ggplot2 is an incredibly popular graphics package in R. It can be installed on its own or comes as part of the Tidyverse set of packages.
Developed by Hadley Wickham and Winston Chang, ggplot2 implements the Grammar of Graphics, a pre-existing idea in statistical computing, for R. As we begin making plots with ggplot2, you may recognize the aesthetic of the plots, as ggplots are widely used in publications, data journalism, and blog posts.
When you're using ggplot2, both as you're learning how to use it and even when you're more seasoned, the official RStudio ggplot2 cheat sheet will be a resource you may want to keep close for your reference. It will not only remind you of the basics (and more advanced implementations) of how to use ggplot2, it gives suggestions for which plots to use when you have certain types of variables (for example, if you have one...