Chapter 8. Docker Orchestration and Hosting Platforms
In this chapter, we will cover the following recipes:
- Running applications with Docker Compose
- Setting up Cluster with Docker Swarm
- Setting up CoreOS for Docker orchestration
- Setting up a Project Atomic host
- Doing atomic update/rollback with Project Atomic
- Adding more storage for Docker in Project Atomic
- Setting up Cockpit for Project Atomic
- Setting up a Kubernetes cluster
- Scaling up and down in a Kubernetes cluster
- Setting up WordPress with a Kubernetes cluster
Running Docker on a single host may be good for the development environment, but the real value comes when we span multiple hosts. However, this is not an easy task. You have to orchestrate these containers. So, in this chapter, we'll cover some of the orchestration tools and hosting platforms.
Docker Inc. announced two such tools:
Docker Compose ( to create apps consisting of multiple containers and Docker Swarm (https://docs.docker...