What you need for this book
The code examples in this book should work on most modern operating systems. For all chapters, Python > 3.5.0 and pip3 is required. You can download Python 3.5.x from https://www.python.org/downloads/. On this webpage, you can find installers for Windows and Mac OS X as well as source archives for Linux, Unix, and Mac OS X. You can find instructions for installing and using python for various operating systems on this webpage: https://docs.python.org/3/using/index.html. Most of the time, we need to run the following command with admin privileges to install various python libraries needed for the content of the book:
$ pip3 install <some library>
The following is a list of python libraries used for the examples:
- numpy
- scipy
- pandas
- matplotlib
- ipython
- jupyter
- notebook
- readline
- scikit-learn
- rpy2
- Quandl
- statsmodels
- feedparser
- beautifulsoup4
- lxml
- numexpr
- tables
- openpyxl
- xlsxwriter
- xlrd
- pony
- dataset
- pymongo
- redis
- python3-memcache
- cassandra-driver
- sqlalchemy
- nltk
- networkx
- theanets
- nose_parameterized
- pydot2
- deap
- JPype1
- gprof2dot
- line_profiler
- cython
- cytoolz
- joblib
- bottleneck
- jug
- mpi4py
Apart from python libraries we also need the following software:
- Redis server
- Cassandra
- Java 8
- Graphviz
- Octave
- R
- Boost
- gfortran
Usually, the latest version available should work for the above mentioned libraries and software.
Some of the software listed are used for a single example; therefore, please check first whether the example is relevant for you before installing the software.
To uninstall Python packages installed with pip, use the following command:
$ pip3 uninstall <some library>