A regular stoploss-market order is a type of order where a single order is placed at a specific price. Unlike the regular market order, this is not the market price. To place this order, a specific parameter called the trigger price is needed. This parameter should satisfy the following conditions:
- The trigger price should be above the market price for a BUY order.
- The trigger price should be below the market price for a SELL order.
If these conditions are not satisfied, the order may either get placed at the market price, essentially converting it into a regular market order, or may be rejected by the broker as an invalid order.
On placing a regular stoploss-market order, it goes through various intermediate states before finally reaching an end state (COMPLETE, CANCELLED, or REJECTED). A regular stoploss-market order could stay in the TRIGGER_PEDNING state for a while until favorable market conditions are achieved, before moving to the COMPLETE...