Hardware and software requirements
The examples in this book were implemented and tested using Python version 3.6. I assume that you're already familiar with the language and common concepts such as virtual environments, so I won't cover in detail how to install the package and how to do this in an isolated way. The external libraries we'll use in this book are open source software, including the following:
- NumPy: This is a library for scientific computing and implementing matrix operations and common functions.
- OpenCV Python bindings: This is a computer vision library, which provides many functions for image processing.
- Gym: This is a RL framework developed and maintained by OpenAI with various environments that can be communicated with, in a unified way.
- PyTorch: This is a flexible and expressive Deep Learning (DL) library. A short essential crash course on it will be given in the next chapter.
- Ptanhttps://github.com/Shmuma/ptan): This is an open source extension to...