For the ones that already know faceting, there is no need to explain why they are important or what they do. For those not yet acknowledged, faceting is separating complex relations into more simple and visible ones. Think of it like the Christopher Columbus of data exploration, launching you to places (insights) you never wondered about.
A faceting grid splits a single bivariate relation into several ones displayed with respect to the interactions of some others categories. That's incredible because as the early chapters mentioned, the bivariate relations area much easier to understand. This way insights usually comes more frequently when complex problems are tackled with facets.
It's essential to outline that though facets help understand more complex relations, they aren't a device to deploy every single time. Still, if facets are required, ggplot2
supports it in a way that is very easy to understand and create those. Although by the end of 2017, there was no sight of ggvis...