In QGIS 3, we have the ability to view our data in 3D. To begin, add the Landcover.img raster and then add the SRTM_05_01.tif file that we used in Chapter 4, Creating Great Maps, and Chapter 5, Spatial Analysis, to the map. Now raster as well. Set Landcover as the top layer in the layer panel.
This should look like the following screenshot, with the default styling:

The landcover.img raster has a cell size of 1 km x 1 km, so any 3D results will be coarse because the underlying elevation data has a cell size of 30 m x 30 m. To enable a 3D window, click on View | New 3D Map View, as shown in the following screenshot:

You can dock this new view. I prefer to have it above the map window view, but set it up as best suits you and your screen. The 3D view has five buttons associated with it. They are...