Creating a plan
Planner can be used to manage an event, research new ideas, track a project, prepare for a customer visit, or just organize your team more effectively.
You begin by creating a plan. There are several ways in which you can create a plan. One obvious way is to create the plan through the Planner homepage. Plans also get created indirectly if you create a team in Microsoft Teams or a group within Microsoft 365 Groups.
Getting ready
In order to create plans, you should have permission to provision a Microsoft 365 group. Administrators can disable this feature in some organizations; however, Microsoft 365 does allow you to selectively grant Microsoft 365 group creation rights to individuals or groups.
How to do it...
To create a plan from the Planner app:
- Log in to using your Microsoft 365 account.
- Click on Planner.
Click on New plan:
- Give your plan a name and click Create plan:
