The static method doesn't take an instance or class as the first argument. They are just simple functions. But we include them in class because they have some logical connection with the class. Consider a situation in the program, when the pay of a person is less than 50000, then the incremented pay amount would be 1.30of pay amount , otherwise 1.20. To turn a regular method into a class method, we will use decorator (@staticmethod) at the top of the method.
Let's make the program:
class Leapx_org():
mul_num = 1.20
mul_num2 = 1.30
def __init__(self,first,last,pay):
self.f_name = first
self.l_name = last
self.pay_amt = pay
self.full_name = first+" "+last
def check_amt(amt):
if amt <50000:
return True
else :
return False
def incrementpay(self):
if self.check_amt...