Chapter 5. Web Mining, Databases, and Big Data
On the menu for this chapter are the following recipes:
- Simulating web browsing
- Scraping the Web
- Dealing with non-ASCII text and HTML entities
- Implementing association tables
- Setting up database migration scripts
- Adding a table column to an existing table
- Adding indices after table creation
- Setting up a test web server
- Implementing a star schema with fact and dimension tables
- Using HDFS
- Setting up Spark
- Clustering data with Spark
This chapter is light on math, but it is more focused on technical topics. Technology has a lot to offer for data analysts. Databases have been around for a while, but the relational databases that most people are familiar with can be traced back to the 1970s. Edgar Codd came up with a number of ideas that later led to the creation of the relational model and SQL. Relational databases have been a dominant technology since then. In the 1980s, object-oriented programming languages caused a paradigm shift and...