Maven is a widely adopted build tool among developers, we will use the same to create our example projects, using the following steps: mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=org.jee8ng -DartifactId=ims-micro-users - DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp -DinteractiveMode=false mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=org.jee8ng -DartifactId=ims-micro-tasks - DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp -DinteractiveMode=false mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=org.jee8ng -DartifactId=ims-micro-notify - DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp -DinteractiveMode=false Once the structure is generated, update the properties and dependencies section of pom.xml with the following contents, for all three projects: <properties> <>UTF-8</> <maven.compiler.source>1.8</maven.compiler.source> <>1.8</> <failOnMissingWebXml>false</failOnMissingWebXml> </properties> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>javax</groupId> <artifactId>javaee-api</artifactId> <version>8.0</version> <scope>provided</scope> </dependency> Chapter 4 [ 93 ] <dependency> <groupId>junit</groupId> <artifactId>junit</artifactId> <version>4.12</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> </dependencies> Next, create a beans.xml file under WEB-INF folder for all three projects: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" bean-discovery-mode="all"> </beans> You can delete the index.jsp and web.xml files, as we won't be needing them. The following is the project structure of ims-micro-users. The same structure will be used for ims-micro-tasks and ims-micro-notify: The package name for users, tasks, and notify service will be as shown as the following: org.jee8ng.ims.users (inside ims-micro-users) org.jee8ng.ims.tasks (inside ims-micro-tasks) org.jee8ng.ims.notify (inside ims-micro-notify) Each of the above will in turn have sub-packages called boundary, control, and entity. The structure follows the Boundary-Control-Entity (BCE)/Entity-Control-Boundary (ECB) pattern. The JaxrsActivator shown as follows is required to enable the JAX-RS API and thus needs to be placed in each of the projects: import; import; @ApplicationPath("resources") public class JaxrsActivator extends Application {} All three projects will have REST endpoints that we can invoke over HTTP. When doing RESTful API design, a popular convention is to use plural names for resources, especially if the resource could represent a collection. For example: /users /tasks The resource class names in the projects use the plural form, as it's consistent with the resource URL naming used. This avoids confusions such as a resource URL being called a users resource, while the class is named UserResource. Given that this is an opinionated approach, feel free to use singular class names if desired. Here's the relevant code for ims-micro-users, ims-micro-tasks, and ims-micronotify projects respectively. Under ims-micro-users, define the UsersResource endpoint: package org.jee8ng.ims.users.boundary; import*; import*; @Path("users") public class UsersResource { @GET Chapter 4 [ 95 ] @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response get() { return Response.ok("user works").build(); } } Under ims-micro-tasks, define the TasksResource endpoint: package org.jee8ng.ims.tasks.boundary; import*; import*; @Path("tasks") public class TasksResource { @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response get() { return Response.ok("task works").build(); } } Under ims-micro-notify, define the NotificationsResource endpoint: package org.jee8ng.ims.notify.boundary; import*; import*; @Path("notifications") public class NotificationsResource { @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response get() { return Response.ok("notification works").build(); } } Once you build all three projects using mvn clean install, you will get your Skinny WAR files generated in the target directory, which can be deployed on the Payara Micro server. Running services with Payara Micro Download the Payara Micro server if you haven't already, from this link: The micro server will have the name payara-micro-xxx.jar, where xxx will be the version number, which might be different when you download the file. Here's how you can start Payara Micro with our services deployed locally. When doing so, we need to ensure that the instances start on different ports, to avoid any port conflicts: >java -jar payara-micro-xxx.jar --deploy ims-micro-users/target/ims-microusers. war --port 8081 >java -jar payara-micro-xxx.jar --deploy ims-micro-tasks/target/ims-microtasks. war --port 8082 >java -jar payara-micro-xxx.jar --deploy ims-micro-notify/target/ims-micronotify. war --port 8083 This will start three instances of Payara Micro running on the specified ports. This makes our applications available under these URLs: http://localhost:8081/ims-micro-users/resources/users/ http://localhost:8082/ims-micro-tasks/resources/tasks/ http://localhost:8083/ims-micro-notify/resources/notifications/ Payar Micro can be started on a non-default port by using the --port parameter, as we did earlier. This is useful when running multiple instances on the same machine. Another option is to use the --autoBindHttp parameter, which will attempt to connect on 8080 as the default port, and if that port is unavailable, it will try to bind on the next port up, repeating until it finds an available port. Examples of starting Payara Micro: Uber JAR option: Now, there's one more feature that Payara Micro provides. We can generate an Uber JAR as well, which would be the Fat JAR approach that we learnt in the Fat JAR section. To package our ims-micro-users project as an Uber JAR, we can run the following command: java -jar payara-micro-xxx.jar --deploy ims-micro-users/target/ims-microusers. war --outputUberJar users.jar This will generate the users.jar file in the directory where you run this command. The size of this JAR will naturally be larger than our WAR file, since it will also bundle the Payara Micro runtime in it. Here's how you can start the application using the generated JAR: java -jar users.jar The server parameters that we used earlier can be passed to this runnable JAR file too. Apart from the two choices we saw for running our microservice projects, there's a third option as well. Payara Micro provides an API based approach, which can be used to programmatically start the embedded server. We will expand upon these three services as we progress further into the realm of cloud based Java EE. We saw how to leverage the power of Payara Micro to run Java EE or microservice applications. You read an excerpt from the book, Java EE 8 and Angular written by Prashant Padmanabhan. This book helps you build high-performing enterprise applications using Java EE powered by Angular at the frontend.  
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Gebin George
28 Mar 2018
7 min read
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How to build Microservices using REST framework

Gebin George
28 Mar 2018
7 min read
Today, we will learn to build microservices using REST framework. Our microservices are Java EE 8 web projects, built using maven and published as separate Payara Micro instances, running within docker containers. The separation allows them to scale individually, as well as have independent operational activities. Given the BCE pattern used, we have the business component split into boundary, control, and entity, where the boundary comprises of the web resource (REST endpoint) and business service (EJB). The web resource will publish the CRUD operations and the EJB will in turn provide the transactional support for each of it along with making external calls to other resources. Here's a logical view for the boundary consisting of the web resource and business service: The microservices will have the following REST endpoints published for the projects shown, along with the boundary classes XXXResource and XXXService: Power Your APIs with JAXRS and CDI, for Server-Sent Events. In IMS, we publish task/issue updates to the browser using an SSE endpoint. The code observes for the events using the CDI event notification model and triggers the broadcast. The ims-users and ims-issues endpoints are similar in API format and behavior. While one deals with creating, reading, updating, and deleting a User, the other does the same for an Issue. Let's look at this in action. After you have the containers running, we can start firing requests to the /users web resource. The following curl command maps the URI /users to the @GET resource method named getAll() and returns a collection (JSON array) of users. The Java code will simply return a Set<User>, which gets converted to JsonArray due to the JSON binding support of JSON-B. The method invoked is as follows: @GET public Response getAll() {... } curl -v -H 'Accept: application/json' http://localhost:8081/ims-users/resources/users ... HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... [{ "id":1,"name":"Marcus","email":"" "credential":{"password":"1234","username":"marcus"} }, { "id":2,"name":"Bob","email":"" "credential":{"password":"1234","username":"bob"} }] Next, for selecting one of the users, such as Marcus, we will issue the following curl command, which uses the /users/xxx path. This will map the URI to the @GET method which has the additional @Path("{id}") annotation as well. The value of the id is captured using the @PathParam("id") annotation placed before the field. The response is a User entity wrapped in the Response object returned. The method invoked is as follows: @GET @Path("{id}") public Response get(@PathParam("id") Long id) { ... } curl -v -H 'Accept: application/json' http://localhost:8081/ims-users/resources/users/1 ... HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... { "id":1,"name":"Marcus","email":"" "credential":{"password":"1234","username":"marcus"} } In both the preceding methods, we saw the response returned as 200 OK. This is achieved by using a Response builder. Here's the snippet for the method: return Response.ok( ..entity here..).build(); Next, for submitting data to the resource method, we use the @POST annotation. You might have noticed earlier that the signature of the method also made use of a UriInfo object. This is injected at runtime for us via the @Context annotation. A curl command can be used to submit the JSON data of a user entity. The method invoked is as follows: @POST public Response add(User newUser, @Context UriInfo uriInfo) We make use of the -d flag to send the JSON body in the request. The POST request is implied: curl -v -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8081/ims-users/resources/users -d '{"name": "james", "email":"", "credential": {"username":"james","password":"test123"}}' ... HTTP/1.1 201 Created ... Location: http://localhost:8081/ims-users/resources/users/3 The 201 status code is sent by the API to signal that an entity has been created, and it also returns the location for the newly created entity. Here's the relevant snippet to do this: //uriInfo is injected via @Context parameter to this method URI location = uriInfo.getAbsolutePathBuilder() .path(newUserId) // This is the new entity ID .build(); // To send 201 status with new Location return Response.created(location).build(); Similarly, we can also send an update request using the PUT method. The method invoked is as follows: @PUT @Path("{id}") public Response update(@PathParam("id") Long id, User existingUser) curl -v -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8081/ims-users/resources/users/3 -d '{"name": "jameson", "email":""}' ... HTTP/1.1 200 Ok The last method we need to map is the DELETE method, which is similar to the GET operation, with the only difference being the HTTP method used. The method invoked is as follows: @DELETE @Path("{id}") public Response delete(@PathParam("id") Long id) curl -v -X DELETE http://localhost:8081/ims-users/resources/users/3 ... HTTP/1.1 200 Ok You can try out the Issues endpoint in a similar manner. For the GET requests of /users or /issues, the code simply fetches and returns a set of entity objects. But when requesting an item within this collection, the resource method has to look up the entity by the passed in id value, captured by @PathParam("id"), and if found, return the entity, or else a 404 Not Found is returned. Here's a snippet showing just that: final Optional<Issue> issueFound = service.get(id); //id obtained if (issueFound.isPresent()) { return Response.ok(issueFound.get()).build(); } return Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).build(); The issue instance can be fetched from a database of issues, which the service object interacts with. The persistence layer can return a JPA entity object which gets converted to JSON for the calling code. We will look at persistence using JPA in a later section. For the update request which is sent as an HTTP PUT, the code captures the identifier ID using @PathParam("id"), similar to the previous GET operation, and then uses that to update the entity. The entity itself is submitted as a JSON input and gets converted to the entity instance along with the passed in message body of the payload. Here's the code snippet for that: @PUT @Path("{id}") public Response update(@PathParam("id") Long id, Issue updated) { updated.setId(id); boolean done = service.update(updated); return done ? Response.ok(updated).build() : Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).build(); } The code is simple to read and does one thing—it updates the identified entity and returns the response containing the updated entity or a 404 for a non-existing entity. The service references that we have looked at so far are @Stateless beans which are injected into the resource class as fields: // Project: ims-comments @Stateless public class CommentsService {... } // Project: ims-issues @Stateless public class IssuesService {... } // Project: ims-users @Stateless public class UsersService {... } These will in turn have the EntityManager injected via @PersistenceContext. Combined with the resource and service, our components have made the boundary ready for clients to use. Similar to the WebSockets section in Chapter 6, Power Your APIs with JAXRS and CDI, in IMS, we use a @ServerEndpoint which maintains the list of active sessions and then uses that to broadcast a message to all users who are connected. A ChatThread keeps track of the messages being exchanged through the @ServerEndpoint class. For the message to besent, we use the stream of sessions and filter it by open sessions, then send the message for each of the sessions: chatSessions.getSessions().stream().filter(Session::isOpen) .forEach(s -> { try { s.getBasicRemote().sendObject(chatMessage); }catch(Exception e) {...} }); To summarize, we practically saw how to leverage REST framework to build microservices. This article is an excerpt from the book, Java EE 8 and Angular written by Prashant Padmanabhan. The book covers building modern user friendly web apps with Java EE  
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21 Feb 2018
7 min read
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Getting Started on the Raspberry Pi

21 Feb 2018
7 min read
 In this article, by Soham Chetan Kamani, author of the book Full Stack Web Development with Raspberry Pi 3, we will cover the marvel of the Raspberry Pi, however, doesn’t end here. It’s extreme portability means we can now do things which were not previously possible with traditional desktop computers. The GPIO pins give us easy access to interface with external devices. This allows the Pi to act as a bridge between embedded electronics and sensors, and the power that linux gives us. In essence, we can run any code in our favorite programming language (which can run on linux), and interface it directly to outside hardware quickly and easily. Once we couple this with the wireless networking capabilities introduced in the Raspberry Pi 3, we gain the ability to make applications that would not have been feasible to make before this device existed.and Scar de Courcier, authors of Windows Forensics Cookbook The Raspberry Pi has become hugely popular as a portable computer, and for good reason. When it comes to what you can do with this tiny piece of technology, the sky’s the limit. Back in the day, computers used to be the size of entire neighborhood blocks, and only large corporations doing expensive research could afford them. After that we went on to embrace personal computers, which were still a bit expensive, but, for the most part, could be bought by the common man. This brings us to where we are today, where we can buy a fully functioning Linux computer, which is as big as a credit card, for under 30$. It is truly a huge leap in making computers available to anyone and everyone. (For more resources related to this topic, see here.)  Web development and portable computing have come a long way. A few years ago we couldn’t dream of making a rich, interactive, and performant application which runs on the browser. Today, not only can we do that, but also do it all in the palm of our hands (quite literally). When we think of developing an application that uses databases, application servers, sockets, and cloud APIs, the picture that normally comes to mind is that of many server racks sitting in a huge room. In this book however, we are going to implement all of that using only the Raspberry Pi. In this article, we will go through the concept of the internet of things, and discuss how web development on the Raspberry Pi can help us get there. Following this, we will also learn how to set up our Raspberry Pi and access it from our computer. We will cover the following topics: The internet of things Our application Setting up Raspberry Pi Remote access The Internet of things (IOT) The web has until today been a network of computers exchanging data. The limitation of this was that it was a closed loop. People could send and receive data from other people via their computers, but rarely much else. The internet of things, in contrast, is a network of devices or sensors that connect the outside world to the internet. Superficially, nothing is different: the internet is still a network of computers. What has changed, is that now, these computers are collecting and uploading data from things instead of people. This now allows anyone who is connected to obtain information that is not collected by a human. The internet of things as a concept has been around for a long time, but it is only now that almost anyone can connect a sensor or device to the cloud, and the IOT revolution was hugely enabled by the advent of portable computing, which was led by the Raspberry Pi.  A brief look at our application Throughout this book, we are going to go through different components and aspects of web development and embedded systems. These are all going to be held together by our central goal of making an entire web application capable of sensing and displaying the surrounding temperature and humidity. In order to make a properly functioning system, we have to first build out the individual parts. More difficult still, is making sure all the parts work well together. Keeping this in mind, let's take a look at the different components of our technology stack, and the problems that each of them solve : The sensor interface - Perception The sensor is what connects our otherwise isolated application to the outside world. The sensor will be connected to the GPIO pins of the Raspberry pi. We can interface with the sensor through various different native libraries. This is the starting point of our data. It is where all the data that is used by our application is created. If you think about it, every other component of our technology stack only exists to manage, manipulate, and display the data collected from the sensor. The database - Persistence "Data" is the term we give to raw information, which is information that we cannot easily aggregate or understand. Without a way to store and meaningfully process and retrieve this data, it will always remain "data" and never "information", which is what we actually want. If we just hook up a sensor and display whatever data it reads, we are missing out on a lot of additional information. Let's take the example of temperature: What if we wanted to find out how the temperature was changing over time? What if we wanted to find the maximum and minimum temperatures for a particular day, or a particular week, or even within a custom duration of time? What if we wanted to see temperature variation across locations? There is no way we could do any of this with only the sensor. We also need some sort of persistence and structure to our data, and this is exactly what the database provides for us. If we structure our data correctly, getting the answers to the above questions is just a matter of a simple database query. The user interface - Presentation The user interface is the layer which connects our application to the end user. One of the most challenging aspects of software development is to make information meaningful and understandable to regular users of our application. The UI layer serves exactly this purpose: it takes relevant information and shows it in such a way that it is easily understandable to humans. How do we achieve such a level of understandability with such a large amount of data? We use visual aids: like colors, charts and diagrams (just like how the diagrams in this book make its information easier to understand). An important thing for any developer to understand is that your end user actually doesn't care about any of the the back-end stuff. The only thing that matters to them is a good experience. Of course, all the 0ther components serve to make the users experience better, but it's really the user facing interface that leaves the first impression, and that's why it's so important to do it well. The application server - Middleware This layer consists of the actual server side code we are going to write to get the application running. It is also called "middleware". In addition to being in the exact center of the architecture diagram, this layer also acts as the controller and middle-man for the other layers. The HTML pages that form the UI are served through this layer. All the database queries that we were talking about earlier are made here. The code that runs in this layer is responsible for retrieving the sensor readings from our external pins and storing the data in our database. Summary We are just warming up! In this article we got a brief introduction to the concept of the internet of things. We then went on to look at an overview of what we were going to build throughout the rest of this book, and saw how the Raspberry Pi can help us get there. Resources for Article:   Further resources on this subject: Clusters, Parallel Computing, and Raspberry Pi – A Brief Background [article] Setting up your Raspberry Pi [article] Welcome to JavaScript in the full stack [article]
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19 Aug 2016
22 min read
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ASP.NET Controllers and Server-Side Routes

19 Aug 2016
22 min read
In this article by Valerio De Sanctis, author of the book ASP.NET Web API and Angular 2, we will explore the client-server interaction capabilities of our frameworks: to put it in other words, we need to understand how Angular2 will be able to fetch data from ASP.NET Core using its brand new, MVC6-based API structure. We won't be worrying about how will ASP.NET core retrieve these data – be it from session objects, data stores, DBMS, or any possible data source, that will come later on. For now, we'll just put together some sample, static data in order to understand how to pass them back and forth by using a well-structured, highly-configurable and viable interface. (For more resources related to this topic, see here.) The data flow A Native Web App following the single-page application approach will roughly handle the client-server communication in the following way: In case you are wondering about what these Async Data Requests actually are, the answer is simple, everything, as long as it needs to retrieve data from the server, which is something that most of the common user interactions will normally do, including (yet not limiting to), pressing a button to show more data or to edit/delete something, following a link to another app view, submitting a form and so on. That is, unless the task is so trivial or it involves a minimal amount of data that the client can entirely handle it, meaning that it already has everything he needs. Examples of such tasks are, show/hide element toggles, in-page navigation elements (such as internal anchors), and any temporary job requiring to hit a confirmation or save button to be pressed before being actually processed. The above picture shows, in a nutshell, what we're going to do. Define and implement a pattern to serve these JSON-based, server-side responses our application will need to handle the upcoming requests. Since we've chosen a strongly data-driven application pattern such as a Wiki, we'll surely need to put together a bunch of common CRUD based requests revolving around a defined object which will represent our entries. For the sake of simplicity, we'll call it Item from now on. These requests will address some common CMS-inspired tasks such as: display a list of items, view/edit the selected item's details, handle filters, and text-based search queries and also delete an item. Before going further, let's have a more detailed look on what happens between any of these Data Request issued by the client and JSON Responses send out by the server, i.e. what's usually called the Request/Response flow: As we can see, in order to respond to any client-issued Async Data Request we need to build a server-side MVC6 WebAPIControllerfeaturing the following capabilities: Read and/or Write data using the Data Access Layer. Organize these data in a suitable, JSON-serializableViewModel. Serialize the ViewModel and send it to the client as a JSON Response. Based on these points, we could easily conclude that the ViewModel is the key item here. That's not always correct: it could or couldn't be the case, depending on the project we are building. To better clarify that, before going further, it could be useful to spend a couple words on the ViewModel object itself. The role of the ViewModel We all know that a ViewModel is a container-type class which represents only the data we want to display on our webpage. In any standard MVC-based ASP.NET application, the ViewModel is instantiated by the Controller in response to a GET request using the data fetched from the Model: once built, the ViewModel is passed to the View, where it is used to populate the page contents/input fields. The main reason for building a ViewModel instead of directly passing the Model entities is that it only represents the data that we want to use, and nothing else. All the unnecessary properties that are in the model domain object will be left out, keeping the data transfer as lightweight as possible. Another advantage is the additional security it gives, since we can protect any field from being serialized and passed through the HTTP channel. In a standard Web API context, where the data is passed using RESTFul conventions via serialized formats such as JSON or XML, the ViewModel could be easily replaced by a JSON-serializable dynamic object created on the fly, such as this: var response = new{ Id = "1", Title = "The title", Description = "The description" }; This approach is often viable for small or sample projects, where creating one (or many) ViewModel classes could be a waste of time. That's not our case, though, conversely, our project will greatly benefit from having a well-defined, strongly-typed ViewModel structure, even if they will be all eventually converted into JSON strings. Our first controller Now that we have a clear vision of the Request/Response flow and its main actors, we can start building something up. Let's start with the Welcome View, which is the first page that any user will see upon connecting to our native web App. This is something that in a standard web application would be called Home Page, but since we are following a Single Page Application approach that name isn't appropriate. After all, we are not going to have more than one page. In most Wikis, the Welcome View/Home Page contains a brief text explaining the context/topic of the project and then one or more lists of items ordered and/or filtered in various ways, such as: The last inserted ones (most recent first). The most relevant/visited ones (most viewed first). Some random items (in random order). Let's try to do something like that. This will be our master plan for a suitable Welcome View: In order to do that, we're going to need the following set of API calls: api/items/GetLatest (to fetch the last inserted items). api/items/GetMostViewed (to fetch the last inserted items). api/items/GetRandom (to fetch the last inserted items). As we can see, all of them will be returning a list of items ordered by a well-defined logic. That's why, before working on them, we should provide ourselves with a suitable ViewModel. The ItemViewModel One of the biggest advantages in building a Native Web App using ASP.NET and Angular2 is that we can start writing our code without worrying to much about data sources: they will come later, and only after we're sure about what we really need. This is not a requirement either - you are also free to start with your data source for a number of good reasons, such as: You already have a clear idea of what you'll need. You already have your entity set(s) and/or a defined/populated data structure to work with. You're used to start with the data, then moving to the GUI. All the above reasons are perfectly fine: you won't ever get fired for doing that. Yet, the chance to start with the front-end might help you a lot if you're still unsure about how your application will look like, either in terms of GUI and/or data. In building this Native Web App, we'll take advantage of that: hence why we'll start defining our Item ViewModelinstead of creating its Data Source and Entity class. From Solution Explorer, right-click to the project root node and add a new folder named ViewModels. Once created, right-click on it and add a new item: from the server-side elements, pick a standard Class, name it ItemViewModel.cs and hit the Add button, then type in the following code: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespaceOpenGameListWebApp.ViewModels { [JsonObject(MemberSerialization.OptOut)] publicclassItemViewModel { #region Constructor public ItemViewModel() { } #endregion Constructor #region Properties publicint Id { get; set; } publicstring Title { get; set; } publicstring Description { get; set; } publicstring Text { get; set; } publicstring Notes { get; set; } [DefaultValue(0)] publicint Type { get; set; } [DefaultValue(0)] publicint Flags { get; set; } publicstring UserId { get; set; } [JsonIgnore] publicintViewCount { get; set; } publicDateTime CreatedDate { get; set; } publicDateTime LastModifiedDate { get; set; } #endregion Properties } } As we can see, we're defining a rather complex class: this isn't something we could easily handle using dynamic object created on-the-fly, hence why we're using a ViewModel instead. We will be installing Newtonsoft's Json.NET Package using NuGet. We will start using it in this class, by including its namespace in line 6 and decorating our newly-created Item class with a JsonObject Attribute in line 10. That attribute can be used to set a list of behaviours of the JsonSerializer / JsonDeserializer methods, overriding the default ones: notice that we used MemberSerialization.OptOut, meaning that any field will be serialized into JSON unless being decorated by an explicit JsonIgnore attribute or NonSerializedattribute. We are making this choice because we're going to need most of our ViewModel properties serialized, as we'll be seeing soon enough. The ItemController Now that we have our ItemViewModel class, let's use it to return some server-side data. From your project's root node, open the /Controllers/ folder: right-click on it, select Add>New Item, then create a Web API Controller class, name it ItemController.cs and click the Add button to create it. The controller will be created with a bunch of sample methods: they are identical to those present in the default ValueController.cs, hence we don't need to keep them. Delete the entire file content and replace it with the following code: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; usingOpenGameListWebApp.ViewModels; namespaceOpenGameListWebApp.Controllers { [Route("api/[controller]")] publicclassItemsController : Controller { // GET api/items/GetLatest/5 [HttpGet("GetLatest/{num}")] publicJsonResult GetLatest(int num) { var arr = newList<ItemViewModel>(); for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++) arr.Add(newItemViewModel() { Id = i, Title = String.Format("Item {0} Title", i), Description = String.Format("Item {0} Description", i) }); var settings = newJsonSerializerSettings() { Formatting = Formatting.Indented }; returnnewJsonResult(arr, settings); } } } This controller will be in charge of all Item-related operations within our app. As we can see, we started defining a GetLatestmethod accepting a single Integerparameter value.The method accepts any GET request using the custom routing rules configured via the HttpGetAttribute: this approach is called Attribute Routing and we'll be digging more into it later in this article. For now, let's stick to the code inside the method itself. The behaviour is really simple: since we don't (yet) have a Data Source, we're basically mocking a bunch of ItemViewModel objects: notice that, although it's just a fake response, we're doing it in a structured and credible way, respecting the number of items issued by the request and also providing different content for each one of them. It's also worth noticing that we're using a JsonResult return type, which is the best thing we can do as long as we're working with ViewModel classes featuring the JsonObject attribute provided by the Json.NET framework: that's definitely better than returning plain string or IEnumerable<string> types, as it will automatically take care of serializing the outcome and setting the appropriate response headers.Let's try our Controller by running our app in Debug Mode: select Debug>Start Debugging from main menu or press F5. The default browser should open, pointing to the index.html page because we did set it as the Launch URL in our project's debug properties. In order to test our brand new API Controller, we need to manually change the URL with the following: /api/items/GetLatest/5 If we did everything correctly, it will show something like the following: Our first controller is up and running. As you can see, the ViewCount property is not present in the Json-serialized output: that's by design, since it has been flagged with the JsonIgnore attribute, meaning that we're explicitly opting it out. Now that we've seen that it works, we can come back to the routing aspect of what we just did: since it is a major topic, it's well worth some of our time. Understanding routes We will acknowledge the fact that the ASP.NET Core pipeline has been completely rewritten in order to merge the MVC and WebAPI modules into a single, lightweight framework to handle both worlds. Although this certainly is a good thing, it comes with the usual downside that we need to learn a lot of new stuff. Handling Routes is a perfect example of this, as the new approach defines some major breaking changes from the past. Defining routing The first thing we should do is giving out a proper definition of what Routing actually is. To cut it simple, we could say that URL routing is the server-side feature that allows a web developer to handle HTTP requests pointing to URIs not mapping to physical files. Such technique could be used for a number of different reasons, including: Giving dynamic pages semantic, meaningful and human-readable names in order to advantage readability and/or search-engine optimization (SEO). Renaming or moving one or more physical files within your project's folder tree without being forced to change their URLs. Setup alias and redirects. Routing through the ages In earlier times, when ASP.NET was just Web Forms, URL routing was strictly bound to physical files: in order to implement viable URL convention patterns the developers were forced to install/configure a dedicated URL rewriting tool by using either an external ISAPI filter such as Helicontech's SAPI Rewrite or, starting with IIS7, the IIS URL Rewrite Module. When ASP.NET MVC got released, the Routing pattern was completely rewritten: the developers could setup their own convention-based routes in a dedicated file (RouteConfig.cs, Global.asax, depending on template) using the Routes.MapRoute method. If you've played along with MVC 1 through 5 or WebAPI 1 and/or 2, snippets like this should be quite familiar to you: routes.MapRoute( name: "Default", url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}", defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } ); This method of defining routes, strictly based upon pattern matching techniques used to relate any given URL requests to a specific Controller Actions, went by the name of Convention-based Routing. ASP.NET MVC5 brought something new, as it was the first version supporting the so-called Attribute-based Routing. This approach was designed as an effort to give to developers a more versatile approach. If you used it at least once you'll probably agree that it was a great addition to the framework, as it allowed the developers to define routes within the Controller file. Even those who chose to keep the convention-based approach could find it useful for one-time overrides like the following, without having to sort it out using some regular expressions: [RoutePrefix("v2Products")] publicclassProductsController : Controller { [Route("v2Index")] publicActionResult Index() { return View(); } } In ASP.NET MVC6, the routing pipeline has been rewritten completely: that's way things like the Routes.MapRoute() method is not used anymore, as well as any explicit default routing configuration. You won't be finding anything like that in the new Startup.cs file, which contains a very small amount of code and (apparently) nothing about routes. Handling routes in ASP.NET MVC6 We could say that the reason behind the Routes.MapRoute method disappearance in the Application's main configuration file is due to the fact that there's no need to setup default routes anymore. Routing is handled by the two brand-new services.AddMvc() and services.UseMvc() methods called within the Startup.cs file, which respectively register MVC using the Dependency Injection framework built into ASP.NET Core and add a set of default routes to our app. We can take a look at what happens behind the hood by looking at the current implementation of the services.UseMvc()method in the framework code (relevant lines are highlighted): public static IApplicationBuilder UseMvc( [NotNull] this IApplicationBuilder app, [NotNull] Action<IRouteBuilder> configureRoutes) { // Verify if AddMvc was done before calling UseMvc // We use the MvcMarkerService to make sure if all the services were added. MvcServicesHelper.ThrowIfMvcNotRegistered(app.ApplicationServices); var routes = new RouteBuilder { DefaultHandler = new MvcRouteHandler(), ServiceProvider = app.ApplicationServices }; configureRoutes(routes); // Adding the attribute route comes after running the user-code because // we want to respect any changes to the DefaultHandler. routes.Routes.Insert(0, AttributeRouting.CreateAttributeMegaRoute( routes.DefaultHandler, app.ApplicationServices)); return app.UseRouter(routes.Build()); } The good thing about this is the fact that the framework now handles all the hard work, iterating through all the Controller's actions and setting up their default routes, thus saving us some work. It worth to notice that the default ruleset follows the standard RESTFulconventions, meaning that it will be restricted to the following action names:Get, Post, Put, Delete. We could say here that ASP.NET MVC6 is enforcing a strict WebAPI-oriented approach - which is much to be expected, since it incorporates the whole ASP.NET Core framework. Following the RESTful convention is generally a great thing to do, especially if we aim to create a set of pragmatic, RESTful basedpublic API to be used by other developers. Conversely, if we're developing our own app and we want to keep our API accessible to our eyes only, going for custom routing standards is just as viable: as a matter of fact, it could even be a better choice to shield our Controllers against some most trivial forms of request flood and/or DDoS-based attacks. Luckily enough, both the Convention-based Routing and the Attribute-based Routing are still alive and well, allowing you to setup your own standards. Convention-based routing If we feel like using the most classic routing approach, we can easily resurrect our beloved MapRoute() method by enhancing the app.UseMvc() call within the Startup.cs file in the following way: app.UseMvc(routes => { // Route Sample A routes.MapRoute( name: "RouteSampleA", template: "MyOwnGet", defaults: new { controller = "Items", action = "Get" } ); // Route Sample B routes.MapRoute( name: "RouteSampleB", template: "MyOwnPost", defaults: new { controller = "Items", action = "Post" } ); }); Attribute-based routing Our previously-shownItemController.cs makes a good use of the Attribute-Based Routing approach, featuring it either at Controller level: [Route("api/[controller]")] public class ItemsController : Controller Also at Action Method level: [HttpGet("GetLatest")] public JsonResult GetLatest() Three choices to route them all Long story short, ASP.NET MVC6 is giving us three different choices for handling routes: enforcing the standard RESTful conventions, reverting back to the good old Convention-based Routing or decorating the Controller files with the Attribute-based Routing. It's also worth noticing that Attribute-based Routes, if and when defined, would override any matchingConvention-basedpattern: both of them, if/when defined, would override the default RESTful conventions created by the built-in UseMvc() method. In this article we're going to use all of these approaches, in order to learn when, where and how to properly make use of either of them. Adding more routes Let's get back to our ItemController. Now that we're aware of the routing patterns we can use, we can use that knowledge to implement the API calls we're still missing. Open the ItemController.cs file and add the following code (new lines are highlighted): using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using OpenGameListWebApp.ViewModels; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespaceOpenGameListWebApp.Controllers { [Route("api/[controller]")] publicclassItemsController : Controller { #region Attribute-based Routing ///<summary> /// GET: api/items/GetLatest/{n} /// ROUTING TYPE: attribute-based ///</summary> ///<returns>An array of {n} Json-serialized objects representing the last inserted items.</returns> [HttpGet("GetLatest/{n}")] publicIActionResult GetLatest(int n) { var items = GetSampleItems().OrderByDescending(i => i.CreatedDate).Take(n); return new JsonResult(items, DefaultJsonSettings); } /// <summary> /// GET: api/items/GetMostViewed/{n} /// ROUTING TYPE: attribute-based /// </summary> /// <returns>An array of {n} Json-serialized objects representing the items with most user views.</returns> [HttpGet("GetMostViewed/{n}")] public IActionResult GetMostViewed(int n) { if (n > MaxNumberOfItems) n = MaxNumberOfItems; var items = GetSampleItems().OrderByDescending(i => i.ViewCount).Take(n); return new JsonResult(items, DefaultJsonSettings); } /// <summary> /// GET: api/items/GetRandom/{n} /// ROUTING TYPE: attribute-based /// </summary> /// <returns>An array of {n} Json-serialized objects representing some randomly-picked items.</returns> [HttpGet("GetRandom/{n}")] public IActionResult GetRandom(int n) { if (n > MaxNumberOfItems) n = MaxNumberOfItems; var items = GetSampleItems().OrderBy(i => Guid.NewGuid()).Take(n); return new JsonResult(items, DefaultJsonSettings); } #endregion #region Private Members /// <summary> /// Generate a sample array of source Items to emulate a database (for testing purposes only). /// </summary> /// <param name="num">The number of items to generate: default is 999</param> /// <returns>a defined number of mock items (for testing purpose only)</returns> private List<ItemViewModel> GetSampleItems(int num = 999) { List<ItemViewModel> lst = new List<ItemViewModel>(); DateTime date = new DateTime(2015, 12, 31).AddDays(-num); for (int id = 1; id <= num; id++) { lst.Add(new ItemViewModel() { Id = id, Title = String.Format("Item {0} Title", id), Description = String.Format("This is a sample description for item {0}: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.", id), CreatedDate = date.AddDays(id), LastModifiedDate = date.AddDays(id), ViewCount = num - id }); } return lst; } /// <summary> /// Returns a suitable JsonSerializerSettings object that can be used to generate the JsonResult return value for this Controller's methods. /// </summary> private JsonSerializerSettings DefaultJsonSettings { get { return new JsonSerializerSettings() { Formatting = Formatting.Indented }; } } #endregion } We added a lot of things there, that's for sure. Let's see what's new: We added the GetMostViewed(n) and GetRandom(n) methods, built upon the same mocking logic used for GetLatest(n): either one requires a single parameter of Integer type to specify the (maximum) number of items to retrieve. We added two new private members: The GetLatestItems() method, to generate some sample Item objects when we need them. This method is an improved version of the dummy item generator loop we had inside the previous GetLatest() method implementation, as it acts more like a Dummy Data Provider: we'll tell more about it later on. The DefaultJsonSettings property, so we won't have to manually instantiate a JsonSerializerSetting object every time. We also decorated each class member with a dedicated<summary> documentation tag explaining what it does and its return value. These tags will be used by IntelliSense to show real-time information about the type within the Visual Studio GUI. They will also come handy when we'll want to generate an auto-generated XML Documentationfor our project by using industry-standard documentation tools such as Sandcastle. Finally, we added some #region / #endregion pre-processor directives to separate our code into blocks. We'll do this a lot from now on, as this will greatly increase our source code readability and usability, allowing us to expand or collapse different sections/part when we don't need them, thus focusing more on what we're working on. For more info regarding documentation tags, take a look at the following MSDN official documentation page: If you want know more about C# pre-processor directives, this is the one to check out instead: The dummy data provider Our new GetLatestItems() method deserves a couple more words. As we can easily see it emulates the role of a Data Provider, returning a list of items in a credible fashion. Notice that we built it in a way that it will always return identical items, as long as the num parameter value remains the same: The generated items Id will follow a linear sequence, from 1 to num. Any generated item will have incremental CreatedDate and LastModifiedDate values based upon their Id: the higher the Id, the most recent the two dates will be, up to 31 December 2015. This follows the assumption that most recent items will have higher Id, as it normally is for DBMS records featuring numeric, auto-incremental keys. Any generated item will have a decreasing ViewCount value based upon their Id: the higher the Idis, the least it will be. This follows the assumption that newer items will generally get less views than older ones. While it obviously lacksany insert/update/delete feature, this Dummy Data Provideris viable enough to serve our purposes until we'll replace it with an actual, persistence-based Data Source. Technically speaking, we could do something better than we did by using one of the many Mocking Framework available through NuGet:Moq, NMock3,NSubstitute orRhino, just to name a few. Summary We spent some time into putting the standard application data flow under our lens: a two-way communication pattern between the server and their clients, built upon the HTTP protocol. We acknowledged the fact that we'll be mostly dealing with Json-serializable object such as Items, so we chose to equip ourselves with an ItemViewModel server-side class, together with an ItemController that will actively use it to expose the data to the client. We started building our MVC6-based WebAPI interface by implementing a number of methods required to create the client-side UI we chose for our Welcome View, consisting of three item listings to show to our users: last inserted ones, most viewed ones and some random picks. We routed the requests to them by using a custom set of Attribute-based routing rules, which seemed to be the best choice for our specific scenario. While we were there, we also took the chance to add a dedicated method to retrieve a single Item from its unique Id, assuming we're going to need it for sure. Resources for Article: Further resources on this subject: Designing your very own ASP.NET MVC Application [article] ASP.Net Site Performance: Improving JavaScript Loading [article] Displaying MySQL data on an ASP.NET Web Page [article]
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16 Aug 2016
5 min read
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Server-Side Rendering

16 Aug 2016
5 min read
In this article by Kamil Przeorski, the author of the book Mastering Full Stack React Web Development introduces Universal JavaScript or isomorphic JavaScript features that we are going to implement in thisarticle. To be more exact: we will develop our app the way that we will render the app's pages both on server and client side. It's different to Angular1 or Backbone single-page apps which are mainly rendered on the client side. Our approach is more complicated in technological terms as you need to deploy your full-stack skills which working on a server side rendering, but on the other-side having this experience will make you more desirable programmer so you can advance your career to the next level—you will be able to charge more for your skills on the market. (For more resources related to this topic, see here.) When the server-side is worth implementing h1 The server-side rendering is very useful feature in text's content (like news portals) related startups/companies because it helps to be better indexed by different search engines. It's an essential feature for any news and content heavy websites, because it helps grow them organic traffic. In this article, we will also run our app with server-side rendering. Second segment of companies where server-side rendering may be very useful are entertainment one where users have less patience and they can close the www's browser if a webpage is loading slowly. In general, all B2C (consumer facing) apps shall use server-side rendering to improve its experience with the masses of people who are visiting their websites. Our focus for article will include the following: Making whole server-side code rearrangement to prepare for the server-side rendering Start using react-dom/server and it's renderToString method Are you ready? Our first step is to mock the database's response on the backend (we will create a real DB query after whole server-side rendering will work correctly on the mocked data). Mocking the database response h2 First of all, we will mock our database response on the backend in order to get prepared to go into server-side rendering directly. $ [[you are in the server directory of your project]] $ touch fetchServerSide.js The fetchServerSide.js file will consist of all functions that will fetch data from our database in order to make the server side works.As was mentioned earlier we will mock it for the meanwhile with following code in fetchServerSide.js: export default () => { return { 'article': { '0': { 'articleTitle': 'SERVER-SIDE Lorem ipsum - article one', 'articleContent':'SERVER-SIDE Here goes the content of the article' }, '1': { 'articleTitle':'SERVER-SIDE Lorem ipsum - article two', 'articleContent':'SERVER-SIDE Sky is the limit, the content goes here.' } } } } The goal of making this mocked object once again, is that we will be able to see if our server-side rendering works correctly after implementation because as you probably have already spotted that we have added this SERVER-SIDE in the beginning of each title and content—so it will help us to learn that our app is getting the data from server-side rendering. Later this function will be replaced with a query to MongoDB. Next thing that will help us implement the server-side rendering is to make a handleServerSideRender function that will be triggered each time a request hits the server. In order to make the handleServerSideRender trigger every time the frontend calls our backend we need to use the Express middleware using app.use. So far we were using some external libraries like: app.use(cors()) app.use(bodyParser.json({extended: false})) Now, we will write our own small's middleware function that behaves similar way to the cors or bodyParser (the external libs that are also middlewares). Before doing so, let's import our dependencies that are required in React's server-side rendering (server/server.js): import React from 'react'; import {createStore} from 'redux'; import {Provider} from 'react-redux'; import {renderToStaticMarkup} from 'react-dom/server'; import ReactRouter from 'react-router'; import {RoutingContext, match} from 'react-router'; import * as hist from 'history'; import rootReducer from '../src/reducers'; import reactRoutes from '../src/routes'; import fetchServerSide from './fetchServerSide'; After adding all those imports of the server/server.js, the file will be looking as following: import http from 'http'; import express from 'express'; import cors from 'cors'; import bodyParser from 'body-parser'; import falcor from 'falcor'; import falcorExpress from 'falcor-express'; import falcorRouter from 'falcor-router'; import routes from './routes.js'; import React from 'react' import { createStore } from 'redux' import { Provider } from 'react-redux' import { renderToStaticMarkup } from 'react-dom/server' import ReactRouter from 'react-router'; import { RoutingContext, match } from 'react-router'; import * as hist from 'history'; import rootReducer from '../src/reducers'; import reactRoutes from '../src/routes'; import fetchServerSide from './fetchServerSide'; Important is to import history in the given way as in the example import * as hist from 'history'. The RoutingContext, match is the way of using React-Router on the server side. The renderToStaticMarkup function is going to generate for us a HTML markup on serverside. After we have added those new imports then under falcor's middleware setup: // this already exists in your codebase app.use('/model.json', falcorExpress.dataSourceRoute((req, res) => { return new falcorRouter(routes); // this alrady exsits in your codebase })); Under themodel.jsonfile's code, please add the following: let handleServerSideRender = (req, res) => { return; }; let renderFullHtml = (html, initialState) => { return; };app.use(handleServerSideRender); The app.use(handleServerSideRender) is fired each time the server side receives a request from a client's application. Then we have prepared empty functions that we will use: handleServerSideRender:It will use renderToString in order to create a valid server-side's HTML's markup renderFullHtml:The helper's function will embed our new React's HTML markup into a whole HTML's document as you can later in a moment down below. Summary We have done the basic server-side rendering in this article. Resources for Article: Further resources on this subject: Basic Website using Node.js and MySQL database [article] How to integrate social media with your WordPress website [article] Laravel 5.0 Essentials [article]
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18 Feb 2016
11 min read
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Developing Node.js Web Applications

18 Feb 2016
11 min read
Node.js is a platform that supports various types of applications, but the most popular kind is the development of web applications. Node's style of coding depends on the community to extend the platform through third-party modules; these modules are then built upon to create new modules, and so on. Companies and single developers around the globe are participating in this process by creating modules that wrap the basic Node APIs and deliver a better starting point for application development. (For more resources related to this topic, see here.) There are many modules to support web application development but none as popular as the Connect module. The Connect module delivers a set of wrappers around the Node.js low-level APIs to enable the development of rich web application frameworks. To understand what Connect is all about, let's begin with a basic example of a basic Node web server. In your working folder, create a file named server.js, which contains the following code snippet: var http = require('http'); http.createServer(function(req, res) { res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' }); res.end('Hello World'); }).listen(3000); console.log('Server running at http://localhost:3000/'); To start your web server, use your command-line tool, and navigate to your working folder. Then, run the node CLI tool and run the server.js file as follows: $ node server Now open http://localhost:3000 in your browser, and you'll see the Hello World response. So how does this work? In this example, the http module is used to create a small web server listening to the 3000 port. You begin by requiring the http module and use the createServer() method to return a new server object. The listen() method is then used to listen to the 3000 port. Notice the callback function that is passed as an argument to the createServer() method. The callback function gets called whenever there's an HTTP request sent to the web server. The server object will then pass the req and res arguments, which contain the information and functionality needed to send back an HTTP response. The callback function will then do the following two steps: First, it will call the writeHead() method of the response object. This method is used to set the response HTTP headers. In this example, it will set the Content-Type header value to text/plain. For instance, when responding with HTML, you just need to replace text/plain with html/plain. Then, it will call the end() method of the response object. This method is used to finalize the response. The end() method takes a single string argument that it will use as the HTTP response body. Another common way of writing this is to add a write() method before the end() method and then call the end() method, as follows: res.write('Hello World'); res.end(); This simple application illustrates the Node coding style where low-level APIs are used to simply achieve certain functionality. While this is a nice example, running a full web application using the low-level APIs will require you to write a lot of supplementary code to support common requirements. Fortunately, a company called Sencha has already created this scaffolding code for you in the form of a Node module called Connect. Meet the Connect module Connect is a module built to support interception of requests in a more modular approach. In the first web server example, you learned how to build a simple web server using the http module. If you wish to extend this example, you'd have to write code that manages the different HTTP requests sent to your server, handles them properly, and responds to each request with the correct response. Connect creates an API exactly for that purpose. It uses a modular component called middleware, which allows you to simply register your application logic to predefined HTTP request scenarios. Connect middleware are basically callback functions, which get executed when an HTTP request occurs. The middleware can then perform some logic, return a response, or call the next registered middleware. While you will mostly write custom middleware to support your application needs, Connect also includes some common middleware to support logging, static file serving, and more. The way a Connect application works is by using an object called dispatcher. The dispatcher object handles each HTTP request received by the server and then decides, in a cascading way, the order of middleware execution. To understand Connect better, take a look at the following diagram: The preceding diagram illustrates two calls made to the Connect application: the first one should be handled by a custom middleware and the second is handled by the static files middleware. Connect's dispatcher initiates the process, moving on to the next handler using the next() method, until it gets to middleware responding with the res.end() method, which will end the request handling. Express is based on Connect's approach, so in order to understand how Express works, we'll begin with creating a Connect application. In your working folder, create a file named server.js that contains the following code snippet: var connect = require('connect'); var app = connect(); app.listen(3000); console.log('Server running at http://localhost:3000/'); As you can see, your application file is using the connect module to create a new web server. However, Connect isn't a core module, so you'll have to install it using NPM. As you already know, there are several ways of installing third-party modules. The easiest one is to install it directly using the npm install command. To do so, use your command-line tool, and navigate to your working folder. Then execute the following command: $ npm install connect NPM will install the connect module inside a node_modules folder, which will enable you to require it in your application file. To run your Connect web server, just use Node's CLI and execute the following command: $ node server Node will run your application, reporting the server status using the console.log() method. You can try reaching your application in the browser by visiting http://localhost:3000. However, you should get a response similar to what is shown in the following screenshot: Connect application's empty response What this response means is that there isn't any middleware registered to handle the GET HTTP request. This means two things: You've successfully managed to install and use the Connect module It's time for you to write your first Connect middleware Connect middleware Connect middleware is just JavaScript function with a unique signature. Each middleware function is defined with the following three arguments: req: This is an object that holds the HTTP request information res: This is an object that holds the HTTP response information and allows you to set the response properties next: This is the next middleware function defined in the ordered set of Connect middleware When you have a middleware defined, you'll just have to register it with the Connect application using the app.use() method. Let's revise the previous example to include your first middleware. Change your server.js file to look like the following code snippet: var connect = require('connect'); var app = connect(); var helloWorld = function(req, res, next) { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain'); res.end('Hello World'); }; app.use(helloWorld); app.listen(3000); console.log('Server running at http://localhost:3000/'); Then, start your connect server again by issuing the following command in your command-line tool: $ node server Try visiting http://localhost:3000 again. You will now get a response similar to that in the following screenshot: Connect application's response Congratulations, you've just created your first Connect middleware! Let's recap. First, you added a middleware function named helloWorld(), which has three arguments: req, res, and next. In your middleware, you used the res.setHeader() method to set the response Content-Type header and the res.end() method to set the response text. Finally, you used the app.use() method to register your middleware with the Connect application. Understanding the order of Connect middleware One of Connect's greatest features is the ability to register as many middleware functions as you want. Using the app.use() method, you'll be able to set a series of middleware functions that will be executed in a row to achieve maximum flexibility when writing your application. Connect will then pass the next middleware function to the currently executing middleware function using the next argument. In each middleware function, you can decide whether to call the next middleware function or stop at the current one. Notice that each Connect middleware function will be executed in first-in-first-out (FIFO) order using the next arguments until there are no more middleware functions to execute or the next middleware function is not called. To understand this better, we will go back to the previous example and add a logger function that will log all the requests made to the server in the command line. To do so, go back to the server.js file and update it to look like the following code snippet: var connect = require('connect'); var app = connect(); var logger = function(req, res, next) { console.log(req.method, req.url); next(); }; var helloWorld = function(req, res, next) { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain'); res.end('Hello World'); }; app.use(logger); app.use(helloWorld); app.listen(3000); console.log('Server running at http://localhost:3000/'); In the preceding example, you added another middleware called logger(). The logger() middleware uses the console.log() method to simply log the request information to the console. Notice how the logger() middleware is registered before the helloWorld() middleware. This is important as it determines the order in which each middleware is executed. Another thing to notice is the next() call in the logger() middleware, which is responsible for calling the helloWorld() middleware. Removing the next() call would stop the execution of middleware function at the logger() middleware, which means that the request would hang forever as the response is never ended by calling the res.end() method. To test your changes, start your connect server again by issuing the following command in your command-line tool: $ node server Then, visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser and notice the console output in your command-line tool. Mounting Connect middleware As you may have noticed, the middleware you registered responds to any request regardless of the request path. This does not comply with modern web application development because responding to different paths is an integral part of all web applications. Fortunately, Connect middleware supports a feature called mounting, which enables you to determine which request path is required for the middleware function to get executed. Mounting is done by adding the path argument to the app.use() method. To understand this better, let's revisit our previous example. Modify your server.js file to look like the following code snippet: var connect = require('connect'); var app = connect(); var logger = function(req, res, next) { console.log(req.method, req.url); next(); }; var helloWorld = function(req, res, next) { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain'); res.end('Hello World'); }; var goodbyeWorld = function(req, res, next) { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain'); res.end('Goodbye World'); }; app.use(logger); app.use('/hello', helloWorld); app.use('/goodbye', goodbyeWorld); app.listen(3000); console.log('Server running at http://localhost:3000/'); A few things have been changed in the previous example. First, you mounted the helloWorld() middleware to respond only to requests made to the /hello path. Then, you added another (a bit morbid) middleware called goodbyeWorld() that will respond to requests made to the /goodbye path. Notice how, as a logger should do, we left the logger() middleware to respond to all the requests made to the server. Another thing you should be aware of is that any requests made to the base path will not be responded by any middleware because we mounted the helloWorld() middleware to a specific path. Connect is a great module that supports various features of common web applications. Connect middleware is super simple as it is built with a JavaScript style in mind. It allows the endless extension of your application logic without breaking the nimble philosophy of the Node platform. While Connect is a great improvement over writing your web application infrastructure, it deliberately lacks some basic features you're used to having in other web frameworks. The reason lies in one of the basic principles of the Node community: create your modules lean and let other developers build their modules on top of the module you created. The community is supposed to extend Connect with its own modules and create its own web infrastructures. In fact, one very energetic developer named TJ Holowaychuk, did it better than most when he released a Connect-based web framework known as Express. Summary In this article, you learned about the basic principles of Node.js web applications and discovered the Connect web module. You created your first Connect application and learned how to use middleware functions. To learn more about Node.js and Web Development, the following books published by Packt Publishing ( are recommended: Node.js Design Patterns ( Web Development with MongoDB and Node.js ( Resources for Article: Further resources on this subject: So, what is Node.js?[article] AngularJS[article] So, what is MongoDB?[article]
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16 Sep 2015
8 min read
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Building a WPF .NET Client

16 Sep 2015
8 min read
In this article by Einar Ingebrigtsen, author of the book SignalR: Real-time Application Development - Second Edition we will bring the full feature set of what we've built so far for the web onto the desktop through a WPF .NET client. There are quite a few ways of developing Windows client solutions, and WPF was introduced back in 2005 and has become one of the most popular ways of developing software for Windows. In WPF, we have something called XAML, which is what Windows Phone development supports and is also the latest programming model in Windows 10. In this chapter, the following topics will be covered: MVVM Brief introduction to the SOLID principles XAML WPF (For more resources related to this topic, see here.) Decoupling it all So you might be asking yourself, what is MVVM? It stands for Model View ViewModel: a pattern for client development that became very popular in the XAML stack, enabled by Microsoft based on Martin Fowlers presentation model ( Its principle is that you have a ViewModel that holds the state and exposes behavior that can be utilized from a view. The view observes any changes of the state the ViewModel exposes, making the ViewModel totally unaware that there is a View. The ViewModel is decoupled and can be put in isolation and is perfect for automated testing. As part of the state that the ViewModel typically holds is the model part, which is something it usually gets from the server, and a SignalR hub is the perfect transport to get this. It boils down to recognizing the different concerns that make up the frontend and separating it all. This gives us the following diagram: Decoupling – the next level In this chapter, one of the things we will brush up is the usage of the Dependency Inversion Principle, the D of SOLID. Let's start with the first principle: the S in SOLID of Single Responsibility Principle, which states that a method or a class should only have one reason to change and only have one responsibility. With this, we can't have our units take on more than one responsibility and need help from collaborators to do the entire job. These collaborators are things we now depend on and we should represent these dependencies clearly to our units so that anyone or anything instantiating it knows what we are depending on. We have now flipped around the way in which we get dependencies. Instead of the unit trying to instantiate everything itself, we now clearly state what we need as collaborators, opening up for the calling code to decide what implementations of these dependencies you want to pass on. Also, this is an important aspect; typically, you'd want the dependencies expressed in the form of interfaces, yielding flexibility for the calling code. Basically, what this all means is that instead of a unit or system instantiating and managing its dependencies, we decouple and let something called as the Inversion of Control container deal with this. In the sample, we will use an IoC (Inversion of Control) container called Ninject that will deal with this for us. What it basically does is manage what implementations to give to the dependency specified on the constructor. Often, you'll find that the dependencies are interfaces in C#. This means one is not coupled to a specific implementation and has the flexibility of changing things at runtime based on configuration. Another role of the IOC container is to govern the life cycle of the dependencies. It is responsible for knowing when to create new instances and when to reuse an instance. For instance, in a web application, there are some systems that you want to have a life cycle of per request, meaning that we will get the same instance for the lifetime of a web request. The life cycle is configurable in what is known as a binding. When you explicitly set up the relationship between a contract (interface) and its implementation, you can choose to set up the life cycle behavior as well. Building for the desktop The first thing we will need is a separate project in our solution: Let's add it by right-clicking on the solution in Solution Explorer and navigating to Add | New Project: In the Add New Project dialog box, we want to make sure the .NET Framework 4.5.1 is selected. We could have gone with 4.5, but some of the dependencies that we're going to use have switched to 4.5.1. This is the latest version of the .NET Framework at the time of writing, so if you can, use it. Make sure to select Windows Desktop and then select WPF Application. Give the project the name SignalRChat.WPF and then click on the OK button: Setting up the packages We will need some packages to get started properly. This process is described in detail in Chapter 1, The Primer. Let's start off by adding SignalR, which is our primary framework that we will be working with to move on. We will be pulling this using NuGet, as described in Chapter 1, The Primer: Right-click on the References in Solution Explorer and select Manage NuGet Packages, and type Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client in the Search dialog box. Select it and click on Install. Next, we're going to pull down something called as Bifrost. Bifrost is a library that helps us build MVVM-based solutions on WPF; there are a few other solutions out there, but we'll focus on Bifrost. Add a package called Bifrost.Client. Then, we need the package that gives us the IOC container called Ninject, working together with Bifrost. Add a package called Bifrost.Ninject. Observables One of the things that is part of WPF and all other XAML-based platforms is the notion of observables; be it in properties or collections that will notify when they change. The notification is done through well-known interfaces for this, such as INotifyPropertyChanged or INotifyCollectionChanged. Implementing these interfaces quickly becomes tedious all over the place where you want to notify everything when there are changes. Luckily, there are ways to make this pretty much go away. We can generate the code for this instead, either at runtime or at build time. For our project, we will go for a build-time solution. To accomplish this, we will use something called as Fody and a plugin for it called PropertyChanged. Add another NuGet package called PropertyChanged.Fody. If you happen to get problems during compiling, it could be the result of the dependency to a package called Fody not being installed. This happens for some versions of the package in combination with the latest Roslyn compiler. To fix this, install the NuGet package called Fody explicitly. Now that we have all the packages, we will need some configuration in code: Open the App.xam.cs file and add the following statement: using Bifrost.Configuration; The next thing we will need is a constructor for the App class: public App() { Configure.DiscoverAndConfigure(); } This will tell Bifrost to discover the implementations of the well-known interfaces to do the configuration. Bifrost uses the IoC container internally all the time, so the next thing we will need to do is give it an implementation. Add a class called ContainerCreator at the root of the project. Make it look as follows: using Bifrost.Configuration; using Bifrost.Execution; using Bifrost.Ninject; using Ninject; namespace SignalRChat.WPF { public class ContainerCreator : ICanCreateContainer { public IContainer CreateContainer() { var kernel = new StandardKernel(); var container = new Container(kernel); return container; } } } We've chosen Ninject among others that Bifrost supports, mainly because of familiarity and habit. If you happen to have another favorite, Bifrost supports a few. It's also fairly easy to implement your own support; just go to the source at to find reference implementations. In order for Bifrost to be targeting the desktop, we need to tell it through configuration. Add a class called Configurator at the root of the project. Make it look as follows: using Bifrost.Configuration; namespace SignalRChat.WPF { public class Configurator : ICanConfigure { public void Configure(IConfigure configure) { configure.Frontend.Desktop(); } } } Summary Although there are differences between creating a web solution and a desktop client, the differences have faded over time. We can apply the same principles across the different environments; it's just different programming languages. The SignalR API adds the same type of consistency in thinking, although not as matured as the JavaScript API with proxy generation and so on; still the same ideas and concepts are found in the underlying API. Resources for Article: Further resources on this subject: The Importance of Securing Web Services [article] Working with WebStart and the Browser Plugin [article] Microsoft Azure – Developing Web API for Mobile Apps [article]
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30 Apr 2015
12 min read
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Angular 2.0

30 Apr 2015
12 min read
Angular 2.0 was officially announced in ng-conference on October 2014. Angular 2.0 will not be a major update to the previous version, but it is a complete rewrite of the entire framework and will include major changes. In this article by Mohammad Wadood Majid, coauthor of the book Mastering AngularJS for .NET Developers, we will learn the following topics: Why Angular 2.0 Design and features of Angular 2.0 AtScript Routing solution Dependency injection Annotations Instance scope Child injector Data binding and templating (For more resources related to this topic, see here.) Why Angular 2.0 AngularJS is one of the most popular open source frameworks available for client-side web application development. From the last few years, AngularJS's adaption and community support has been remarkable. The current AngularJS Version 1.3 is stable and used by many developers. There are over 1600 applications inside Google that use AngularJS 1.2 or 1.3. In the last few years, the Web has changed significantly, such as in the past, it was very difficult to build a cross-browser application; however, today's browsers are more consistent in their DOM implementations and the Web will continue to change. Angular 2.0 will address the following concerns: Mobile: Angular 2.0 will focus on mobile application development. Modular: Different modules will be removed from the core AngularJS, which will result in a better performance. Angular 2.0 will provide us the ability to pick the module parts we need. Modern: Angular 2.0 will include ECMAScript 6 (ES6). ECMAScript is a scripting language standard developed by Ecma International. It is widely used in client-side scripting, such as JavaScript, JScript, and ActionScript on the Web. Performance: AngularJS was developed around 5 years ago and it was not developed for developers. It was a tool targeting developers to quickly create persistent HTML forms. However, over time, it has been used to build more complex applications. The Angular 1.x team worked over the years to make changes to the current design, allowing it to continue to be relevant as needed for modern web applications. However, there are limits to improve the current AngularJS framework. A number of these limits are related to the performance that results to the current binding and template infrastructure. In order to fix these problems, a new infrastructure is required. In these days, the modern browser already supports some of the features of ES6, but the final implementation in progress will be available in 2015. With new features, developers will be able to describe their own views (template element) and package them for distribution to other developers (HTML imports). When in 2015 all these new features are available in all the browsers, the developer will be able to create as many endeavors for reusable components as required to resolve common problems. However, most of the frameworks, such as AngularJS 1.x, are not prepared, the data binding of the AngularJS 1.x framework works on the assumption of a small number of known HTML elements. In order to take advantage of the new components, an implementation in Angular is required. Design and features of AngularJS 2.0 The current AngularJS framework design in an amalgamation of the changing Web and the general computing landscape; however, it still needs some changes. The current Angular 1.x framework cannot work with new web components, as it lends itself to mobile applications and pushes its own module and class API against the standards. To answer these issues, the AngularJS team is coming up with the AngularJS 2.0 framework. AngularJS 2.0 is a reimaging of AngularJS 1.x for the modern web browser. The following are the changes in Angular 2.0: AtScript AtScript is a language used to develop AngularJS 2.0, which is a superset of ES6. It's managed by the Traceur compiler with ES6 to produce the ES5 code and it will use the TypeScript's syntax to generate runtime type proclamations instead of compile time checks. However, the developer will still be able to use the plain JavaScript (ES5) instead to using AtScript to write AngularJS 2.0 applications. The following is an example of an AtScript code: import {Component} from 'angulat';   import {server} from './server';   @Componenet({selector: 'test'})   export class MyNewComponent {   constructor(serve:Server){      this.sever=server } } In the preceding code, the import and the class come from ES6. There are constructor functions and a server parameter that specifies a type. In AtScript, this type is used to generate a runtime type assertion. The reference is stored, so that the dependency injection framework can use it. The @Component annotation is a metadata annotation. When we decorate some code within @Component, the compiler generates code that instantiates the annotation and stores it in a known location, so that it can be accessed by the AngularJS 2.0 framework. Routing solution In AngularJS 1.x, the routing was designed to handle a few simple cases. As the framework grew, more features were added to it. AngularJS 2.0 includes the following basic routing features, but will still be able to extend: JSON route configuration Optional convention over configuration Static, parameterized, and splat route patterns URL resolver Query string Push state or hash change Navigation model Document title updates 404 route handling Location service History manipulation Child router Screen activate: canActivate activate deactivate Dependency Injection The main feature of AngularJS 1.x was Dependency Injection (DI). It is very easy to used DI and follow the divide and conquer software development approach. In this way, the complex problems can be abstracted together and the applications that are developed in this way can be assembled at runtime with the use of DI. However, there are few issues in the AngularJS 1.x framework. First, the DI implementation was associated with minification; DI was dependant on parsing parameter names from functions, and whenever the names were changed, they were no longer matching with the services, controllers, and other components. Second, the missing features, which are more common to advance server-side DI features, are available in .NET and Java. These two features add constraints to scope control and child injectors. Annotations With the use of AtScript in the AngularJS 2.0 framework, a way to relate metadata with any function was introduced. The formatting data for metadata with AtScript is strong in the face of minification and is easy to write by pointer with ES5. The instance scope In the AngularJS framework 1.x, in the DI container, all the instances were singletons. The same is the case with AngularJS 2.0 by default. However, to get different behavior, we need to use services, providers, constants, and so on. The following code can be used to create a new instance every time the DI. It will become more useful if you create your own scope identifiers for use in the combination with child injectors, as shown: @TransientScope   Export class MyClass{…} The child injector The child injector is a major new feature in AngularJS 2.0. The child injector is inherited from its parent; however, the child injector has the ability to override the parents at the child level. Using this new feature, we can call certain type of objects in the application that will be automatically overridden in various scopes. For example, when a new route has a child route ability, each child route creates its own child injector. This allows each route to inherit from parent routes or to override those services during different navigation scenarios. Data binding and templating The data binding and template are considered a single unit while developing the application. In other words, the data binding and templates go hand in hand while writing an application with the AngularJS framework. When we bind the DOM, the HTML is handed to the template compiler. The compiler goes across the HTML to find out any directives, binding expressions, event handlers, and so on. All of the data is extracted from the DOM to data structures, which can be used to instantiate the template. During this phase, some processing is done on the data, for example, parsing the binding expression. Every node that contains the instructions is tagged with the class to cache the result of the process, so that work does not need to be repeated. Dynamic loading Dynamic loading was missing in AngularJS 1.x. It is very hard to add new directives or controllers at runtime. However, dynamic loading is added to Angular 2.0. Whenever any template is compiled, not only is the compiler provided with a template, but it is also provided with a component definition. The component definition contains metadata of directives, filters, and so on. This confirms that the necessary dependencies are loaded before the template gets managed by the compiler. Directives Directives in the AngularJS framework are meant to extend the HTML. In AngularJS 1.x, the Directive Definition Object (DDO) is used to create directives. In AngularJS 2.0, the directives are made simpler. There are three types of directives in AngularJS 2.0: The component directive: This is a collection of a view and a controller to create custom components. It can be used as an HTML element as well as a router that can map routes to the components. The decorator directive: Use this directive to decorate the HTML element with additional behavior, such as ng-show. The template directive: This directive transforms HTML into a reusable template. The directive developer can control how the template is instantiated and inserted into the DOM, such as ng-if and ng-repeat. The controller in AngularJS 2.0 is not a part of the component. However, the component contains the view and controller, where view is an HTML and controller is JavaScript. In AngularJS 2.0, the developer creates a class with some annotations, as shown in the following code: @dirComponent({   Selector: 'divTabContainter'   Directives:[NgRepeat]   })   Export class TabContainer{      constructor (panes:Query<Pane>){      this.panes=panes      } select(selectPane:Pane){…}   } In the preceding code, the controller of the component is a class. The dependencies are injected automatically into the constructor because the child injectors will be used. It can get access to any service up to the DOM hierarchy as well as it will local to service element. It can be seen in the preceding code that Query is injected. This is a special collection that is automatically synchronized with the child elements and lets us know when anything is added or removed. Templates In the preceding section, we created a dirTabContainer directive using AngularJS 2.0. The following code shows how to use the preceding directive in the DOM: <template>      <div class="border">          <div class="tabs">              <div [ng-repeat|pane]="panes" class="tab"   (^click)="select(pane)">                  <img [src]="pane.icon"><span>${}</span>              </div>          </div>          <content>        </content>      </div> </template> As you can see in the preceding code, in the <img [src]="pane.icon"><span>${}</span> image tag, the src attribute is surrounded with [], which tells us that the attribute has binding express. When we see ${}, it means that there is an expression that should be interpolated in the content. These bindings are unidirectional from the model or controller to the view. If you see div in the preceding <div [ng-repeat|pane]="panes" class="tab" (^click)="select(pane)"> template code, it is noticeable that ng-repeat is a template directive and is included with | and the pane word, where pane is the local variable. (^click) indicates that there is an event handler, where ^ means that the event is not a directory attached to the DOM, rather, we let it bubble and will be handled at the document level. In the following code example, we will compare the code of the Angular framework 1.x and AngularJS 2.0; let's create a hello world example for this demonstration. The following code is used to enable the write option in the AngularJS framework 1.x: var module = angular.module("example", []);   module.controller("FormExample", function() {   this.username = "World";   });   <div ng-controller="FormExample as ctrl">   <input ng-model="ctrl.username"> Hello {{ctrl.username}}!   </div> The following code is used to write in the AngluraJS framework 1.x: @Component({   selector: 'form-example'   })   @Template({   // we are binding the input element to the control object // defined in the component's class   inline: '<input [control]="username">Hello            {{username.value}}!', directives: [forms]   })   class FormExample {   constructor() {      this.username = new Control('World');   }   } In the preceding code example, TypeScript 1.5 is used, which will support the metadata annotations. However, the preceding code can be written in the ES5/ES6 JavaScript. More information on annotations can be found in the annotation guide at Here are some explanations from TypeScript 1.5: Form behavior cannot be unit tested without compiling the associated template. This is required because certain parts of the application behavior are contained in the template. We want to enable the dynamically generated data-driven forms in AngularJS 2.0 although it is present in AngularJS 1.x. This is because in Angular 1.x, this is not easy. The difficulty to reason your template statically arises because the ng-model directive was built using a generic two-way data binding. An atomic form that can easily be validated or reverted to its original state is required, which is missing from AngularJS 1.x. Although AngularJS 2.0 uses an extra level of indirection, it grants major benefits. The control object decouples form behavior from the template, so that you can test it in isolation. Tests are simpler to write and faster to execute. Summary In this article, we introduced the Angular 2.0 framework; it may not be a major update to the previous version, but it is a complete rewrite of the entire framework and will include breaking changes. We also talked about certain AngularJS 2.0 changes. AngularJS 2.0 will hopefully be released by the end of 2015. Resources for Article: Further resources on this subject: Setting Up The Rig [article] AngularJS Project [article] Working with Live Data and AngularJS [article]
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22 Sep 2014
18 min read
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Adding Real-time Functionality Using

22 Sep 2014
18 min read
In this article by Amos Q. Haviv, the author of MEAN Web Development, decribes how enables Node.js developers to support real-time communication using WebSockets in modern browsers and legacy fallback protocols in older browsers. (For more resources related to this topic, see here.) Introducing WebSockets Modern web applications such as Facebook, Twitter, or Gmail are incorporating real-time capabilities, which enable the application to continuously present the user with recently updated information. Unlike traditional applications, in real-time applications the common roles of browser and server can be reversed since the server needs to update the browser with new data, regardless of the browser request state. This means that unlike the common HTTP behavior, the server won't wait for the browser's requests. Instead, it will send new data to the browser whenever this data becomes available. This reverse approach is often called Comet, a term coined by a web developer named Alex Russel back in 2006 (the term was a word play on the AJAX term; both Comet and AJAX are common household cleaners in the US). In the past, there were several ways to implement a Comet functionality using the HTTP protocol. The first and easiest way is XHR polling. In XHR polling, the browser makes periodic requests to the server. The server then returns an empty response unless it has new data to send back. Upon a new event, the server will return the new event data to the next polling request. While this works quite well for most browsers, this method has two problems. The most obvious one is that using this method generates a large number of requests that hit the server with no particular reason, since a lot of requests are returning empty. The second problem is that the update time depends on the request period. This means that new data will only get pushed to the browser on the next request, causing delays in updating the client state. To solve these issues, a better approach was introduced: XHR long polling. In XHR long polling, the browser makes an XHR request to the server, but a response is not sent back unless the server has a new data. Upon an event, the server responds with the event data and the browser makes a new long polling request. This cycle enables a better management of requests, since there is only a single request per session. Furthermore, the server can update the browser immediately with new information, without having to wait for the browser's next request. Because of its stability and usability, XHR long polling has become the standard approach for real-time applications and was implemented in various ways, including Forever iFrame, multipart XHR, JSONP long polling using script tags (for cross-domain, real-time support), and the common long-living XHR. However, all these approaches were actually hacks using the HTTP and XHR protocols in a way they were not meant to be used. With the rapid development of modern browsers and the increased adoption of the new HTML5 specifications, a new protocol emerged for implementing real-time communication: the full duplex WebSockets. In browsers that support the WebSockets protocol, the initial connection between the server and browser is made over HTTP and is called an HTTP handshake. Once the initial connection is made, the browser and server open a single ongoing communication channel over a TCP socket. Once the socket connection is established, it enables bidirectional communication between the browser and server. This enables both parties to send and retrieve messages over a single communication channel. This also helps to lower server load, decrease message latency, and unify PUSH communication using a standalone connection. However, WebSockets still suffer from two major problems. First and foremost is browser compatibility. The WebSockets specification is fairly new, so older browsers don't support it, and though most modern browsers now implement the protocol, a large group of users are still using these older browsers. The second problem is HTTP proxies, firewalls, and hosting providers. Since WebSockets use a different communication protocol than HTTP, a lot of these intermediaries don't support it yet and block any socket communication. As it has always been with the Web, developers are left with a fragmentation problem, which can only be solved using an abstraction library that optimizes usability by switching between protocols according to the available resources. Fortunately, a popular library called was already developed for this purpose, and it is freely available for the Node.js developer community. Introducing Created in 2010 by JavaScript developer, Guillermo Rauch, aimed to abstract Node.js' real-time application development. Since then, it has evolved dramatically, released in nine major versions before being broken in its latest version into two different modules: and Previous versions of were criticized for being unstable, since they first tried to establish the most advanced connection mechanisms and then fallback to more primitive protocols. This caused serious issues with using in production environments and posed a threat to the adoption of as a real-time library. To solve this, the team redesigned it and wrapped the core functionality in a base module called The idea behind was to create a more stable real-time module, which first opens a long-polling XHR communication and then tries to upgrade the connection to a WebSockets channel. The new version of uses the module and provides the developer with various features such as events, rooms, and automatic connection recovery, which you would otherwise implement by yourself. In this article's examples, we will use the new 1.0, which is the first version to use the module. Older versions of prior to Version 1.0 are not using the new module and therefore are much less stable in production environments. When you include the module, it provides you with two objects: a socket server object that is responsible for the server functionality and a socket client object that handles the browser's functionality. We'll begin by examining the server object. The server object The server object is where it all begins. You start by requiring the module, and then use it to create a new server instance that will interact with socket clients. The server object supports both a standalone implementation and the ability to use it in conjunction with the Express framework. The server instance then exposes a set of methods that allow you to manage the server operations. Once the server object is initialized, it will also be responsible for serving the socket client JavaScript file for the browser. A simple implementation of the standalone server will look as follows: var io = require('')();io.on('connection', function(socket){ /* ... */ });io.listen(3000); This will open a over the 3000 port and serve the socket client file at the URL http://localhost:3000/ Implementing the server in conjunction with an Express application will be a bit different: var app = require('express')();var server = require('http').Server(app);var io = require('')(server);io.on('connection', function(socket){ /* ... */ });server.listen(3000); This time, you first use the http module of Node.js to create a server and wrap the Express application. The server object is then passed to the module and serves both the Express application and the server. Once the server is running, it will be available for socket clients to connect. A client trying to establish a connection with the server will start by initiating the handshaking process. handshaking When a client wants to connect the server, it will first send a handshake HTTP request. The server will then analyze the request to gather the necessary information for ongoing communication. It will then look for configuration middleware that is registered with the server and execute it before firing the connection event. When the client is successfully connected to the server, the connection event listener is executed, exposing a new socket instance. Once the handshaking process is over, the client is connected to the server and all communication with it is handled through the socket instance object. For example, handling a client's disconnection event will be as follows: var app = require('express')();var server = require('http').Server(app);var io = require('')(server);io.on('connection', function(socket){socket.on('disconnect', function() {   console.log('user has disconnected');});});server.listen(3000); Notice how the socket.on() method adds an event handler to the disconnection event. Although the disconnection event is a predefined event, this approach works the same for custom events as well, as you will see in the following sections. While the handshake mechanism is fully automatic, does provide you with a way to intercept the handshake process using a configuration middleware. The configuration middleware Although the configuration middleware existed in previous versions, in the new version it is even simpler and allows you to manipulate socket communication before the handshake actually occurs. To create a configuration middleware, you will need to use the server's use() method, which is very similar to the Express application's use() method: var app = require('express')();var server = require('http').Server(app);var io = require('')(server);io.use(function(socket, next) {/* ... */next(null, true);});io.on('connection', function(socket){socket.on('disconnect', function() {   console.log('user has disconnected');});});server.listen(3000); As you can see, the io.use() method callback accepts two arguments: the socket object and a next callback. The socket object is the same socket object that will be used for the connection and it holds some connection properties. One important property is the socket.request property, which represents the handshake HTTP request. In the following sections, you will use the handshake request to incorporate the Passport session with the connection. The next argument is a callback method that accepts two arguments: an error object and Boolean value. The next callback tells whether or not to proceed with the handshake process, so if you pass an error object or a false value to the next method, will not initiate the socket connection. Now that you have a basic understanding of how handshaking works, it is time to discuss the client object. The client object The client object is responsible for the implementation of the browser socket communication with the server. You start by including the client JavaScript file, which is served by the server. The JavaScript file exposes an io() method that connects to the server and creates the client socket object. A simple implementation of the socket client will be as follows: <script src="/"></script><script>var socket = io();socket.on('connect', function() {   /* ... */});</script> Notice the default URL for the client object. Although this can be altered, you can usually leave it like this and just include the file from the default path. Another thing you should notice is that the io() method will automatically try to connect to the default base path when executed with no arguments; however, you can also pass a different server URL as an argument. As you can see, the socket client is much easier to implement, so we can move on to discuss how handles real-time communication using events. events To handle the communication between the client and the server, uses a structure that mimics the WebSockets protocol and fires events messages across the server and client objects. There are two types of events: system events, which indicate the socket connection status, and custom events, which you'll use to implement your business logic. The system events on the socket server are as follows: io.on('connection', ...): This is emitted when a new socket is connected socket.on('message', ...): This is emitted when a message is sent using the socket.send() method socket.on('disconnect', ...): This is emitted when the socket is disconnected The system events on the client are as follows:'open', ...): This is emitted when the socket client opens a connection with the server'connect', ...): This is emitted when the socket client is connected to the server'connect_timeout', ...): This is emitted when the socket client connection with the server is timed out'connect_error', ...): This is emitted when the socket client fails to connect with the server'reconnect_attempt', ...): This is emitted when the socket client tries to reconnect with the server'reconnect', ...): This is emitted when the socket client is reconnected to the server'reconnect_error', ...): This is emitted when the socket client fails to reconnect with the server'reconnect_failed', ...): This is emitted when the socket client fails to reconnect with the server'close', ...): This is emitted when the socket client closes the connection with the server Handling events While system events are helping us with connection management, the real magic of relies on using custom events. In order to do so, exposes two methods, both on the client and server objects. The first method is the on() method, which binds event handlers with events and the second method is the emit() method, which is used to fire events between the server and client objects. An implementation of the on() method on the socket server is very simple: var app = require('express')();var server = require('http').Server(app);var io = require('')(server);io.on('connection', function(socket){socket.on('customEvent', function(customEventData) {   /* ... */});});server.listen(3000); In the preceding code, you bound an event listener to the customEvent event. The event handler is being called when the socket client object emits the customEvent event. Notice how the event handler accepts the customEventData argument that is passed to the event handler from the socket client object. An implementation of the on() method on the socket client is also straightforward: <script src="/"></script><script>var socket = io();socket.on('customEvent', function(customEventData) {   /* ... */});</script> This time the event handler is being called when the socket server emits the customEvent event that sends customEventData to the socket client event handler. Once you set your event handlers, you can use the emit() method to send events from the socket server to the socket client and vice versa. Emitting events On the socket server, the emit() method is used to send events to a single socket client or a group of connected socket clients. The emit() method can be called from the connected socket object, which will send the event to a single socket client, as follows: io.on('connection', function(socket){socket.emit('customEvent', customEventData);}); The emit() method can also be called from the io object, which will send the event to all connected socket clients, as follows: io.on('connection', function(socket){io.emit('customEvent', customEventData);}); Another option is to send the event to all connected socket clients except from the sender using the broadcast property, as shown in the following lines of code: io.on('connection', function(socket){socket.broadcast.emit('customEvent', customEventData);}); On the socket client, things are much simpler. Since the socket client is only connected to the socket server, the emit() method will only send the event to the socket server: var socket = io();socket.emit('customEvent', customEventData); Although these methods allow you to switch between personal and global events, they still lack the ability to send events to a group of connected socket clients. offers two options to group sockets together: namespaces and rooms. namespaces In order to easily control socket management, allow developers to split socket connections according to their purpose using namespaces. So instead of creating different socket servers for different connections, you can just use the same server to create different connection endpoints. This means that socket communication can be divided into groups, which will then be handled separately. server namespaces To create a socket server namespace, you will need to use the socket server of() method that returns a socket namespace. Once you retain the socket namespace, you can just use it the same way you use the socket server object: var app = require('express')();var server = require('http').Server(app);var io = require('')(server);io.of('/someNamespace').on('connection', function(socket){socket.on('customEvent', function(customEventData) {   /* ... */});});io.of('/someOtherNamespace').on('connection', function(socket){socket.on('customEvent', function(customEventData) {   /* ... */});});server.listen(3000); In fact, when you use the io object, actually uses a default empty namespace as follows: io.on('connection', function(socket){/* ... */}); The preceding lines of code are actually equivalent to this: io.of('').on('connection', function(socket){/* ... */}); client namespaces On the socket client, the implementation is a little different: <script src="/"></script><script>var someSocket = io('/someNamespace');someSocket.on('customEvent', function(customEventData) {   /* ... */});var someOtherSocket = io('/someOtherNamespace');someOtherSocket.on('customEvent', function(customEventData) {   /* ... */});</script> As you can see, you can use multiple namespaces on the same application without much effort. However, once sockets are connected to different namespaces, you will not be able to send an event to all these namespaces at once. This means that namespaces are not very good for a more dynamic grouping logic. For this purpose, offers a different feature called rooms. rooms rooms allow you to partition connected sockets into different groups in a dynamic way. Connected sockets can join and leave rooms, and provides you with a clean interface to manage rooms and emit events to the subset of sockets in a room. The rooms functionality is handled solely on the socket server but can easily be exposed to the socket client. Joining and leaving rooms Joining a room is handled using the socket join() method, while leaving a room is handled using the leave() method. So, a simple subscription mechanism can be implemented as follows: io.on('connection', function(socket) {   socket.on('join', function(roomData) {       socket.join(roomData.roomName);   })   socket.on('leave', function(roomData) {       socket.leave(roomData.roomName);   })}); Notice that the join() and leave() methods both take the room name as the first argument. Emitting events to rooms To emit events to all the sockets in a room, you will need to use the in() method. So, emitting an event to all socket clients who joined a room is quite simple and can be achieved with the help of the following code snippets: io.on('connection', function(socket){'someRoom').emit('customEvent', customEventData);}); Another option is to send the event to all connected socket clients in a room except the sender by using the broadcast property and the to() method: io.on('connection', function(socket){'someRoom').emit('customEvent', customEventData);}); This pretty much covers the simple yet powerful room functionality of In the next section, you will learn how implement in your MEAN application, and more importantly, how to use the Passport session to identify users in the session. While we covered most of features, you can learn more about by visiting the official project page at Summary In this article, you learned how the module works. You went over the key features of and learned how the server and client communicate. You configured your server and learned how to integrate it with your Express application. You also used the handshake configuration to integrate the Passport session. In the end, you built a fully functional chat example and learned how to wrap the client with an AngularJS service. Resources for Article: Further resources on this subject: Creating a RESTful API [article] Angular Zen [article] Digging into the Architecture [article]
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19 Sep 2014
24 min read
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Creating a RESTful API

19 Sep 2014
24 min read
In this article by Jason Krol, the author of Web Development with MongoDB and NodeJS, we will review the following topics: (For more resources related to this topic, see here.) Introducing RESTful APIs Installing a few basic tools Creating a basic API server and sample JSON data Responding to GET requests Updating data with POST and PUT Removing data with DELETE Consuming external APIs from Node What is an API? An Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of tools that a computer system makes available that provides unrelated systems or software the ability to interact with each other. Typically, a developer uses an API when writing software that will interact with a closed, external, software system. The external software system provides an API as a standard set of tools that all developers can use. Many popular social networking sites provide developer's access to APIs to build tools to support those sites. The most obvious examples are Facebook and Twitter. Both have a robust API that provides developers with the ability to build plugins and work with data directly, without them being granted full access as a general security precaution. As you will see with this article, providing your own API is not only fairly simple, but also it empowers you to provide your users with access to your data. You also have the added peace of mind knowing that you are in complete control over what level of access you can grant, what sets of data you can make read-only, as well as what data can be inserted and updated. What is a RESTful API? Representational State Transfer (REST) is a fancy way of saying CRUD over HTTP. What this means is when you use a REST API, you have a uniform means to create, read, and update data using simple HTTP URLs with a standard set of HTTP verbs. The most basic form of a REST API will accept one of the HTTP verbs at a URL and return some kind of data as a response. Typically, a REST API GET request will always return some kind of data such as JSON, XML, HTML, or plain text. A POST or PUT request to a RESTful API URL will accept data to create or update. The URL for a RESTful API is known as an endpoint, and while working with these endpoints, it is typically said that you are consuming them. The standard HTTP verbs used while interfacing with REST APIs include: GET: This retrieves data POST: This submits data for a new record PUT: This submits data to update an existing record PATCH: This submits a date to update only specific parts of an existing record DELETE: This deletes a specific record Typically, RESTful API endpoints are defined in a way that they mimic the data models and have semantic URLs that are somewhat representative of the data models. What this means is that to request a list of models, for example, you would access an API endpoint of /models. Likewise, to retrieve a specific model by its ID, you would include that in the endpoint URL via /models/:Id. Some sample RESTful API endpoint URLs are as follows: GET This returns a list of accounts GET This returns a single account by Id: 1 POST This creates a new account (data submitted as a part of the request) PUT This updates an existing account by Id: 1 (data submitted as part of the request) GET This returns a list of orders for account Id: 1 GET This returns the details for a single order by Order Id: 21345 for account Id: 1 It's not a requirement that the URL endpoints match this pattern; it's just common convention. Introducing Postman REST Client Before we get started, there are a few tools that will make life much easier when you're working directly with APIs. The first of these tools is called Postman REST Client, and it's a Google Chrome application that can run right in your browser or as a standalone-packaged application. Using this tool, you can easily make any kind of request to any endpoint you want. The tool provides many useful and powerful features that are very easy to use and, best of all, free! Installation instructions Postman REST Client can be installed in two different ways, but both require Google Chrome to be installed and running on your system. The easiest way to install the application is by visiting the Chrome Web Store at Perform a search for Postman REST Client and multiple results will be returned. There is the regular Postman REST Client that runs as an application built into your browser, and then separate Postman REST Client (packaged app) that runs as a standalone application on your system in its own dedicated window. Go ahead and install your preference. If you install the application as the standalone packaged app, an icon to launch it will be added to your dock or taskbar. If you installed it as a regular browser app, you can launch it by opening a new tab in Google Chrome and going to Apps and finding the Postman REST Client icon. After you've installed and launched the app, you should be presented with an output similar to the following screenshot: A quick tour of Postman REST Client Using Postman REST Client, we're able to submit REST API calls to any endpoint we want as well as modify the type of request. Then, we can have complete access to the data that's returned from the API as well as any errors that might have occurred. To test an API call, enter the URL to your favorite website in the Enter request URL here field and leave the dropdown next to it as GET. This will mimic a standard GET request that your browser performs anytime you visit a website. Click on the blue Send button. The request is made and the response is displayed at the bottom half of the screen. In the following screenshot, I sent a simple GET request to and the HTML is returned as follows: If we change this URL to that of the RSS feed URL for my website, you can see the XML returned: The XML view has a few more features as it exposes the sidebar to the right that gives you a handy outline to glimpse the tree structure of the XML data. Not only that, you can now see a history of the requests we've made so far along the left sidebar. This is great when we're doing more advanced POST or PUT requests and don't want to repeat the data setup for each request while testing an endpoint. Here is a sample API endpoint I submitted a GET request to that returns the JSON data in its response: A really nice thing about making API calls to endpoints that return JSON using Postman Client is that it parses and displays the JSON in a very nicely formatted way, and each node in the data is expandable and collapsible. The app is very intuitive so make sure you spend some time playing around and experimenting with different types of calls to different URLs. Using the JSONView Chrome extension There is one other tool I want to let you know about (while extremely minor) that is actually a really big deal. The JSONView Chrome extension is a very small plugin that will instantly convert any JSON you view directly via the browser into a more usable JSON tree (exactly like Postman Client). Here is an example of pointing to a URL that returns JSON from Chrome before JSONView is installed: And here is that same URL after JSONView has been installed: You should install the JSONView Google Chrome extension the same way you installed Postman REST Client—access the Chrome Web Store and perform a search for JSONView. Now that you have the tools to be able to easily work with and test API endpoints, let's take a look at writing your own and handling the different request types. Creating a Basic API server Let's create a super basic Node.js server using Express that we'll use to create our own API. Then, we can send tests to the API using Postman REST Client to see how it all works. In a new project workspace, first install the npm modules that we're going to need in order to get our server up and running: $ npm init $ npm install --save express body-parser underscore Now that the package.json file for this project has been initialized and the modules installed, let's create a basic server file to bootstrap up an Express server. Create a file named server.js and insert the following block of code: var express = require('express'),    bodyParser = require('body-parser'),    _ = require('underscore'), json = require('./movies.json'),    app = express();   app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 3500);   app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded()); app.use(bodyParser.json());   var router = new express.Router(); // TO DO: Setup endpoints ... app.use('/', router);   var server = app.listen(app.get('port'), function() {    console.log('Server up: http://localhost:' + app.get('port')); }); Most of this should look familiar to you. In the server.js file, we are requiring the express, body-parser, and underscore modules. We're also requiring a file named movies.json, which we'll create next. After our modules are required, we set up the standard configuration for an Express server with the minimum amount of configuration needed to support an API server. Notice that we didn't set up Handlebars as a view-rendering engine because we aren't going to be rendering any HTML with this server, just pure JSON responses. Creating sample JSON data Let's create the sample movies.json file that will act as our temporary data store (even though the API we build for the purposes of demonstration won't actually persist data beyond the app's life cycle): [{    "Id": "1",    "Title": "Aliens",    "Director": "James Cameron",    "Year": "1986",    "Rating": "8.5" }, {    "Id": "2",    "Title": "Big Trouble in Little China",    "Director": "John Carpenter",    "Year": "1986",    "Rating": "7.3" }, {    "Id": "3",    "Title": "Killer Klowns from Outer Space",    "Director": "Stephen Chiodo",    "Year": "1988",    "Rating": "6.0" }, {    "Id": "4",    "Title": "Heat",    "Director": "Michael Mann",    "Year": "1995",    "Rating": "8.3" }, {    "Id": "5",    "Title": "The Raid: Redemption",    "Director": "Gareth Evans",    "Year": "2011",    "Rating": "7.6" }] This is just a really simple JSON list of a few of my favorite movies. Feel free to populate it with whatever you like. Boot up the server to make sure you aren't getting any errors (note we haven't set up any routes yet, so it won't actually do anything if you tried to load it via a browser): $ node server.js Server up: http://localhost:3500 Responding to GET requests Adding a simple GET request support is fairly simple, and you've seen this before already in the app we built. Here is some sample code that responds to a GET request and returns a simple JavaScript object as JSON. Insert the following code in the routes section where we have the // TO DO: Setup endpoints ... waiting comment: router.get('/test', function(req, res) {    var data = {        name: 'Jason Krol',        website: ''    };      res.json(data); }); Let's tweak the function a little bit and change it so that it responds to a GET request against the root URL (that is /) route and returns the JSON data from our movies file. Add this new route after the /test route added previously: router.get('/', function(req, res) {    res.json(json); }); The res (response) object in Express has a few different methods to send data back to the browser. Each of these ultimately falls back on the base send method, which includes header information, statusCodes, and so on. res.json and res.jsonp will automatically format JavaScript objects into JSON and then send using res.send. res.render will render a template view as a string and then send it using res.send as well. With that code in place, if we launch the server.js file, the server will be listening for a GET request to the / URL route and will respond with the JSON data of our movies collection. Let's first test it out using the Postman REST Client tool: GET requests are nice because we could have just as easily pulled that same URL via our browser and received the same result: However, we're going to use Postman for the remainder of our endpoint testing as it's a little more difficult to send POST and PUT requests using a browser. Receiving data – POST and PUT requests When we want to allow our users using our API to insert or update data, we need to accept a request from a different HTTP verb. When inserting new data, the POST verb is the preferred method to accept data and know it's for an insert. Let's take a look at code that accepts a POST request and data along with the request, and inserts a record into our collection and returns the updated JSON. Insert the following block of code after the route you added previously for GET:'/', function(req, res) {    // insert the new item into the collection (validate first)    if(req.body.Id && req.body.Title && req.body.Director && req.body.Year && req.body.Rating) {        json.push(req.body);        res.json(json);    } else {        res.json(500, { error: 'There was an error!' });    } }); You can see the first thing we do in the POST function is check to make sure the required fields were submitted along with the actual request. Assuming our data checks out and all the required fields are accounted for (in our case every field), we insert the entire req.body object into the array as is using the array's push function. If any of the required fields aren't submitted with the request, we return a 500 error message instead. Let's submit a POST request this time to the same endpoint using the Postman REST Client. (Don't forget to make sure your API server is running with node server.js.): First, we submitted a POST request with no data, so you can clearly see the 500 error response that was returned. Next, we provided the actual data using the x-www-form-urlencoded option in Postman and provided each of the name/value pairs with some new custom data. You can see from the results that the STATUS was 200, which is a success and the updated JSON data was returned as a result. Reloading the main GET endpoint in a browser yields our original movies collection with the new one added. PUT requests will work in almost exactly the same way except traditionally, the Id property of the data is handled a little differently. In our example, we are going to require the Id attribute as a part of the URL and not accept it as a parameter in the data that's submitted (since it's usually not common for an update function to change the actual Id of the object it's updating). Insert the following code for the PUT route after the existing POST route you added earlier: router.put('/:id', function(req, res) {    // update the item in the collection    if( && req.body.Title && req.body.Director && req.body.Year && req.body.Rating) {        _.each(json, function(elem, index) {             // find and update:            if (elem.Id === {                elem.Title = req.body.Title;                elem.Director = req.body.Director;                elem.Year = req.body.Year;                elem.Rating = req.body.Rating;            }        });          res.json(json);    } else {        res.json(500, { error: 'There was an error!' });    } }); This code again validates that the required fields are included with the data that was submitted along with the request. Then, it performs an _.each loop (using the underscore module) to look through the collection of movies and find the one whose Id parameter matches that of the Id included in the URL parameter. Assuming there's a match, the individual fields for that matched object are updated with the new values that were sent with the request. Once the loop is complete, the updated JSON data is sent back as the response. Similarly, in the POST request, if any of the required fields are missing, a simple 500 error message is returned. The following screenshot demonstrates a successful PUT request updating an existing record. The response from Postman after including the value 1 in the URL as the Id parameter, which provides the individual fields to update as x-www-form-urlencoded values, and finally sending as PUT shows that the original item in our movies collection is now the original Alien (not Aliens, its sequel as we originally had). Removing data – DELETE The final stop on our whirlwind tour of the different REST API HTTP verbs is DELETE. It should be no surprise that sending a DELETE request should do exactly what it sounds like. Let's add another route that accepts DELETE requests and will delete an item from our movies collection. Here is the code that takes care of DELETE requests that should be placed after the existing block of code from the previous PUT: router.delete('/:id', function(req, res) {    var indexToDel = -1;    _.each(json, function(elem, index) {        if (elem.Id === {            indexToDel = index;        }    });    if (~indexToDel) {        json.splice(indexToDel, 1);    }    res.json(json); }); This code will loop through the collection of movies and find a matching item by comparing the values of Id. If a match is found, the array index for the matched item is held until the loop is finished. Using the array.splice function, we can remove an array item at a specific index. Once the data has been updated by removing the requested item, the JSON data is returned. Notice in the following screenshot that the updated JSON that's returned is in fact no longer displaying the original second item we deleted. Note that ~ in there! That's a little bit of JavaScript black magic! The tilde (~) in JavaScript will bit flip a value. In other words, take a value and return the negative of that value incremented by one, that is ~n === -(n+1). Typically, the tilde is used with functions that return -1 as a false response. By using ~ on -1, you are converting it to a 0. If you were to perform a Boolean check on -1 in JavaScript, it would return true. You will see ~ is used primarily with the indexOf function and jQuery's $.inArray()—both return -1 as a false response. All of the endpoints defined in this article are extremely rudimentary, and most of these should never ever see the light of day in a production environment! Whenever you have an API that accepts anything other than GET requests, you need to be sure to enforce extremely strict validation and authentication rules. After all, you are basically giving your users direct access to your data. Consuming external APIs from Node.js There will undoubtedly be a time when you want to consume an API directly from within your Node.js code. Perhaps, your own API endpoint needs to first fetch data from some other unrelated third-party API before sending a response. Whatever the reason, the act of sending a request to an external API endpoint and receiving a response can be done fairly easily using a popular and well-known npm module called Request. Request was written by Mikeal Rogers and is currently the third most popular and (most relied upon) npm module after async and underscore. Request is basically a super simple HTTP client, so everything you've been doing with Postman REST Client so far is basically what Request can do, only the resulting data is available to you in your node code as well as the response status codes and/or errors, if any. Consuming an API endpoint using Request Let's do a neat trick and actually consume our own endpoint as if it was some third-party external API. First, we need to ensure we have Request installed and can include it in our app: $ npm install --save request Next, edit server.js and make sure you include Request as a required module at the start of the file: var express = require('express'),    bodyParser = require('body-parser'),    _ = require('underscore'),    json = require('./movies.json'),    app = express(),    request = require('request'); Now let's add a new endpoint after our existing routes, which will be an endpoint accessible in our server via a GET request to /external-api. This endpoint, however, will actually consume another endpoint on another server, but for the purposes of this example, that other server is actually the same server we're currently running! The Request module accepts an options object with a number of different parameters and settings, but for this particular example, we only care about a few. We're going to pass an object that has a setting for the method (GET, POST, PUT, and so on) and the URL of the endpoint we want to consume. After the request is made and a response is received, we want an inline callback function to execute. Place the following block of code after your existing list of routes in server.js: router.get('/external-api', function(req, res) {    request({            method: 'GET',            uri: 'http://localhost:' + (process.env.PORT || 3500),        }, function(error, response, body) {             if (error) { throw error; }              var movies = [];            _.each(JSON.parse(body), function(elem, index) {                movies.push({                    Title: elem.Title,                    Rating: elem.Rating                });            });            res.json(_.sortBy(movies, 'Rating').reverse());        }); }); The callback function accepts three parameters: error, response, and body. The response object is like any other response that Express handles and has all of the various parameters as such. The third parameter, body, is what we're really interested in. That will contain the actual result of the request to the endpoint that we called. In this case, it is the JSON data from our main GET route we defined earlier that returns our own list of movies. It's important to note that the data returned from the request is returned as a string. We need to use JSON.parse to convert that string to actual usable JSON data. Using the data that came back from the request, we transform it a little bit. That is, we take that data and manipulate it a bit to suit our needs. In this example, we took the master list of movies and just returned a new collection that consists of only the title and rating of each movie and then sorts the results by the top scores. Load this new endpoint by pointing your browser to http://localhost:3500/external-api, and you can see the new transformed JSON output to the screen. Let's take a look at another example that's a little more real world. Let's say that we want to display a list of similar movies for each one in our collection, but we want to look up that data somewhere such as Here is the sample code that will send a GET request to IMDB's JSON API, specifically for the word aliens, and returns a list of related movies by the title and year. Go ahead and place this block of code after the previous route for external-api: router.get('/imdb', function(req, res) {    request({            method: 'GET',            uri: '',        }, function(err, response, body) {            var data = body.substring(body.indexOf('(')+1);            data = JSON.parse(data.substring(0,data.length-1));            var related = [];            _.each(data.d, function(movie, index) {                related.push({                    Title: movie.l,                    Year: movie.y,                    Poster: movie.i ? movie.i[0] : ''                });            });              res.json(related);        }); }); If we take a look at this new endpoint in a browser, we can see the JSON data that's returned from our /imdb endpoint is actually itself retrieving and returning data from some other API endpoint: Note that the JSON endpoint I'm using for IMDB isn't actually from their API, but rather what they use on their homepage when you type in the main search box. This would not really be the most appropriate way to use their data, but it's more of a hack to show this example. In reality, to use their API (like most other APIs), you would need to register and get an API key that you would use so that they can properly track how much data you are requesting on a daily or an hourly basis. Most APIs will to require you to use a private key with them for this same reason. Summary In this article, we took a brief look at how APIs work in general, the RESTful API approach to semantic URL paths and arguments, and created a bare bones API. We used Postman REST Client to interact with the API by consuming endpoints and testing the different types of request methods (GET, POST, PUT, and so on). You also learned how to consume an external API endpoint by using the third-party node module Request. Resources for Article: Further resources on this subject: RESTful Services JAX-RS 2.0 [Article] REST – Where It Begins [Article] RESTful Web Services – Server-Sent Events (SSE) [Article]
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27 Jun 2013
4 min read
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Building a Chat Application

27 Jun 2013
4 min read
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.) The following is a screenshot of our chat application: Creating a project To begin developing our chat application, we need to create an Opa project using the following Opa command: opa create chat This command will create an empty Opa project. Also, it will generate the required directories and files automatically with the structure as shown in the following screenshot: Let's have a brief look at what these source code files do: controller.opa: This file serves as the entry point of the chat application; we start the web server in controller.opa view.opa: This file serves as an user interface model.opa: This is the model of the chat application; it defines the message, network, and the chat room style.css: This is an external stylesheet file Makefile: This file is used to build an application As we do not need database support in the chat application, we can remove --import-package stdlib.database.mongo from the FLAG option in Makefile. Type make and make run to run the empty application. Launching the web server Let's begin with controller.opa, the entry point of our chat application where we launch the web server. We have already discussed the function Server.start in the Server module section. In our chat application, we will use a handlers group to handle users requests. Server.start(Server.http, [ {resources: @static_resource_directory("resources")}, {register: [{css:["/resources/css/style.css"]}]}, {title:"Opa Chat", page: } ]) So, what exactly are the arguments that we are passing to the Server.start function? The line {resources: @static_resource_direcotry("resources")} registers a resource handler and will serve resource files in the resources directory. Next, the line {register: [{css:["/resources/css/style.css"]}]} registers an external CSS file—style.css. This permits us to use styles in the style.css application scope. Finally, the line {title:"Opa Chat", page:} registers a single page handler that will dispatch all other requests to the function The server uses the default configuration Server.http and will run on port 8080. Designing user interface When the application starts, all the requests (except requests for resources) will be distributed to the function, which displays the chat page on the browser. Let's take a look at the view part; we define a module named View in view.opa. import stdlib.themes.bootstrap.css module View { function page(){ user = Random.string(8) <div id=#title class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top"> <div class=navbar-inner> <div id=#logo /> </div> </div> <div id=#conversation class=container-fluid onready={function(_){Model.join(updatemsg)}} /> <div id=#footer class="navbar navbar-fixed-bottom"> <div class=input-append> <input type=text id=#entry class=input-xxlarge onnewline={broadcast(user)}/> <button class="btn btn-primary" onclick={broadcast(user)}>Post</button> </div> </div> } ... } The module View contains functions to display the page on the browser. In the first line, import stdlib.themes.bootstrap.css, we import Bootstrap styles. This permits us to use Bootstrap markup in our code, such as navbar, navbar-fixtop, and btn-primary. We also registered an external style.css file so we can use styles in style.css such as conversation and footer. As we can see, this code in the function page follows almost the same syntax as HTML. As discussed in earlier, we can use HTML freely in the Opa code, the HTML values having a predefined type xhtml in Opa. Summary In this article, we started by creating and a project and launching the web server. Resources for Article : Further resources on this subject: MySQL 5.1 Plugin: HTML Storage Engine—Reads and Writes [Article] Using jQuery and jQueryUI Widget Factory plugins with RequireJS [Article] Oracle Web RowSet - Part1 [Article]
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31 Jan 2013
9 min read
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Why CoffeeScript?

31 Jan 2013
9 min read
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.) CoffeeScript CoffeeScript compiles to JavaScript and follows its idioms closely. It's quite possible to rewrite any CoffeeScript code in Javascript and it won't look drastically different. So why would you want to use CoffeeScript? As an experienced JavaScript programmer, you might think that learning a completely new language is simply not worth the time and effort. But ultimately, code is for programmers. The compiler doesn't care how the code looks or how clear its meaning is; either it will run or it won't. We aim to write expressive code as programmers so that we can read, reference, understand, modify, and rewrite it. If the code is too complex or filled with needless ceremony, it will be harder to understand and maintain. CoffeeScript gives us an advantage to clarify our ideas and write more readable code. It's a misconception to think that CoffeeScript is very different from JavaScript. There might be some drastic syntax differences here and there, but in essence, CoffeeScript was designed to polish the rough edges of JavaScript to reveal the beautiful language hidden beneath. It steers programmers towards JavaScript's so-called "good parts" and holds strong opinions of what constitutes good JavaScript. One of the mantras of the CoffeeScript community is: "It's just JavaScript", and I have also found that the best way to truly comprehend the language is to look at how it generates its output, which is actually quite readable and understandable code. Throughout this article, we'll highlight some of the differences between the two languages, often focusing on the things in JavaScript that CoffeeScript tries to improve. In this way, I would not only like to give you an overview of the major features of the language, but also prepare you to be able to debug your CoffeeScript from its generated code once you start using it more often, as well as being able to convert existing JavaScript. Let's start with some of the things CoffeeScript fixes in JavaScript. CoffeeScript syntax One of the great things about CoffeeScript is that you tend to write much shorter and more succinct programs than you normally would in JavaScript. Some of this is because of the powerful features added to the language, but it also makes a few tweaks to the general syntax of JavaScript to transform it to something quite elegant. It does away with all the semicolons, braces, and other cruft that usually contributes to a lot of the "line noise" in JavaScript. To illustrate this, let's look at an example. On the left-hand side of the following table is CoffeeScript; on the right-hand side is the generated JavaScript: CoffeeScript JavaScript fibonacci = (n) -> return 0 if n == 0 return 1 if n == 1 (fibonacci n-1) + (fibonacci n-2) alert fibonacci 10 var fibonacci; fibonacci = function(n) { if (n === 0) { return 0; } if (n === 1) { return 1; } return (fibonacci(n - 1)) + (fibonacci(n - 2)); }; alert(fibonacci(10)); To run the code examples in this article, you can use the great Try CoffeeScript online tool, at It allows you to type in CoffeeScript code, which will then display the equivalent JavaScript in a side pane. You can also run the code right from the browser (by clicking the Run button in the upper-left corner). At first, the two languages might appear to be quite drastically different, but hopefully as we go through the differences, you'll see that it's all still JavaScript with some small tweaks and a lot of nice syntactical sugar. Semicolons and braces As you might have noticed, CoffeeScript does away with all the trailing semicolons at the end of a line. You can still use a semicolon if you want to put two expressions on a single line. It also does away with enclosing braces (also known as curly brackets) for code blocks such as if statements, switch, and the try..catch block. Whitespace You might be wondering how the parser figures out where your code blocks start and end. The CoffeeScript compiler does this by using syntactical whitespace. This means that indentation is used for delimited code blocks instead of braces. This is perhaps one of the most controversial features of the language. If you think about it, in almost all languages, programmers tend to already use indentation of code blocks to improve readability, so why not make it part of the syntax? This is not a new concept, and was mostly borrowed from Python. If you have any experience with significant whitespace language, you will not have any trouble with CoffeeScript indentation. If you don't, it might take some getting used to, but it makes for code that is wonderfully readable and easy to scan, while shaving off quite a few keystrokes. I'm willing to bet that if you do take the time to get over some initial reservations you might have, you might just grow to love block indentation. Blocks can be indented with tabs or spaces, but be careful about being consistent using one or the other, or CoffeeScript will not be able to parse your code correctly. Parenthesis You'll see that the clause of the if statement does not need be enclosed within parentheses. The same goes for the alert function; you'll see that the single string parameter follows the function call without parentheses as well. In CoffeeScript, parentheses are optional in function calls with parameters, clauses for if..else statements, as well as while loops. Although functions with arguments do not need parentheses, it is still a good idea to use them in cases where ambiguity might exist. The CoffeeScript community has come up with a nice idiom: wrapping the whole function call in parenthesis. The use of the alert function in CoffeeScript is shown in the following table: CoffeeScript JavaScript alert square 2 * 2.5 + 1 alert(square(2 * 2.5 + 1)); alert (square 2 * 2.5) + 1 alert((square(2 * 2.5)) + 1); Functions are first class objects in JavaScript. This means that when you refer to a function without parentheses, it will return the function itself, as a value. Thus, in CoffeeScript you still need to add parentheses when calling a function with no arguments. By making these few tweaks to the syntax of JavaScript, CoffeeScript arguably already improves the readability and succinctness of your code by a big factor, and also saves you quite a lot of keystrokes. But it has a few other tricks up its sleeve. Most programmers who have written a fair amount of JavaScript would probably agree that one of the phrases that gets typed the most frequently would have to be the function definition function(){}. Functions are really at the heart of JavaScript, yet not without its many warts. CoffeeScript has great function syntax The fact that you can treat functions as first class objects as well as being able to create anonymous functions is one of JavaScript's most powerful features. However, the syntax can be very awkward and make the code hard to read (especially if you start nesting functions). But CoffeeScript has a fix for this. Have a look at the following snippets: CoffeeScript JavaScript -> alert 'hi there!' square = (n) -> n * n var square; (function() { return alert('hi there!'); }); square = function(n) { return n * n; }; Here, we are creating two anonymous functions, the first just displays a dialog and the second will return the square of its argument. You've probably noticed the funny -> symbol and might have figured out what it does. Yep, that is how you define a function in CoffeeScript. I have come across a couple of different names for the symbol but the most accepted term seems to be a thin arrow or just an arrow. Notice that the first function definition has no arguments and thus we can drop the parenthesis. The second function does have a single argument, which is enclosed in parenthesis, which goes in front of the -> symbol. With what we now know, we can formulate a few simple substitution rules to convert JavaScript function declarations to CoffeeScript. They are as follows: Replace the function keyword with -> If the function has no arguments, drop the parenthesis If it has arguments, move the whole argument list with parenthesis in front of the -> symbol Make sure that the function body is properly indented and then drop the enclosing braces Return isn't required You might have noted that in both the functions, we left out the return keyword. By default, CoffeeScript will return the last expression in your function. It will try to do this in all the paths of execution. CoffeeScript will try turning any statement (fragment of code that returns nothing) into an expression that returns a value. CoffeeScript programmers will often refer to this feature of the language by saying that everything is an expression. This means you don't need to type return anymore, but keep in mind that this can, in many cases, alter your code subtly, because of the fact that you will always return something. If you need to return a value from a function before the last statement, you can still use return. Function arguments Function arguments can also take an optional default value. In the following code snippet you'll see that the optional value specified is assigned in the body of the generated Javascript: CoffeeScript JavaScript square = (n=1) -> alert(n * n) var square; square = function(n) { if (n == null) { n = 1; } return alert(n * n); }; In JavaScript, each function has an array-like structure called arguments with an indexed property for each argument that was passed to the function. You can use arguments to pass in a variable number of parameters to a function. Each parameter will be an element in arguments and thus you don't have to refer to parameters by name. Although the arguments object acts somewhat like an array, it is in not in fact a "real" array and lacks most of the standard array methods. Often, you'll find that arguments doesn't provide the functionality needed to inspect and manipulate its elements like they are used with an array. Summary We saw how it can help you write shorter, cleaner, and more elegant code than you normally would in JavaScript and avoid many of its pitfalls. We came to realize that even though CoffeeScripts' syntax seems to be quite different from JavaScript, it actually maps pretty closely to its generated output. Resources for Article : Further resources on this subject: ASP.Net Site Performance: Improving JavaScript Loading [Article] Build iPhone, Android and iPad Applications using jQTouch [Article] An Overview of the Node Package Manager [Article]
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10 Jan 2013
12 min read
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Building Your First Application

10 Jan 2013
12 min read
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.) Improving the scaffolding application In this recipe, we discuss how to create your own scaffolding application and add your own configuration file. The scaffolding application is the collection of files that come with any new web2py application. How to do it... The scaffolding app includes several files. One of them is models/, which imports four classes from (Mail, Auth, Crud, and Service), and defines the following global objects: db, mail, auth, crud, and service. The scaffolding application also defines tables required by the auth object, such as db.auth_user. The default scaffolding application is designed to minimize the number of files, not to be modular. In particular, the model file,, contains the configuration, which in a production environment, is best kept in separate files. Here, we suggest creating a configuration file, models/, that contains something like the following: from import Storage settings = Storage() settings.production = False if settings.production: settings.db_uri = 'sqlite://production.sqlite' settings.migrate = False else: settings.db_uri = 'sqlite://development.sqlite' settings.migrate = True settings.title = request.application settings.subtitle = 'write something here' = 'you' settings.author_email = 'you@example.come' settings.keywords = '' settings.description = '' settings.layout_theme = 'Default' settings.security_key = 'a098c897-724b-4e05-b2d8-8ee993385ae6' settings.email_server = 'localhost' settings.email_sender = '' settings.email_login = '' settings.login_method = 'local' settings.login_config = '' We also modify models/, so that it uses the information from the configuration file, and it defines the auth_user table explicitly (this makes it easier to add custom fields): from import * db = DAL(settings.db_uri) if settings.db_uri.startswith('gae'): session.connect(request, response, db = db) mail = Mail() # mailer auth = Auth(db) # authentication/authorization crud = Crud(db) # for CRUD helpers using auth service = Service() # for json, xml, jsonrpc, xmlrpc, amfrpc plugins = PluginManager() # enable generic views for all actions for testing purpose response.generic_patterns = ['*'] mail.settings.server = settings.email_server mail.settings.sender = settings.email_sender mail.settings.login = settings.email_login auth.settings.hmac_key = settings.security_key # add any extra fields you may want to add to auth_user auth.settings.extra_fields['auth_user'] = [] # user username as well as email auth.define_tables(migrate=settings.migrate,username=True) auth.settings.mailer = mail auth.settings.registration_requires_verification = False auth.settings.registration_requires_approval = False auth.messages.verify_email = 'Click on the link http://' + request.env.http_host + URL('default','user', args=['verify_email']) + '/%(key)s to verify your email' auth.settings.reset_password_requires_verification = True auth.messages.reset_password = 'Click on the link http://' + request.env.http_host + URL('default','user', args=['reset_password']) + '/%(key)s to reset your password' if settings.login_method=='janrain': from gluon.contrib.login_methods.rpx_account import RPXAccount auth.settings.actions_disabled=['register', 'change_password', 'request_reset_password'] auth.settings.login_form = RPXAccount(request, api_key = settings.login_config.split(':')[-1], domain = settings.login_config.split(':')[0], url = "http://%s/%s/default/user/login" % (request.env.http_host, request.application)) Normally, after a web2py installation or upgrade, the welcome application is tar-gzipped into welcome.w2p, and is used as the scaffolding application. You can create your own scaffolding application from an existing application using the following commands from a bash shell: cd applications/app tar zcvf ../../welcome.w2p * There's more... The web2py wizard uses a similar approach, and creates a similar configuration file. You can add more settings to the file as needed. The file may contain sensitive information, such as the security_key used to encrypt passwords, the email_login containing the password of your smtp account, and the login_config with your Janrain password ( You may want to write this sensitive information in a read-only file outside the web2py tree, and read them from your instead of hardcoding them. In this way, if you choose to commit your application to a version-control system, you will not be committing the sensitive information The scaffolding application includes other files that you may want to customize, including views/layout.html and views/default/users.html. Some of them are the subject of upcoming recipes. Building a simple contacts application When you start designing a new web2py application, you go through three phases that are characterized by looking for the answer to the following three questions: What data should the application store? Which pages should be presented to the visitors? How should the page content, for each page, be presented? The answer to these three questions is implemented in the models, the controllers, and the views respectively. It is important for a good application design to try answering those questions exactly in this order, and as accurately as possible. Such answers can later be revised, and more tables, more pages, and more bells and whistles can be added in an iterative fashion. A good web2py application is designed in such a way that you can change the table definitions (add and remove fields), add pages, and change page views, without breaking the application. A distinctive feature of web2py is that everything has a default. This means you can work on the first of those three steps without the need to write code for the second and third step. Similarly, you can work on the second step without the need to code for the third. At each step, you will be able to immediately see the result of your work; thanks to appadmin (the default database administrative interface) and generic views (every action has a view by default, until you write a custom one). Here we consider, as a first example, an application to manage our business contacts, a CRM. We will call it Contacts. The application needs to maintain a list of companies, and a list of people who work at those companies. How to do it... First of all we create the model. In this step we identify which tables are needed and their fields. For each field, we determine whether they: Must contain unique values (unique=True) Contain empty values (notnull=True) Are references (contain a list of a record in another table) Are used to represent a record (format attribute) From now on, we will assume we are working with a copy of the default scaffolding application, and we only describe the code that needs to be added or replaced. In particular, we will assume the default views/layout.html and models/ Here is a possible model representing the data we need to store in models/ # in file: models/ db.define_table('company', Field('name', notnull=True, unique=True), format='%(name)s') db.define_table('contact', Field('name', notnull=True), Field('company', 'reference company'), Field('picture', 'upload'), Field('email', requires=IS_EMAIL()), Field('phone_number', requires=IS_MATCH('[d-() ]+')), Field('address'), format='%(name)s') db.define_table('log', Field('body', 'text',notnull=True), Field('posted_on', 'datetime'), Field('contact', 'reference contact')) Of course, a more complex data representation is possible. You may want to allow, for example, multiple users for the system, allow the same person to work for multiple companies, and keep track of changes in time. Here, we will keep it simple. The name of this file is important. In particular, models are executed in alphabetical order, and this one must follow After this file has been created, you can try it by visiting the following url:, to access the web2py database administrative interface, appadmin. Without any controller or view, it provides a way to insert, select, update, and delete records. Now we are ready to build the controller. We need to identify which pages are required by the application. This depends on the required workflow. At a minimum we need the following pages: An index page (the home page) A page to list all companies A page that lists all contacts for one selected company A page to create a company A page to edit/delete a company A page to create a contact A page to edit/delete a contact A page that allows to read the information about one contact and the communication logs, as well as add a new communication log Such pages can be implemented as follows: # in file: controllers/ def index(): return locals() def companies(): companies = db( return locals() def contacts(): company = or redirect(URL('companies')) contacts = db( return locals() @auth.requires_login() def company_create(): form = crud.create(, next='companies') return locals() @auth.requires_login() def company_edit(): company = or redirect(URL('companies')) form = crud.update(, company, next='companies') return locals() @auth.requires_login() def contact_create(): = request.args(0) form = crud.create(, next='companies') return locals() @auth.requires_login() def contact_edit(): contact = or redirect(URL('companies')) form = crud.update(, contact, next='companies') return locals() @auth.requires_login() def contact_logs(): contact = or redirect(URL('companies')) = = False = False db.log.posted_on.default = db.log.posted_on.readable = False db.log.posted_on.writable = False form = crud.create(db.log) logs = db( return locals() def download(): return, db) def user(): return dict(form=auth()) Make sure that you do not delete the existing user, download, and service functions in the scaffolding Notice how all pages are built using the same ingredients: select queries and crud forms. You rarely need anything else. Also notice the following: Some pages require a request.args(0) argument (a company ID for contacts and company_edit, a contact ID for contact_edit, and contact_logs). All selects have an orderby argument. All crud forms have a next argument that determines the redirection after form submission. All actions return locals(), which is a Python dictionary containing the local variables defined in the function. This is a shortcut. It is of course possible to return a dictionary with any subset of locals(). contact_create sets a default value for the new contact company to the value passed as args(0). The contacts_logs retrieves past logs after processing crud.create for a new log entry. This avoid unnecessarily reloading of the page, when a new log is inserted. At this point our application is fully functional, although the look-and-feel and navigation can be improved.: You can create a new company at: You can list all companies at: You can edit company #1 at: You can create a new contact at: You can list all contacts for company #1 at: You can edit contact #1 at: And you can access the communication log for contact #1 at: You should also edit the models/ file, and replace the content with the following: = [['Companies', False, URL('default', 'companies')]] The application now works, but we can improve it by designing a better look and feel for the actions. That's done in the views. Create and edit file views/default/companies.html: {{extend 'layout.html'}} <h2>Companies</h2> <table> {{for company in companies:}} <tr> <td>{{=A(, _href=URL('contacts',}}</td> <td>{{=A('edit', _href=URL('company_edit',}}</td> </tr> {{pass}} <tr> <td>{{=A('add company', _href=URL('company_create'))}}</td> </tr> </table> = [['Companies', False, URL('default', 'companies')]] Here is how this page looks: Create and edit file views/default/contacts.html: {{extend 'layout.html'}} <h2>Contacts at {{}}</h2> <table> {{for contact in contacts:}} <tr> <td>{{=A(, _href=URL('contact_logs',}}</td> <td>{{=A('edit', _href=URL('contact_edit',}}</td> </tr> {{pass}} <tr> <td>{{=A('add contact', _href=URL('contact_create',}}</td> </tr> </table> Here is how this page looks: Create and edit file views/default/company_create.html: {{extend 'layout.html'}} <h2>New company</h2> {{=form}} Create and edit file views/default/contact_create.html: {{extend 'layout.html'}} <h2>New contact</h2> {{=form}} Create and edit file: views/default/company_edit.html: {{extend 'layout.html'}} <h2>Edit company</h2> {{=form}} Create and edit file views/default/contact_edit.html: {{extend 'layout.html'}} <h2>Edit contact</h2> {{=form}} Create and edit file views/default/contact_logs.html: {{extend 'layout.html'}} <h2>Logs for contact {{}}</h2> <table> {{for log in logs:}} <tr> <td>{{=log.posted_on}}</td> <td>{{=MARKMIN(log.body)}}</td> </tr> {{pass}} <tr> <td></td> <td>{{=form}}</td> </tr> </table> Here is how this page looks: Notice that in the last view, we used the function MARKMIN to render the content of the db.log.body, using the MARKMIN markup. This allows embedding links, images, anchors, font formatting information, and tables in the logs. For details about the MARKMIN syntax we refer to:
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