In the Power Automate portal,, you can view and monitor flows.
If you select a flow, you can see the flow runs and the status of each run. You can filter the runs to just see the failed runs. The following screenshot depicts a sample run history:
You can click on a flow run and see how the flow progressed and, if the flow failed, see the step at which the error was detected and the details of the error.
You can edit the flow from within the flow run, fix the error, and save. You can then re-run the flow by clicking on the Resubmit button.
If several flow runs failed, you can click on the test icon, then select each failed run and click on Test to re-run the flow. The following screenshot shows the list of previous flow runs from which you can select and test:
When you create a flow, you are the owner, and others cannot see and monitor flows. You need to share...