Even before having Unix, we had the Multics OS. It was a joint project launched in 1964 as a cooperative project led by MIT, General Electric, and Bell Labs. Multics OS was a huge success because it could introduce the world to a real working and secure operating system. Multics was installed everywhere from universities to government sites. Fast-forward to 2019, and every operating system today is borrowing some ideas from Multics indirectly through Unix.
In 1969, because of the various reasons that we will talk about shortly, some people at Bell Labs, especially the pioneers of Unix, such as Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie, gave up on Multics and, subsequently, Bell Labs quit the Multics project. But this was not the end for Bell Labs; they had designed their simpler and more efficient operating system, which was called Unix.
It is worthwhile to compare the Multics and Unix operating systems. In the following list, you will see similarities and differences found while comparing Multics and Unix:
You can read more about Unix and Multics online, and follow the events that happened in that era. Both were successful projects, but Unix has been able to thrive and survive to this day.
It is worth sharing that Bell Labs has been working on a new distributed operating system called Plan 9, which is based on the Unix project.
Figure 1-1: Plan 9 from Bell Labs
Suffice to say that Unix was a simplification of the ideas and innovations that Multics presented; it was not something new, and so, I can quit talking about Unix and Multics history at this point.
So far, there are no traces of C in the history because it has not been invented yet. The first versions of Unix were purely written using assembly language. Only in 1973 was Unix version 4 written using C.
Now, we are getting close to discussing C itself, but before that, we must talk about BCPL and B because they have been the gateway to C.
BCPL was created by Martin Richards as a programming language invented for the purpose of writing compilers. The people from Bell Labs were introduced to the language when they were working as part of the Multics project. After quitting the Multics project, Bell Labs first started to write Unix using assembly programming language. That’s because, back then, it was an anti-pattern to develop an operating system using a programming language other than assembly.
For instance, it was strange that the people at the Multics project were using PL/1 to develop Multics but, by doing that, they showed that operating systems could be successfully written using a higher-level programming language other than assembly. As a result, Multics became the main inspiration for using another language for developing Unix.
The attempt to write operating system modules using a programming language other than assembly remained with Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs. They tried to use BCPL, but it turned out that they needed to apply some modifications to the language to be able to use it in minicomputers such as the DEC PDP-7. These changes led to the B programming language.
While we won’t go too deep into the properties of the B language here you can read more about it and the way it was developed at the following links:
Dennis Ritchie authored the latter article himself, and it is a good way to explain the development of the C programming language while still sharing valuable information about B and its characteristics.
B also had its shortcomings in terms of being a system programming language. B was typeless, which meant that it was only possible to work with a word (not a byte) in each operation. This made it hard to use the language on machines with a different word length.
Therefore, over time, further modifications were made to the language until it led to developing the NB (New B) language, which later derived the structures from the B language. These structures were typeless in B, but they became typed in C. And finally, in 1973, the fourth version of Unix could be developed using C, which still had many assembly codes.
In the next section, we talk about the differences between B and C, and why C is a top-notch modern system programming language for writing an operating system.
I do not think we can find anyone better than Dennis Ritchie himself to explain why C was invented after the difficulties met with B. In this section, we’re going to list the causes that prompted Dennis Ritchie, Ken Thompson, and others create a new programming language instead of using B for writing Unix.
Limitations of the B programming language:
The difficulties with B, particularly its slow development and execution on machines that were available at the time, forced Dennis Ritchie to develop a new language. This new language was called NB, or New B at first, but it eventually turned out to be C.
This newly developed language, C, tried to cover the difficulties and flaws of B and became a de facto programming language for system development, instead of the assembly language. In less than 10 years, newer versions of Unix were completely written in C, and all newer operating systems that were based on Unix got tied with C and its crucial presence in the system.
As you can see, C was not born as an ordinary programming language, but instead, it was designed by having a complete set of requirements in mind. You may consider languages such as Java, Python, and Ruby to be higher-level languages, but they cannot be considered as direct competitors as they are different and serve different purposes. For instance, you cannot write a device driver or a kernel module with Java or Python, and they themselves have been built on top of a layer written in C.
Unlike some programming languages, C is standardized by ISO, and if it is required to have a certain feature in the future, then the standard can be modified to support the new feature.
In this article, we began with the relationship between Unix and C. Even in non-Unix operating systems, you see some traces of a similar design to Unix systems. We also looked at the history of C and explained how Unix appeared from Multics OS and how C was derived from the B programming language.
The book Extreme C, written by Kamran Amini will help you make the most of C's low-level control, flexibility, and high performance.
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