Tweeting from an Arduino board
In this recipe, we are going to learn how to use Temboo to tweet a message from your Arduino board. We are going to create an app on Twitter, and then see how to configure your Arduino board to send tweets from it.
Getting ready
The first step is to create a Twitter account if that's not done yet, and then log in with this account at
You will then be able to create a Twitter application:
What matters is to get the application API key and app secret:
You will also have to get the app access token and token secret:
How to do it...
Let's now see how to configure the Arduino board. You have two choices here: either do it from the Temboo interface, or simply grab the sketch from the GitHub repository of the project.
As Temboo does not officially support the MKR1000 board at the time of writing, I recommend getting the code from the GitHub repository of this book.
The Choreo we are going to use here is called statusesUpdate:

Let's now see how to...