Downloading documents
In addition to viewing and editing documents in browsers or client apps, you can also download them for offline viewing. This recipe shows you how to do that.
Getting ready
You will need Read permissions or higher on the document that you'd like to download. Alternately, you will need to be at least a Site Visitor to download documents within a site.
How to do it...
To download a document, follow these steps:
- Browse to the library that contains the document which you would like to download and then select it by clicking the checkbox next to it.
- Click the Download option from the library menu:

When you select a document, the options that you see in the top menu bar are also available to you when you click the ellipses next to the document. In this case, for example, you can also click the ellipses to reveal the Download menu option.
That's it! You just downloaded a copy of the document for offline use.
How it works...
You can download any file...