The Qt Sensors API started with Qt Mobility, which itself grew from Qtopia, which was later renamed Qt Extended.
Qt Mobility was a collection of APIs useful for mobile and embedded devices. It was intended specifically for use in Nokia phones. Some of the Mobility API was integrated into Qt 4 and later into Qt 5.
Qt Sensors, on the other hand, was put into its own repository when Qt 5 split into modules. Qt Sensors started out targeting mobile phone platforms, but as computers, such as laptops and Raspberry Pis, gained sensors, the backends expanded. You can find backends for iOS, Android, WinRT, generic Linux, Sensorfw, as well as Texas Instrument's SensorTag. At my GitHub repository, you can find additional sensor backends for Raspberry Pi Sense HAT, and MATRIX Creator for Raspberry Pi.
Sensor Framework (SensorFW) is...