Now you might be suddenly bogged with the question, why Python? According to Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2016 ranking Python ranked third after C and Java. As per's data of 2016, the Python job market search ranked fifth. Clearly, all the data points to the ever rising demand in the job market for Python. Its a cool language if you want to learn just for fun or if you want to build your career around Python, you will adore the language. At school level, many schools have started including Python programming for kids. With new technologies taking the market by surprise Python has been playing a dominant role. Whether it is cloud platform, mobile app development, BigData, IoT with Raspberry Pi, or the new Blockchain technology, Python is being seen as a niche language platform to develop and deliver a scalable and robust applications.
Some key features of the language are:
- Python programs can run on any platform, you can carry code created in Windows machine and run it on Mac or Linux
- Python has inbuilt large library with prebuilt and portable functionality, also known as the standard library
- Python is an expressive language
- Python is free and open source
- Python code is about one third of the size of equivalent C++ and Java code
- Python can be both dynamically and strongly typed--dynamically typed means it is a type of variable that is interpreted at runtime, which means, in Python, there is no need to define the type (int or float) of the variable