API management is a discipline that has evolved to deliver the processes and tools required to discover, design, implement, use, or operate enterprise-grade APIs. The discipline bisects two distinct communities and deserves the attention of both: developers who build APIs and business and IT leaders looking at APIs to drive growth.
In Enterprise API Management, Luis Weir shows how to define the right architecture, implement the right patterns, and define the right organization model for business-driven APIs. The book explores architectural decisions, implementation patterns, and management practices for successful enterprise APIs. It also gives clear, actionable advice on choosing and executing the right API strategy in your enterprise.
Let’s see what Luis has to say about API management and key principles to improve API design for enterprise organizations.
What does API management mean and involve?
Luis Weir: In simple terms, it’s the discipline that aligns tools with processes and people in order to realize the value from implementing enterprise-grade APIs throughout their full cycle. By enterprise-grade, I mean APIs that comply with a minimum set of quality standards, not just in the actual API itself (e.g. use of normalize semantics, well-documented interfaces, and good user experience), but also in the engineering processes behind their delivery (e.g. CICD pipelines and robust automation at all levels, different levels of testing, and so on).
What are the some guiding principles that can improve API design?
LW: First and foremost is the identification of APIs themselves. It’s not just about building an API for the sake of it and value will just come. Without adopting a process (e.g. ideation) that can help identify APIs that can truly add value, there is real risk that an API might just end up being a DOA (dead on arrival), as there might not even be a need for it.
Assuming such a process has taken place and APIs that have real potential to add value have been identified, the next step is to conceptualize a design. It is at this point that disciplines such as domain-driven design can help produce such a design in a way that both business and IT people can relate to it. This design should capture things such as consuming applications, producing applications (data sources), data entities, and services involved in the concept. It should clearly and simply define the relationship between the components and define boundaries (bounded contexts) as these will be key not just in the actual implementation of the API or APIs (as it may end up being more than just one), but also in the creation of the API specifications themselves thought IDLs (e.g. an OAS file, API blueprint, GraphQL schema, .proto file in gRPC to name a few).
The next and very important step for producing a good API is to follow an API design-first process. This process ensures that the API specifications and API mocks (produced from the API specifications themselves) undergo a series of validations by potential consumers of the API themselves as well as other relevant parties. The idea is to obtain as much feedback as possible through multiple iterations (or feedback-loops) to ensure that the API is fit for purpose but that it also delivers a good user experience.
For more details, please refer to the API Life cycle section in my book.
What are different API testing approaches?
LW: At the very minimum, API testing should involve the following testing approaches:
Interface testing is used to validate that an API implementation conforms to the API specification. Functional testing is used to validate that the API delivers the functionality that it is meant to deliver and with the expected behavior. Performance testing ensures that APIs can actually handle the expected volume and scale as required. Security testing ensures that the API is not vulnerable to common threads such as those described in the OWASP top 10 projects.
Other more sophisticated testing approaches may include A/B testing and Chaos testing. A/B testing dynamically tests new API features against a subset of the API audience and in a running environment (even production). Chaos testing (e.g. randomly shutting down components of the solution in production to ensure the API is resilient) should be considered as the API initiative matures.
What are the key features of an API gateway?
LW: There are many capabilities expected of an API gateway and these are all well described in the API exposure section in my book. However, in addition to such capabilities, which in my view are all essential, there are some key features that put modern API gateways (3rd generation) apart from more traditional ones (1st and 2nd gen). These are:
Enterprise API Management, I think, provides a pretty comprehensive overview of what modern API platforms look like and how to differentiate them with more traditional ones.
What are the common mistakes people make in API management?
LW: Throughout my time as an API strategist and practitioner I’ve seen many mistakes and also made some myself. The important thing is being able to recognize what they are and learnt from them. The top 3 that come to my mind:
Thinking that API management is just about implementing a product or tools without having business and customer value at the epicentre of the API strategy. (Sometimes there even isn’t an API strategy.) This is perhaps the most common one, and one that happened a lot in the old SOA days…unfortunately still occurs in the modern API-led era. My book, Enterprise API Management, can be used as the guideline on how to avoid making an API management initiative less about tools, and more about business/customer value, people, and processes.
Thinking that all APIs are the same and therefore treating them all the same way. In some cases, this just happens accidentally, in other cases this happens to avoid ‘layering’ APIs because ‘microservices architectures and practitioners say so’. The matter of fact is, that an API that is built specifically in support of a given mobile application will be less generic and less suited for its used outside of the ‘context’ on which it was built, as compare to an API that was built without any specific consuming application in mind (and thus is not coupled to any application lifecycle).
Adopting the wrong organizational model to provide API capabilities across the enterprise. Foor example, this could be a model that centralizes all API efforts and capabilities thus becoming a bottleneck and eventually becoming slow (aka traditional IT). Modern API initiatives should think about adopting platforms models with self-service at the epicentre.
In addition to the above 3, there are many common pitfalls when it comes to API architecture and design. However, to cover these I strongly recommend my talk on the 7 deadly sins of API design...
What are your thoughts about 3rd generation API management having huge impact on DevOps?
LW: Succeeding in modern API management and microservices architectures requires changes beyond technology and also requires diving deep into the organization and its culture. It means moving away from traditional project-based deliveries wherein teams assemble just for the duration of a project and hand over the delivered software (e.g. an API and related services) to different support teams. Instead, move towards a product-based organization wherein teams are assemble around business capabilities and retain accountability and ownership through the entire life cycle of the product.
This fundamental change of approach in delivering software means that there is no longer a split between development and operation teams, as a product team has full ownership and accountability over its product. With that said, in order to avoid (re)building these product teams and maintaining core IT capabilities from scratch (e.g. API platforms and service runtimes), a platform operating model can be adopted. This model can offer common IT capabilities, although in a decentralized, on-demand, and self-service way.
And for me accomplishing the above is true DevOps. It is at this point that organizations can become more agile and can truly increase their time to markets.
What were your goals and objectives in this book, and how well do you feel you achieved them?
LW: When I started defining and implementing API and microservices strategies in large enterprises (many of them Fortune 500), although there was plentiful of content around to get inspiration from (much of this content referenced in my book), I had to literally go through several articles, books, videos, and others in order to conceive a top-down, business-led approach towards delivering end-to-end API and microservices strategies.
When I say end to end, it doesn’t mean just defining PowerPoints and lengthy Word documents explaining how to deliver API/Microservices strategies and then just walking away. Or worst, sitting on the side with an opinion but no accountability (unfortunately, only too common in the consulting world - lots of senior consultants with strong opinions but who have little or no real practical knowledge and experience). Rather it means walking the talk, defining the strategy, and also delivering it with all of its implications.
With this book, I, therefore, wanted to share to the community an approach that I created, evolved through the years, and have seen working. It’s not just theory, but a mix of theory with practice. It’s not just ideas, but ideas that I have put into practice. This book is about sharing my real-life experiences and approach in delivering API and microservices strategies.
Therefore, I think (or hope) that I have accomplished my goals with this book. I felt that there is great stuff out there focused on specific things of the “end to end” but not the actual “end to end,” which is what I wanted to cover in this book. I didn’t want to be too high level or too detailed. I wanted to give something to multiple audiences, as it requires multiple audiences (technical and non-technical) working together in order to successfully deliver API management. Ultimately, the readers will be the judge, but I think I have accomplished my goals with this book.
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