Variational autoencoders
A variational autoencoder (VAE) is a generative model proposed by Kingma and Wellin (in their work Kingma D. P., Wellin M., Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes, arXiv:1312.6114 [stat.ML]) that partially resembles a standard autoencoder, but it has some fundamental internal differences. The goal, in fact, is not finding an encoded representation of a dataset, but determining the parameters of a generative process that is able to yield all possible outputs given an input data-generating process.
Let's take the example of a model based on a learnable parameter vector and a set of latent variables
that have a probability density function
. Our goal can, therefore, be defined as the research of the
parameters that maximize the likelihood of the marginalized distribution
(obtained through the integration of the joint probability

If this problem could be easily solved in closed form, a large set of samples drawn from the data-generating process...