We will use an Ubuntu Feisty domain image as the base image for creating these appliances. This image should be made as sparse and small as possible, and free of any cruft. A completely stripped down version of Linux with only the bare necessities would be a great start. In this case, we will not need any graphical desktop environments, so we can completely eliminate software packages like the X11 and any window manager like Gnome or KDE. Once we have a base image, we can back it up and then start using it for creating Xen appliances. In this article we will use an Ubuntu Feisty domain as the base image. Once this domain image is ready we are going to update it and clean it up a little bit so it can be our base.
Now we have the base appliance image ready, we will use it to create some Xen appliances. You can make a backup of the original base image and every time you create an appliance you can use a copy as the starting point or template. The images are nothing but domU images, which are customized for running only specific applications. You start them up and run them like ay other Xen guest domains.
MySQL is one of the most popular open-source databases in the world. It is a key component of the LAMP architecture – (Linux Apache MySQL and PHP). It is also very easy to get started with MySQL and is one of the key factors driving its adoption across the enterprise. In this section we will create a Xen appliance that will run a MySQL database server and also provide the ability to automatically backup the database on a given schedule.
We will use our base Ubuntu Feisty domain image, and add MySQL and other needed software to it. Please ensure that you have updated your base image to the latest versions of the repositories and software packages before creating this appliance.
# cp automysqlbackup.sh.2.5 /opt
# ln -s automysqlbackup.sh.2.5 automysqlbackup.sh
# Username to access the MySQL server e.g. dbuser
# Username to access the MySQL server e.g. password
# Host name (or IP address) of MySQL server e.g localhost
# List of DBNAMES for Daily/Weekly Backup e.g. "DB1 DB2 DB3"
# Backup directory location e.g /backups
# Mail setup
45 5 * * * root /opt/automysqlbackup.sh >/dev/null 2>&1
Now we have a MySQL database server with automatic daily backups as a nice reusable Xen appliance.
We created our first Xen appliance! It is running the open-source MySQL database server along with an automated backup of the database as per the given schedule. This image is essentially a domU image and it can be uploaded along with its configuration file to a repository somewhere, and can be used by anyone in the enterprise or elsewhere with their Xen server. You can either start up the domain manually as and when you need it or set it up to boot automatically when your xend server starts.
Ruby on Rails is one of the hottest web development frameworks around. It is simple to use and you can use all the expressive power of the Ruby language. It provides a great feature set and has really put the Ruby language on the map. Ruby on Rails is gaining rapid adoption across the IT landscape and for a wide variety of web applications. In this section, we are going to create a Rails appliance that contains Ruby, Rails, and the Mongrel cluster for serving the Rails application and nginx web server for the static content. This appliance gives you a great starting point for your explorations into the world of Ruby on Rails and can be an excellent learning resource.
We will use our base Ubuntu Feisty domain image and add Rails and other needed software to it. Please ensure that you have updated your base image to the latest versions of the repositories and software packages before creating this appliance.
$ rails xenbook
We have everything working for a simple Rails install. However, we are using webrick, which is a bit slow. So let’s install the Mongrel server and use it with Rails. We will actually install mongrel_cluster that will let us use a cluster of Mongrel processes for serving up our Rails application.