Getting help
PowerShell includes a built-in help system accessible using the Get-Help
command. Help content in PowerShell is often rich and detailed, frequently including multiple examples. Gaining confidence using the built-in help system is an important part of working with PowerShell. Script authors and PowerShell developers can easily write their own help content when working with functions, scripts, and script modules.
Updatable help
The concept of updatable help was added in Windows PowerShell 3. It allows users to obtain the most recent versions of their help documentation outside of PowerShell on a web service. Help content can be downloaded and installed using the Update-Help
command in PowerShell.
Which modules support updatable help?
The command below shows a list of modules that support updatable help:
Get-Module -ListAvailable | Where-Object HelpInfoURI
Help for the core components of PowerShell is not part of the PowerShell 7 installation package. Content must be downloaded before it can be viewed.
The first time Get-Help
runs, PowerShell prompts to update help.
Computers with no internet access or computers behind a restrictive proxy server may not be able to download help content directly. The Save-Help
command can be used in this scenario, which is discussed later in this section, to work around the problem.
If PowerShell is unable to download help, it can only show a small amount of information about a command; for example, without downloading help, the content for the Out-Null
command is minimal, as shown here:
PS> Get-Help Out-Null
Out-Null [-InputObject <psobject>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-Help cannot find the Help files for this cmdlet on this computer.
It is displaying only partial help.
-- To download and install Help files for the module that
includes this cmdlet, use Update-Help.
-- To view the Help topic for this cmdlet online, type:
"Get-Help Out-Null -Online" or go to
The help content in the preceding example is automatically generated by PowerShell. PowerShell inspects the command to determine which parameters are available.
Updatable help as a help
file can be viewed using the following command:
Get-Help about_Updatable_Help
Updateable help is not entirely free from issues. Internet resources change as content moves around over time, which may invalidate HelpInfoUri
, the URL stored within the module and used to retrieve help files. For example, help for the Dism
module was not available when this chapter was written.
The Get-Help command
When Get-Help
is used without parameters, it shows introductory help about the help system. This content is taken from the default help file (Get-Help default
); a snippet of this is as follows:
PS> Get-Help
PowerShell Help System
Displays help about PowerShell cmdlets and concepts.
PowerShell Help describes Windows PowerShell cmdlets, functions,
Help content can be long
The help content, in most cases, does not fit on a single screen. The help
command differs from Get-Help
in that it pauses (waiting for a key to be pressed) after each page; for example:
help default
The previous command is equivalent to running Get-Help
and piping it into the more
Get-Help default | more
Alternatively, Get-Help
can be asked to show a window:
Get-Help default -ShowWindow
The available help content may be listed using either of the following two commands:
Get-Help *
Get-Help -Category All
Help for a subject can be viewed as follows:
Get-Help -Name <Topic>
For example, help for the Get-Variable
command may be shown:
Get-Help Get-Variable
If a help document includes an online version link, it may be opened in a browser with the -Online
Get-Help Get-Command -Online
The URL used for online help can be viewed using Get-Command
Get-Command Get-Command | Select-Object HelpUri
The help content is broken down into several sections: name, synopsis, syntax, description, related links, and remarks.
Name simply includes the name of the command. Synopsis is a short description of the functionality provided by the command, often no more than one sentence. Description often provides much greater detail than synopsis. Related links and remarks are optional fields, which may include links to related content.
Syntax is covered in the following section in more detail as it is the most complex part of the help document. A good understanding of the syntax allows quick evaluation of how to use a command, often removing the need to do more than skim help content.
The syntax section lists each of the possible combinations of parameters a command accepts; each of these is known as a parameter set.
A command that has more than one parameter set is shown in this example for the Get-Process
Get-Process [[-Name] <System.String[]>] [-FileVersionInfo] [-Module] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-Process [-FileVersionInfo] -Id <System.Int32[]> [-Module] [<CommonParameters>]
The syntax elements written in square brackets are optional; for example, syntax help for Get-Process
shows that all its parameters are optional, as the following code shows:
Get-Process [[-Name] <System.String[]>] [-FileVersionInfo] [-Module] [<CommonParameters>]
As the Name
parameter is optional, Get-Process
may be run without any parameters. The command may also be run by specifying a value only and no parameter name. Alternatively, the parameter name can be included as well as the value.
Each of the following examples is a valid use of Get-Process
Get-Process pwsh
Get-Process -Name pwsh
Get-Command can show syntax
may be used to view the syntax for a command. For example, running the following command will show the same output as seen in the Syntax section of Get-Help
Get-Command Get-Variable -Syntax
The different parameter types and how they are used are explored later in this chapter.
The Examples section of help provides working examples of how a command may be used. Help often includes more than one example.
In some cases, a command is sufficiently complex that it requires a detailed example to accompany parameter descriptions; in others, the command is simple, and a good example may serve in lieu of reading the help documentation.
PowerShell users can update help
Help documentation for built-in commands is open source. If a cmdlet is missing helpful examples, they can be added.
A link to the PowerShell-Docs repository is available at the bottom of the online help page. It should send you to the en-US version of help:
Examples for a command can be requested by specifying the Examples
parameter for Get-Help
, as shown in the following example:
Get-Help Get-Process -Examples
The help information for most cmdlets usually includes several examples of their use, especially if the command has more than one parameter set.
Parameters in PowerShell are used to supply named arguments to PowerShell commands.
Help for specific parameters can be requested as follows:
Get-Help Get-Command -Parameter <ParameterName>
The Parameter
parameter allows for the quick retrieval of specific help for a single parameter; for example, help for the Path
parameter of the Import-Csv
command may be viewed:
PS> Get-Help Import-Csv -Parameter Path
-Path [<String[]>]
Specifies the path to the CSV file to import. You can also
pipe a path to `Import-Csv`.
Required? false
Position? 1
Default value None
Accept pipeline input? true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters? false
This avoids needing to scroll through a potentially large help file to see how to use just one parameter.
The preceding content describes the parameter, whether the parameter is mandatory (Required
), its position, default value, pipeline behavior, and support for wildcards.
Detailed and Full switches
The Detailed
switch parameter (a parameter that does not require an argument) asks Get-Help
to return the most help content.
The default sections returned by help are Name, Synopsis, Syntax, Description, Related Links, and Remarks.
When Detailed
is requested, Parameters and Examples are added. Related Links is excluded.
The Detailed
parameter is used as follows:
Get-Help Get-Process -Detailed
The Full
switch parameter includes all the default sections, as well as Parameters, Inputs, Outputs, Notes, and Examples.
The following code shows the sections detailing the input and output types for Get-Process
from the full help document; content before those sections has been removed from this example:
PS> Get-Help Get-Process -Full
... <content removed> ...
You can pipe a process object to Get-Process.
By default, this cmdlet returns a
System.Diagnostics.Process object.
If you use the FileVersionInfo parameter, this cmdlet
returns a FileVersionInfo object.
If you use the Module parameter, without the
FileVersionInfo parameter, this cmdlet returns a
ProcessModule object.
is typically used to describe the value types that can be piped to a command. Pipelines are introduced in Chapter 4, Working with Objects in PowerShell.
In addition to the extra sections, the Full
switch parameter includes metadata in the parameter section, the same parameter metadata seen when using Get-Help Get-Process -Parameter Name
Help content in PowerShell is extensive and a valuable resource to have on any system running PowerShell.
The Save-Help
command can be used with modules that support updatable help. It allows help content for installed modules to be saved to disk.
Help for a module can be downloaded using the following command. The destination folder must exist before running the command:
New-Item -Path C:\PSHelp -ItemType Directory
Save-Help -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management -DestinationPath C:\PSHelp
By default, Save-Help
attempts to download help content for the current UI culture; that is, the current user interface language. The Get-UICulture
command can be used to view the current culture, as the following example shows:
PS> Get-UICulture
LCID Name DisplayName
---- ---- -----------
2057 en-GB English (United Kingdom)
If help content is not available for that culture, Save-Help
will not do anything and will not raise an error. For UI cultures other than en-US
, the C:\PSHelp
folder will likely be empty.
can be instructed to download help in a specific language by using the UICulture
Save-Help -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management -DestinationPath C:\PSHelp -UICulture en-US
If help content is available, it is downloaded as shown in the C:\PSHelp
folder here:

Figure 1.5: Downloaded help content for en-US
By default, Save-Help
(and Update-Help
) will not download help content more often than once every 24 hours as a rate-limiting control. This can be seen using the Verbose
switch parameter:
PS> Save-Help -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management -DestinationPath C:\PSHelp -UICulture en-US -Verbose
VERBOSE: Help was not saved for the module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management, because the Save-Help command was run on this computer within the last 24 hours.
The Verbose
switch parameter is used to make any verbose messages the command author has included visible in the console.
If help content is available for other cultures, and that content is downloaded immediately after en-US
, then the Force
parameter must be added:
Save-Help -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management -DestinationPath C:\PSHelp -UICulture pl-PL -Force
However, as help content for the Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
module is only available in en-US
, the preceding command displays an error message describing which cultures help is available for.
Help content for all modules supporting updateable help can be saved as follows:
Save-Help -DestinationPath C:\PSHelp -UICulture en-US
Saved help content can be copied to another computer and imported using Update-Help
. This technique is useful for computers that do not have internet access as it means help content can be made available.
The Update-Help
command performs two tasks:
- Update help files on the local computer from the internet.
- Updates help files on the local computer from previously saved
To update help from the internet for all modules that support updateable help, run the Update-Help
cmdlet with no parameters:
The Update-Help
command includes a Scope
parameter, which may be used to make help content available without needing Administrative access:
Update-Help -Scope CurrentUser
When the Scope
parameter is set to CurrentUser
, help content is downloaded to and read from (by Get-Help
) $home\Documents\PowerShell\help
. This path may be affected by folder redirection of the Documents folders, such as with services like OneDrive.
The Scope
parameter is not available in Windows PowerShell and administrative rights are required to update help content.
For UI cultures other than en-US
, the UICulture
parameter may be required:
Update-Help -UICulture en-US
Like Save-Help
, Update-Help
will not download help for a module more than once every 24 hours by default. This can be overridden by using the Force
Update-Help -Name Microsoft.PowerShell.Management -Force -UICulture en-US
Help content that was saved using Save-Help
can be imported from a folder using the SourcePath
Update-Help -SourcePath C:\PSHelp
If the folder does not contain content for the current UI culture (shown with Get-UICulture
), an error message will be displayed:
PS> Update-Help -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management -SourcePath C:\PSHelp
Update-Help: Failed to update Help for the module(s) 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Management' with UI culture(s) {en-GB} : Unable to retrieve the HelpInfo XML file for UI culture en-GB. Make sure the HelpInfoUri property in the module manifest is valid or check your network connection and then try the command again..
The UICulture
parameter can be used again to update help content from the folder:
Update-Help -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management -SourcePath C:\PSHelp -UICulture en-US
Help content is not limited to help for specific commands. PowerShell includes many topical help documents.
About_* help files
documents describe features of the language or concepts that apply to more than one command. These items do not fit into help for individual commands.
The list of help files can be viewed by running Get-Help
with the category set to HelpFile
, as demonstrated in the following code:
Get-Help -Category HelpFile
Alternatively, wildcards can be used with the Name
parameter of Get-Help
Get-Help -Name About_*
These help files cover a huge variety of topics ranging from aliases to modules to WMI. A number of these are shown here. The list will vary, depending on the modules installed on the computer running the command:
Name Category Module Synopsis
---- -------- ------ --------
about_PSReadLine HelpFile
about_Configuration HelpFile The Configuratio...
about_Aliases HelpFile
about_Alias_Provider HelpFile
about_Arithmetic_Operators HelpFile
about_Arrays HelpFile
about_Assignment_Operators HelpFile
about_Automatic_Variables HelpFile
about_Break HelpFile
Using help content is an important part of working with PowerShell. Memorizing content is not necessary where instructions and reference material are easily accessible.
may lead to finding a command to help achieve a task; however, it is often quicker to search using Get-Command