Best practices and new features of Java 10
Java 10 is the latest and current version for Java. Like previous versions, this too brings in some interesting feature additions to the language. Some features we will be able to interact with directly when we code, but there are other improvements that work behind the scenes, such as improved garbage collection, which improves the overall experience of users. In this section, we will discuss some of the important features added by Java 10.
Local variable type inference
This is probably the biggest change in Java 10 that will impact the way you used to code. Java is always known as a strict type language. Well, it still is, but with Java 10 you have the liberty of using var
when declaring local variables instead of providing proper type.
Here is an example:
public static void main(String s[]) { var num = 10; var str = "This is a String"; var dbl = 10.01; var lst = new ArrayList<Integer>(); System.out.println("num:"+num); System.out...