Creating a list of static items
views are like scroll views in that they are used to display a collection of items. However, List
views are better for dealing with larger datasets because they do not load the entirety of the datasets in memory.
In this recipe, we will create an app the uses static lists to display sample weather data for various cities.
Getting ready
Let's start by creating a new SwiftUI app called StaticList
How to do it…
We'll create a struct
to hold weather information and an array of several cities' weather data. We'll then use a List
view to display all the content. The steps are as follows:
- Open the
file and add theWeatherInfo
struct right above theContentView
struct:struct WeatherInfo: Identifiable { var id = UUID() var image: String var temp: Int var city: String }
- Add the
property to theContentView
contains an array ofWeatherInfo
items:let weatherData: [WeatherInfo] = [ WeatherInfo(image: "snow", temp: 5, city:"New York"), WeatherInfo(image: "cloud", temp:5, city:"Kansas City"), WeatherInfo(image: "sun.max", temp: 80, city:"San Francisco"), WeatherInfo(image: "snow", temp: 5, city:"Chicago"), WeatherInfo(image: "cloud.rain", temp: 49, city:"Washington DC"), WeatherInfo(image: "cloud.heavyrain", temp: 60, city:"Seattle"), WeatherInfo(image: "sun.min", temp: 75, city:"Baltimore"), WeatherInfo(image: "sun.dust", temp: 65, city:"Austin"), WeatherInfo(image: "sunset", temp: 78, city:"Houston"), WeatherInfo(image: "moon", temp: 80, city:"Boston"), WeatherInfo(image: "", temp: 45, city:"denver"), WeatherInfo(image: "cloud.snow", temp: 8, city:"Philadelphia"), WeatherInfo(image: "cloud.hail", temp: 5, city:"Memphis"), WeatherInfo(image: "cloud.sleet", temp:5, city:"Nashville"), WeatherInfo(image: "sun.max", temp: 80, city:"San Francisco"), WeatherInfo(image: "cloud.sun", temp: 5, city:"Atlanta"), WeatherInfo(image: "wind", temp: 88, city:"Las Vegas"), WeatherInfo(image: "cloud.rain", temp: 60, city:"Phoenix"), ]
- Add the
view to theContentView
body and use theForEach
structure to iterate over ourweatherData
collection. Add some font and padding modifiers to improve the styling too:List { ForEach(self.weatherData){ weather in HStack { Image(systemName: weather.image) .frame(width: 50, alignment: .leading) Text("\(weather.temp)°F") .frame(width: 80, alignment: .leading) Text( } .font(.system(size: 25)) .padding() } }
The resulting preview should look as follows:

Figure 2.2 – Implementing static lists
How it works…
First, we created the WeatherInfo
struct, which contains properties we'd like to use, such as images, temperature (temperate
), and city
. Notice that the WeatherInfo
struct implements the Identifiable
protocol. Making the struct conform to the Identifiable
protocol allows us to use the data in a ForEach
structure without specifying an id
parameter. To conform to the Identifiable
protocol, we added a unique property to our struct called id
, a property whose value is generated by the UUID()
The basic form of a static list is composed of a List
view and some other views, as shown here:
List { Text("Element one") Text("Element two") }
In this recipe, we went a step further and used the ForEach
struct to iterate through an array of identifiable elements stored in the weatherData
variable. We wanted to display the data in each list item horizontally, so we displayed the contents in an HStack
. Our image, temperature, and city are displayed using image and text views.
The weather image names are SF Symbol variants, so using them with an Image
view systemName
parameter displays the corresponding SF Symbol. You can read more about SF Symbols in Chapter 1, Using the Basic SwiftUI Views and Controls.