The ART Backlog
The ART Backlog is a Kanban system that manages the work of the ART. Product Management is responsible for its management and maintenance. The ART Backlog contains bot Features and Enablers.
The ART Backlog differs from the Team Backlog in that the items span across the entire ART and are worked on during the Planning Interval (PI). Alternatively, compared to the Portfolio Backlog, the ART Backlog is more granular. The Portfolio Backlog often contains work for several Development Value Streams and spans multiple PIs.
While Product Management has the primary responsibility of managing the ART Backlog, key contributors and collaborators include the System Architect, Business Owners, and Product Owners.
The work in the ART Backlog should come from the Portfolio Epics and Portfolio Enablers. It is split into Features and Enablers that the ART will be able to deliver in a PI or less:

Figure 8.1 – Example flow from Portfolio Backlog...