By the end of this chapter, you should be familiar with controlling a Raspberry Pi-powered robot with Python code. We started off by simply getting the various components on the robot car to work using simple code. After we were satisfied that the robot car does indeed move using our Python commands, we encapsulated the code in classes in order to make it easier to work with. This resulted in the RobotDance class, that contained calls to classes, which, in turn, encapsulated the control code for our robot. This allowed us to use the RobotDance class as a black box, abstracting away control code, and allowing us to focus on the task of designing dance steps for T.A.R.A.S.
In Chapter 15, Connecting Sensory Inputs from the Robot Car to the Web, we will pull sensory information from T.A.R.A.S (the distance sensor values) and publish it to the web, before unleashing T.A.R.A...