Identity stores
As mentioned earlier, an identity store is an object that provides access to user's information. An identity store itself is an abstract concept, and there exists many different types of built-in implementations to this abstract concept. And, moreover, you can even define your own custom identity store objects.
In the following sections, we're going to take a closer look at the following types of identity stores:
- Database identity store
- LDAP identity store
- Custom identity store
Database identity store
As shown earlier, a database identity store is used to retrieve user information from a relation database. We've used @DatabaseIdentityStoreDefintion
in the first example of this chapter, and here we're going to explore more attributes to this annotation, as shown in this example:
@WebServlet("/home") @ServletSecurity(@HttpConstraint(rolesAllowed = "user")) @DatabaseIdentityStoreDefinition( dataSourceLookup = "jdbc/secDS", callerQuery = "select password from users...