Importing from a JSON source
To import a JSON datasource, we need to use APOC (see Chapter 5, Awesome Procedures on Cypher – APOC). Therefore, make sure that you have installed it.
We will use a JSON file that contains the list of the countries of the world. You can find it here in a human-readable form,, and in a computer-processable form at, which I saved in the import folder.
To use the local copy, set the following in your neo4j.conf
(and restart the server):
However, at this time, it's the full path that must be given as a parameter, so adapt the following examples to your system.
Try this query to get a view of the data:
WITH "file:////home/jerome/Tools/neo/neo4j-community-3.2.0/import/countries.json" AS url CALL apoc.load.json(url) YIELD value RETURN value.cca2, value.cca3,,, value...