(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
So how React Native is different? Well it doesn’t fall under hybrid category because the approach is different. When hybrid apps are trying to make platform specific features reusable between platforms, React Native have platform independent features, but also have lots of specific platform implementations. Meaning that on iOS and on Android code will look different, but somewhere between 70-90 percent of code will be reused.
Also React Native does not depend on HTML or CSS. You write in JavaScript, but this JavaScript is compiled to platform specific Native code using React Native bridge. It happens all the time, but it’s optimize to a way, that application will run smoothly in 60fps.
So to summarize React Native is not really a Native framework, but It’s much closer to Native code, than hybrid apps. And now let’s dive a bit deeper and understand how JavaScript gets converted into a Native code.
Let’s dive a bit deeper and understand how React Native works under the hood, which will help us understand how JavaScript is compiled to a Native code and how the whole process works. It’s crucial to know how the whole process works, so if you will have performance issues one day, you will understand where it originates.
So we’ve talked about React concepts that power up React Native and one of them is that UI is a function of data. You change the state and React knows what to update. Let’s visualize now how information flows through common React app. Check out the diagram:
So now let’s remove Browser DOM and think that instead of batching Browser DOM updates, React Native does the same with calls to Native modules.
So what about passing information down to Native modules? It can be done in two ways:
React Native is going with the second approach. Instead of mutating data on shareable objects it passes asynchronous serialized batched messages to React Native Bridge. Bridge is the layer that is responsible for glueing together Native and JavaScript environments.
Let’s take a look at the following diagram, which explains how React Native Architecture is structured and walk through the diagram:
In diagram, pictured three layers: Native, Bridge and JavaScript. Native layer is pictured at the last in picture, because the layer that is closer to device itself. Bridge is the layer that connects between JavaScript and Native modules and basically is a transport layer that transport asynchronous serialized batched response messages from JavaScript to Native modules.
When event is executed on Native layer. It can be touch, timer, network request. Basically any event involving device Native modules, It’s data is collected and is sent to the Bridge as a serialized message. Bridge pass this message to JavaScript layer.
JavaScript layer is an event loop. Once Bridge passes Serialized payload to JavaScript, Event is processed and your application logic comes into play.
If you update state, triggering your UI to re-render for example, React Native will batch Update UI and send them to the Bridge. Bridge will pass this Serialized batched response to Native layer, which will process all commands, that it can distinguish from serialized batched response and will Update UI accordingly.
Up till now we’ve seen that there are lots of stuff going on under the hood of React Native. It’s important to know that everything is done on three main threads:
UI thread is the main Native thread where Native level rendering occurs. It is here, where your platform of choice, iOS or Android, does measures, layouting, drawing.
If your application accesses any Native APIs, it’s done on a separate Native modules thread. For example, if you want to access the camera, Geo location, photos, and any other Native API.
Panning and gestures in general are also done on this thread.
JavaScript Runtime thread is the thread where all your JavaScript code will run. It’s slower than UI thread since it’s based on JavaScript event loop, so if you do complex calculations in your application, that leads to lots of UI changes, these can lead to bad performance. The rule of thumb is that if your UI will change slower than 16.67ms, then UI will appear sluggish.
React Native brings with it lots of advantages for mobile development. We covered some of them briefly before, but let’s go over now in more detail. These advantages are what made React Native so popular and trending nowadays. And most of all it give web developers to start developing Native apps with relatively short learning curve compared to overhead learning Objective-C and Java.
One of the amazing changes React Native brings to mobile development world is enhancing developer experience. If we check developer experience from the point of view of web developer, it’s awesome. For mobile developer it’s something that every mobile developer have dreamt of. Let’s go over some of the features React Native brings for us out of the box.
Every web developer is familiar with Chrome Developer tools. These tools give us amazing experience debugging web applications. In mobile development debugging mobile applications can be hard. Also it’s really dependent on your target platform. None of mobile application debugging techniques does not even come near web development experience.
In React Native, we already know, that JavaScript event loop is running on a separate thread and it can be connected to Chrome DevTools. By clicking Ctrl/Cmd + D in application simulator, we can attach our JavaScript code to Chrome DevTools and bring web debugging to a mobile world. Let’s take a look at the following screenshot:
Here you see a React Native debug tools. By clicking on Debug JS Remotely, a separate Google Chrome window is opened where you can debug your applications by setting breakpoints, profiling CPU and memory usage and much more.
Elements tab in Chrome Developer tools won’t be relevant though. For that we have a different option. Let’s take a look at what we will get with Chrome Developer tools Remote debugger.
Currently Chrome developer tools are focused on Sources tab. You can notice that JavaScript is written in ECMAScript 2015 syntax. For those of you who are not familiar with React JSX, you see weird XML like syntax. Don’t worry, this syntax will be also covered in the book in the context of React Native.
If you put debugger inside your JavaScript code, or a breakpoint in your Chrome development tools, the app will pause on this breakpoint or debugger and you will be able to debug your application while it’s running.
As you can see in React Native debugging menu, the third row says Live Reload. If you enable this option, whenever you change your code and save, the application will be automatically reloaded.
This ability to Live reload is something mobile developers only dreamt of. No need to recompile application after each minor code change. Just save and the application will reload itself in simulator. This greatly speed up application development and make it much more fun and easy than conventional mobile development. The workflow for every platform is different while in React Native the experience is the same. Does not matter for which platform you develop.
Sometimes you develop part of the application which requires several user interactions to get to. Think of, for example logging in, opening menu and choosing some option. When we change our code and save, while live reload is enabled, our application is reloaded and we need to once again do these steps.
But it does not have to be like that. React Native gives us amazing experience of hot reloading. If you enable this option in React Native development tools and if you change your React Native component, only the component will be reloaded while you stay on the same screen you were before. This speeds up the development process even more.
I’ve said before, that we cannot use elements panel in Chrome development tools, but how you inspect your component structure in React Native apps? React Native gives us built in option in development tools called Show Inspector. When clicking it, you will get the following window:
After inspector is opened, you can select any component on the screen and inspect it. You will get the full hierarchy of your components as well as their styling:
In this example I’ve selected Welcome to React Native! text. In the opened pane I can see it’s dimensions, padding margin as well as component hierarchy.
As you can see it’s IntroApp/Text/RCTText.
RCTText is not a React Native JavaScript component, but a Native text component, connected to React Native bridge. In that way you also can see that component is connected to a Native text component.
There are even more dev tools available in React Native, that I will cover later on, but we all can agree, that development experience is outstanding.
Styling for Native mobile apps can be really painful sometimes. Also it’s really different between iOS and Android. React Native brings another solution. As you may’ve seen before the whole concept of React Native is bringing web development experience to mobile app development.
That’s also the case for creating layouts. Modern way of creating layout for the web is by using flexbox. React Native decided to adopt this modern technique for web and bring it also to the mobile world with small differences.
In addition to layouting, all styling in React Native is very similar to using inline styles in HTML.
Let’s take a look at example:
const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', backgroundColor: '#F5FCFF', });
As you can see in this example, there are several properties of flexbox used as well as background color. This really reminds CSS properties, however instead of using background-color, justify-content and align-items, CSS properties are named in a camel case manner. In order to apply these styles to text component for example. It’s enough to pass them as following:
<Text styles={styles.container}>Welcome to React Native </Text>
Styling will be discussed in the book, however as you can see from example before
, styling techniques are similar to web. They are not dependant on any platform and the same for both iOS and Android
In terms of code reuse, if an application is properly architectured (something we will also learn in this book), around 80% to 90% of code can be reused between iOS and Android. This means that in terms of development speed React Native beats mobile development.
Sometimes even code used for the web can be reused in React Native environment with small changes. This really brings React Native to top of the list of the best frameworks to develop Native mobile apps.
In this article, we learned about the concept of how the React Native is really a Native framework, working, information flow, architecture, and it's benefits briefly.