Executing PI Planning
The PI Planning Event is typically 2 days long. Depending on whether you are in person or remote or have distributed teams across multiple time zones, you may want to span the event across a greater number of days for shorter durations each day.
Figure 10.1 depicts the standard PI Planning Event schedule. We will walk through each activity in detail.

Figure 10.1 – PI Planning Schedule (© Scaled Agile, Inc.)
There are several PI Planning schedule variations in Appendix B.
When preparing for PI Planning, be sure to use the SAFe® PI Planning Toolkit. It is a rich resource that can help ensure a successful PI Planning Event. The SAFe® PI Planning Toolkit is only available to SPCs and RTEs in good standing.
Let’s take a deeper dive into the various parts of the event.
Day 1 kick-off
Day 1 starts out with breakfast! One of the most important items at a face-to-face PI Planning Event is food. If...