Around 30 performance fixes are made in different areas of ReSharper. They range from speeding up EditorConfig support to decreasing solution loading times. Visit the page dedicated to performance improvements for more details.
ReSharper now fully supports C# 7.3 including all features from the latest. New inspections and appropriate quick-fixes are included to make compatible with C# 7.3. The features include Tuple equality, pattern-based fixed statement, indexing movable fixed buffers and others.
These three static analysis tools have been integrated into JavaScript/TypeScript code analysis. This will provide additional inspections and appropriate quick-fixes. These linters help ensure readability in JavaScript and TypeScript code.
There is spell-checking functionality out of the box, enabled for most of the supported languages. By default, this spell checker comes with a built-in dictionary for English (US) but more languages can be downloaded.
Blazor is experimental as of now, but initial support is added in ReSharper. For example, code completion includes all possible directives such as page (routing), inject (service injection), and function (component members).
A long-awaited feature is introduced for Search & Navigation options: ignored files can be specified by using a mask in under Search & Navigation in Environment. Files can be excluded from all search and navigation features based on a file extension or by folder. Some ReSharper features now take local functions into account, they include: File Structure, Containing Declaration, Next/Previous Members, and others.
Comments that override formatter settings can now be generated automatically. Improvements are made to the formatting rules presentation which come from a StyleCop config file.
Many ReSharper refactorings are moved to the new presentation framework. This will yield many benefits in the near future thanks to a unified control behavior for ReSharper and Rider. Visible UI changes are code completion under Change Signature and a better presentation for Extract Method.
Fix-in-scope quick-fixes now have more granular fixing scopes. The code style for Built-in Type has been improved. There’s a new option to execute BeforeBuild and AfterBuild targets for skipped projects in ReSharper Build. A new inspection was also added to highlight misplaced text in XAML.
For more details visit the JetBrains page.
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