Please answer the following questions to assess your learning progress:
- Explain in a few short sentences what the role of a Kubernetes master is.
- List the elements that need to be present on each Kubernetes (worker) node.
- Yes or No: We cannot run individual containers in a Kubernetes cluster.
- Explain the reason why containers of a pod can use localhost to communicate with each other.
- What is the purpose of the so-called pause container in a pod?
- Bob tells you: Our application consists of three Docker images: web, inventory, and db. Since we can run multiple containers in a Kubernetes pod, we are going to deploy all the services of our application in a single pod. List three to four reasons why this is a bad idea.
- Explain in your own words why we need Kubernetes ReplicaSets.
- Under which circumstances do we need Kubernetes deployments?
- List at least three types...