Building an RShiny application
Our RShiny
application will have the following features,
- Load the
from theRecordLinkage
package and display to the user - Implement the weights algorithm and display the weight range as a histogram
- Allow the user to select the lower and upper thresholds of weights for classification
- Based on the user-selected threshold, do a record matching and display the duplicate entities discovered.
Let us see the code for the user interface:
ui <- fluidPage( navbarPage("Record Linkage", tabPanel("Load" , dataTableOutput("records") ), tabPanel("Weights Method" ,plotOutput("weightplot") ,sliderInput("lowerthreshold", "Weight Lower threshold:", min = 0.0, max = 1.0, value =0.2) ,sliderInput("upperthreshold", "Weight Upper threshold:", min = 0.0, max = 1.0, value =0.5) ,dataTableOutput("weights") ) ) )
There are two panels, one to show the RLdata500
and an other one to show the results of the...