With a few lines of code, we can make this text scroll in the horizon, just as it does in the movie. Add the following C# script class, called ScrollZ, as a component of the Text-crawler GameObject:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ScrollZ : MonoBehaviour
// variable letting us change how fast we'll move text into the 'distance'
public float scrollSpeed = 20;
void Update ()
// get current position of parent GameObject
Vector3 pos = transform.position;
// get vector pointing into the distance
Vector3 localVectorUp = transform.TransformDirection(0,1,0);
// move the text object into the distance to give our 3D scrolling effect
pos += localVectorUp * scrollSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
transform.position = pos;
In each frame, via the Update() method, the position of the 3D text object is moved in the direction of this GameObject's local up direction...