Let's enhance the scene a little more by creating a long shadow effect:
- Change Rotation of Directional Light in the scene to (10, 20, 40).
- Add a new Spot Light to the scene (Create | Light | Spot Light) and set its Position to (0, 0, -2), its Range to 5, its Spot Angle to 50, and its Intensity to 10:
Figure 5.7 – Spot Light settings to add atmosphere to our signpost scene
Make our signpost and pole look like they're made of wood. You can download a free wood texture from the following web page (thanks to Free Stock Textures for sharing this image for free): https://freestocktextures.com/texture/wood-plank-weathered,310.html.
- Download the wood texture image file and import it into your Unity project.
- Then, drag the image asset file from the Project window onto the Cube-signpost GameObject in the Hierarchy window. You'll see a wood effect on the signpost...