8.10 Hilbert space GPs
Gaussian processes can be slow. The main reason is that their computation requires us to invert a matrix, whose size grows with the number of observations. This operation is computationally costly and does not scale very nicely. For that reason, a large portion of the research around GPs has been to find approximations to compute them faster and allow scaling them to large data.
We are going to discuss only one of those approximations, namely the Hilbert Space Gaussian Process (HSGP), without going into the details of how this approximation is achieved. Conceptually, we can think of it as a basis function expansion similar, in spirit, to how splines are constructed (see Chapter 6). The consequence of this approximation is that it turns the matrix inversion into just matrix multiplication, a much faster operation.
But When Will It Work?
We can only use HSGPs for low dimensions (1 to maybe 3 or 4), and only for some kernels like the exponential quadratic or Matern...