A tensor is the fundamental building block of all DL toolkits. The name sounds cool and mystic, but the underlying idea is that a tensor is a multi-dimensional array. One single number is like a point, which is zero-dimensional, while a vector is one-dimensional like a line segment, and a matrix is a two-dimensional object. Three-dimensional number collections can be represented by a parallelepiped of numbers, but don't have a separate name in the same way as matrix. We can keep this term for collections of higher dimensions, which are named multi-dimensional matrices or tensors.
Creation of tensors
If you're familiar with the NumPy library (and you should be), then you already know that its central purpose is the handling of multi-dimensional arrays in a generic way. In NumPy, such arrays aren't called tensors, but, in fact, they are tensors. Tensors are used very widely in scientific computations...