Leaving a team
If you think you no longer need to contribute to a team or you find that a team is no longer relevant to you, you can leave the team. To leave a team, follow the steps provided in the next section.
Getting ready
You do not need special permission to leave a private or public team.
You cannot leave an organization-wide team on your own. You will need to ask the administrator to remove you.
How to do it...
To leave a team:
- Select Teams from the left-hand side pane.
- Click on ... next to the name of the team you want to leave.
- Select the Leave the team option from the context menu, as shown here:

How it works...
When you click Leave the team, all the permissions associated with that team and its channels are revoked. You also lose access to the underlying SharePoint site and all the content within it.
See also
- The Deleting a team recipe in this chapter
- The Joining a team recipe in this chapter
If there is a team that you provisioned...