If you have not completed Chapter 2, Developing a Retirement Calculator, then you can check out the retirement calculator project at GitHub. If you are not already familiar with Git, I would advise that you read the documents at https://guides.github.com/introduction/git-handbook/ first.
To begin the setup, go through the following steps:
- Create an account at https://github.com/ if you do not have one already.
- Go to the retirement calculator project at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Scala-Programming-Projects. Click on Fork in the top-right corner to fork the project into your account.
- Once the project is forked, click on Clone or download, and copy the URL into the clipboard.
- In IntelliJ, go to File | New | Project from Version Control | GitHub and make the following edits:
- Git repository URL: Paste the URL of your forked repository
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