A popular use of Cinemachine is in conjunction with Timeline for creating cutscenes and game trailers. The following resources will be useful when you are developing your elements:
- Unity Timeline documentation: https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.timeline@1.5/manual/tl_about.html
- Uriel Carrillo's Unity Cinemachine and Timeline tutorial: https://medium.com/@carrillouriel/unity-cinemachine-timeline-tutorial-348576861a8e
- CG Auro's CutScene in Unity 3D video can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6lc8svzBms. This works well with the Importing third-party 3D models and animations from Mixamo recipe of Chapter 7, Characters, GameKits, and Starter Assests.