Improving your app’s appearance in visionOS
Your app is now running in visionOS, and it looks great! As you have been using the native user interface elements configured to use default colors, Xcode was able to automatically optimize your app’s appearance for visionOS. There are still areas that can be improved, though. When you position the mouse pointer over a cell in the Journal List screen, the hover effect has square edges:

Figure 26.10: Simulator running visionOS showing Journal List screen
When you add a new journal entry in the Add New Journal Entry screen, the appearance of the text view is missing the dark background of the text field:

Figure 26.11: Simulator running visionOS showing Add New Journal Entry screen
You’ll modify the hover effect for the cell to have rounded edges and modify the text view’s appearance to match the text field while using visionOS. Follow these steps:
- In the Project navigator, click...