To convert a vector to a raster format, QGIS provides the Rasterize tool. This tool converts a shapefile to a raster and applies the values in a specified attribute field to the cell values. To access the Rasterize tool, click on Rasterize (Vector to Raster) by navigating to Raster | Conversion.
The Rasterize tool, shown in the following screenshot, uses the Dallas_Land_Cover.shp sample file as input:
To convert a raster to a vector polygon, some of the available options available are as follows:
- Input layer: The input vector file to be converted. The tool supports multiple vector formats.
- Field to use for a burn-in value: The field name from the polygon to be burned into raster.
- Output raster size units: This tells the unit of raster size.
- Width/Horizontal resolution: This is the width...