This Data Plotly plugin allows you to draw JavaScript library D3 plots in QGIS and is a new addition to QGIS. You can use this plugin by installing the Data Plotly plugin from the Plugins menu in the menu bar. For this, we will use the shapefile BGD_adm3_data_re.shp. Now, to use this plugin, click Plugins | Data Plotly | DataPlotly. This opens a panel on the right-hand side. We will now make a box plot for the value2 field of this layer. To do so, select BGD_adm3_data_re for Layer and select value2 for Y Field. Note that there is also the Grouping Field option, which allows us to get multiple bar plots grouped by the field selected here. We can also change the color properties of this plot along with the transparency. This panel will look like this:
Now, click on Create Plot at the bottom right to get a box plot of the field...