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It's easy to set up declarative validation for an entity object to validate the data that is passed through the metadata file. Declarative validation is the validation added for an attribute or an entity object to fulfill a particular business validation. It is called declarative validation because we don't write any code to achieve the validation as all the business validations are achieved declaratively. The entity object holds the business rules that are defined to fulfill specific business needs such as a range check for an attribute value or to check if the attribute value provided by the user is a valid value from the list defined. The rules are incorporated to maintain a standard way to validate the data.
It is important to know the lifecycle of an entity object before knowing the validation that is applied to an entity object. The following diagram depicts the lifecycle of an entity:
When a new row is created using an entity object, the status of the entity is set to NEW. When an entity is initialized with some values, the status is changed from NEW to INITIALIZED. At this time, the entity is marked invalid or dirty; this means that the state of the entity is changed from the value that was previously checked with the database value.
The status of an entity is changed to UNMODIFIED, and the entity is marked valid after applying validation rules and committing to the database. When the value of an unmodified entity is changed, the status is changed to MODIFIED and the entity is marked dirty again. The modified entity again goes to an UNMODIFIED state when it is saved to the database. When an entity is removed from the database, the status is changed to DELETED. When the value is committed, the status changes to DEAD.
Validation rules are applied to an entity to make sure that only valid values are committed to the database and to prevent any invalid data from getting saved to the database. In ADF, we use validation rules for the entity object to make sure the row is valid all the time.
There are three types of validation rules that can be set for the entity objects; they are as follows:
As we know, an entity represents a row in the database table. Entity-level validation is the business rule that is added to the database row. For example, the validation rule that has to be applied to a row is termed as entity-level validation.
There are two unique declarative validators that will be available only for entity-level validation—Collection and UniqueKey. The following diagram explains that entity-level validations are applied on a single row in the EMP table. The validated row is highlighted in bold.
Attribute-level validations are applied to attributes. Business logic mostly involves specific validations to compare different attribute values or to restrict the attributes to a specific range. These kinds of validations are done in attribute-level validation. Some of the declarative validators available in ADF are Compare, Length, and Range.
The Precision and Mandatory attribute validations are added, by default, to the attributes from the column definition in the underlying database table. We can only set the display message for the validation.
The following diagram explains that the validation is happening on the attributes in the second row:
There can be any number of validations defined on a single attribute or on multiple attributes in an entity. In the diagram, Empno has a validation that is different from the validation defined for Ename. Validation for the Job attribute is different from that for the Sal attribute. Similarly, we can define validations for attributes in the entity object.
Transaction-level validations are done after all entity-level validations are completed. If you want to add any kind of validation at the end of the process, you can defer the validation to the transaction level to ensure that the validation is performed only once.
ADF Business Components includes some built-in validators to support and apply validations for entity objects. The following screenshot explains how a declarative validation will show up in the Overview tab:
The Business Rules section for the EmpEO.xml file will list all the validations for the EmpEO entity. In the previous screenshot, we will see that the there are no entity-level validators defined and some of the attribute-level validations are listed in the Attributes folder.
A Collection validator is available only for entity-level validation. To perform operations such as average, min, max, count, and sum for the collection of rows, we use the collection validator.
Collection validators are compared to the GROUP BY operation in an SQL query with a validation. The aggregate functions, such as count, sum, min, and max are added to validate the entity row. The validator is operated against the literal value, expression, query result, and so on. You must have the association accessor to add a collection validation.
Now, we will add a Collection validator to DeptEO.xml for adding a count validation rule. Imagine a business rule that says that the number of employees added to department number 10 should be more than five. In this case, you will have a count operation for the employees added to department number 10 and show a message if the count is less than 5 for a particular department.
We will break this action into the following three parts:
Following are the steps to add the validation:
Go to the Business Rules section of DeptEO.xml. You will find the Business Rules section in the Overview tab.
Select Entity Validators and click on the + button. You may right-click on the Entity Validators folder and then select New Validator to add a validator.
Select Collection as Rule Type and move on to the Rule Definition tab.
In this section, select Count for the Operation field; Accessor is the association accessor that gets added through a composition association relationship. Only the composition association accessor will be listed in the Accessor drop-down menu. Select the accessor for EmpEO listed in the dropdown, with Empno as the value for Attribute.
In order to create a composition association accessor, you will have to create an association between DeptEO.xml and EmpEO.xml based on the Deptno attribute with cardinality of 1 to *. The Composition Association option has to be selected to enable a composition relationship between the two entities.
The value of the Operator option should be selected as Greater Than. Compare with will be a literal value, which is 5 that can be entered in the Enter Literal Value section below.
Following are the steps to specify the execution:
Now to set the execution rule, we will move to the Validation Execution tab.
In the Conditional Execution section, add Deptno = '10' as the value for Conditional Execution Expression.
In the Triggering Attribute section, select the Execute only if one of the Selected Attributes has been changed checkbox.
Move the Empno attribute to the Selected Attributes list. This will make sure that the validation is fired only if the Empno attribute is changed:
Following are the steps to display the error message:
Go to the Failure Handling section and select the Error option for Validation Failure Severity.
In the Failure Message section, enter the following text:
Please enter more than 5 Employees
You can add the message stored in a resource bundle to Failure Message by clicking on the magnifying glass icon.
We have added a collection validation for our EmpEO.xml object. Every time a new employee is added to the department, the validation rule fires as we have selected Empno as our triggering attribute. The rule is also validated against the condition that we have provided to check if the department number is 10. If the department number is 10, the count for that department is calculated. When the user is ready to commit the data to the database, the rule is validated to check if the count is greater than 5. If the number of employees added is less than 5, the error message is displayed to the user.
When we add a collection validator, the EmpEO.xml file gets updated with appropriate entries. The following entries get added for the aforementioned validation in the EmpEO.xml file:
<validation:CollectionValidationBean Name="EmpEO_Rule_0" ResId= "com.empdirectory.model.entity.EmpEO_Rule_0" OnAttribute="Empno" OperandType="LITERAL" Inverse="false" CompareType="GREATERTHAN" CompareValue="5" Operation="count"> <validation:OnCondition> <![CDATA[Deptno = '10']]> </validation:OnCondition> </validation:CollectionValidationBean> <ResourceBundle> <PropertiesBundle PropertiesFile= "com.empdirectory.model.ModelBundle"/> </ResourceBundle>
The error message that is added in the Failure Handling section is automatically added to the resource bundle.
The Compare validator is used to compare the current attribute value with other values. The attribute value can be compared against the literal value, query result, expression, view object attribute, and so on. The operators supported are equal, not-equal, less-than, greater-than, less-than or equal to, and greater-than or equal to.
This validator is used to check if the key value exists for an entity object. The key value can be a primary key, foreign key, or an alternate key. The Key Exists validator is used to find the key from the entity cache, and if the key is not found, the value is determined from the database. Because of this reason, the Key Exists validator is considered to give better performance. For example, when an employee is assigned to a department deptNo 50 and you want to make sure that deptNo 50 already exists in the DEPT table.
This validator is used to check the string length of an attribute value. The comparison is based on the character or byte length.
This validator is used to create a validation for the attribute in a list. The operators included in this validation are In and NotIn. These two operators help the validation rule check if an attribute value is in a list.
Sometimes, we would like to add our own validation with some extra logic coded in our Java class file. For this purpose, ADF provides a declarative validator to map the validation rule against a method in the entity-implementation class. The implementation class is generated in the Java section of the entity object. We need to create and select a method to handle method validation. The method is named as validateXXX(), and the returned value will be of the Boolean type.
This validator is used to add a rule to validate a range for the attribute value. The operators included are Between and NotBetween. The range will have a minimum and maximum value that can be entered for the attribute.
For example, let us consider that we have a validation rule to check if the e-mail ID provided by the user is in the correct format. For the e-mail validation, we have some common rules such as the following:
For this purpose, ADF provides a declarative Regular Expression validator. We can use the regex pattern to check the value of the attribute. The e-mail address and the US phone number pattern is provided by default:
You should select the required pattern and then click on the Use Pattern button to use it. Matches and NotMatches are the two operators that are included with this validator.
If we want to include an expression and validate the business rule, the Script validator is the best choice. ADF supports Groovy expressions to provide Script validation for an attribute.
This validator is available for use only for entity-level validation. To check for uniqueness in the record, we would be using this validator. If we have a primary key defined for the entity object, the Uniqueness Check Definition section will list the primary keys defined to check for uniqueness, as shown in the following screenshot:
If we have to perform a uniqueness check against any attribute other than the primary key attributes, we will have to create an alternate key for the entity object.
Currently, the DeptEO.xml file has Deptno as the primary key. We would add business validation that states that there should not be a way to create a duplicate of the department name that is already available. The following steps show how to create an alternate key:
We have created an alternate key against the Dname attribute to prepare for a unique check validation for the department name. When the alternate key is added to an entity object, we will see the AltKey attribute listed in the Alternate Key section of the General tab.
In the DeptEO.xml file, you will find the following code that gets added for the alternate key definition:
<Key Name="AltKey" AltKey="true"> <DesignTime> <Attr Name="_isUnique" Value="true"/> <Attr Name="_DBObjectName" Value="HR.DEPT"/> </DesignTime> <AttrArray Name="Attributes"> <Item Value= "com.empdirectory.model.entity.DeptEO.Dname"/> </AttrArray> </Key>
For the first time, we have learned about the validations in ADF. So it's time for you to create your own validation for the EmpEO and DeptEO entity objects. Add validations for the following business scenarios:
Continue with the creation of the uniqueness check for the department name in the DeptEO.xml file.
The salary of the employees should not be greater than 1000. Display the following message if otherwise:
Please enter Salary less than 1000.
Display the message invalid date if the employee's hire date is after 10-10-2001.
The length of the characters entered for Dname of DeptEO.xml should not be greater than 10.
The location of a department can only be NEWYORK, CALIFORNIA, or CHICAGO.
The department name should always be entered in uppercase. If the user enters a value in lowercase, display a message.
The salary of an employee with the MANAGER job role should be between 800 and 1000. Display an error message if the value is not in this range.
The employee name should always start with an uppercase letter and should end with any character other than special characters such as :, ;, and _.
After creating all the validations, check the code and tags generated in the entity's XML file for each of the aforementioned validations.