Our GUI in amazing colors
In this recipe, we will extend our GUI written using PyGLet from the previous recipe, PyGLet transforms our GUI easier than PyOpenGL, by turning it into true 3D.
We will also add some fancy colors to it. This recipe is inspired by some sample code from the OpenGL SuperBible book series. It creates a very colorful cube, which we can turn around in a three-dimensional space using the keyboard up, down, left, and right buttons.
We have slightly improved the sample code by making the image turn when holding down one of the keys instead of having to press and release the key.
Getting ready
The previous recipe, PyGLet transforms our GUI easier than PyOpenGL, explains how to install PyGLet and gives you an introduction to this library. If you have not done so, it is probably a good idea to browse through that recipe.
In the online documentation, PyGLet is usually spelled in all lower-case. While this might be a Pythonic way, we capitalize the first letter of a class and...