TXT format
One of the simplest and common formats for storing data is the TXT format; many IoT sensors log sensor readings with different timestamps in the simple .txt
file format. Python provides built-in functions for creating, reading, and writing into TXT files.
We can access TXT files in Python itself without using any module; the data, in this case, is of the string type, and you will need to transform it to other types to use it. Alternatively, we can use NumPy or pandas.
Using TXT files in Python
Python has built-in functions that read and write into TXT files. The complete functionality is provided using four sets of functions: open()
, read()
, write()
, and close()
. As the names suggest, they are used to open a file, read from a file, write into a file, and finally close it. If you are dealing with string data (text), this is the best choice. In this section, we will use Shakespeare
plays in TXT form; the file can be downloaded from the MIT site: https://ocw.mit.edu/ans7870/6/6.006...