Optics are abstractions to update immutable data structures elegantly. One form of optics is Lens (or lenses, depending on the library implementation). A Lens is a functional reference that can focus (hence the name) into a structure and read, write, or modify its target:
typealias GB = Int
data class Memory(val size: GB)
data class MotherBoard(val brand: String, val memory: Memory)
data class Laptop(val price: Double, val motherBoard: MotherBoard)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val laptopX8 = Laptop(500.0, MotherBoard("X", Memory(8)))
val laptopX16 = laptopX8.copy(
price = 780.0,
motherBoard = laptopX8.motherBoard.copy(
memory = laptopX8.motherBoard.memory.copy(
size = laptopX8.motherBoard.memory.size * 2
println("laptopX16 = $laptopX16")
To create a...