Further reading
To learn more about the topics that were covered in this chapter, take a look at the following resources:
- RabbitMQ vs Kafka: Comparing Two Popular Message Brokers, by SPEC India: https://www.spec-india.com/blog/rabbitmq-vs-kafka
- Getting Started with EventStore: https://developers.eventstore.com/server/v21.6/docs/introduction/#getting-started
- Home | AMQP, by The AMQP Foundation: https://amqp.org
- MQTT: The Standard for IoT Messaging, by MQTT: https://mqtt.org
- Exactly Once Delivery, by Cloud Computing Patterns:
- At Least Once Delivery, by Cloud Computing Patterns: https://www.cloudcomputingpatterns.org/at_least_once_delivery/
- CloudEvents: A specification for describing event data in a common way: https://cloudevents.io/
- Apache Zookeeper, by The Apache Foundation: https://zookeeper.apache.org/
- Kafdrop, by Obsidian Dynamics: https://github.com/obsidiandynamics/kafdrop