Pattern scalability
The chained design pattern allows scalability in the y-axis, x-axis, and z-axis models, all of which are related to how many instances of a service are available for access through a proxy to redirect requests.
It is very common to use the proxy design pattern with the chained design pattern. This approach is adopted so that the proxy is responsible for indicating the microservice through which the chained pattern will begin the possible communication between microservices to compose a response.
Another common practice is that each microservice, using the chained design pattern, has its own server, such as Nginx. It is a slightly different approach than we have adopted so far, since we have an application server, and we manipulate the instances.
A common scalability model is shown in the following diagram, where, after identifying which microservice in the communication chain is slow, new instances of the identified microservice are created to improve performance. In the...